Урок английского языка в 5-м классе: "JUNGLE SCHOOL"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Образовательные цели

  • Отработать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме “Nice to Meet You”;
  • Закрепить в речи учащихся пройденный материал по темам “School Subjects”, “At School”;
  • Обеспечить практическое использование полученных знаний, развивать навыки и умения.

Воспитательные цели

  • Прививать интерес к английскому языку;
  • Приобщать учащихся к культуре англоязычных стран.

Оборудование урока

  • На доске – тема урока “Jungle School”, эмблемы и рисунки зверей, расписание на вторник; кроссворды, карточки “Домино”.


1. Приветствие.

Good afternoon, dear children and guests. Today we’ll play a game “At Jungle School” where domestic animals and wild animals are studying.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Will you introduce yourselves? (Дети рассказывают о себе, о своих увлечениях.)

3. Today is Wednesday. We have 7 lessons today. At our lessons we’ll see who is the cleverest, the strongest, the quickest in our Jungle School. If domestic animals win they’ll get a banana, if wild animals win they’ll get a bone.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

4. The first lesson is English. Tell me what objects there are at our classroom, school.

Дети по очереди называют предметы, кто последний - выигрывает.

5. Our second lesson is Maths. Can you do sums well? Who is the best mathematician at our school? (Учитель называет пример, ученик отвечает и, сказав свой пример, бросает мяч другому.)

6. Our third lesson is Science. Do you like to play domino? One pupil from a team is invited to make up a word. As for other pupils you should solve the crossword. (рис.1, рис. 2)





7. Our fourth lesson is Cooking; Are you hungry? Find the vegetables hidden here.


8. Let’s have our fifth lesson – Politeness.

Make up the dialogue how to make acquaintance politely.

Our lesson of politeness is going on. There are many animals in our jungle. Guess whom I’m speaking about.

-It has got fingers. It is brown. It eats fruits and nuts. It lives in Africa and Asia. It jumps on the trees.

-It can run very fast. It has got a very long neck. It eats leaves. It’s very big.

-It’s very big. It’s strong. It’s gray. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves.

-It looks like a horse. It lives in Africa. It eats grass. It has got black, and white stripes.

-It’s very dangerous. It eats animals. It’s orange. It’s a king of animals.

9. Are you tired?

Let’s have a break.

Let’s play “Three Little Monkeys”.

“Three Little Monkeys”.

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped a head.

Mamma called the doctor

And the doctor said:

“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed”.


There was a farmer had a dog.

And Bingo was his name


And Bingo was his name

10. Our last lesson is Sports. Our animals like sport very much.

- Английская игра “Egg-And-Spoon-Race”. (Дети не должны уронить яйцо из ложки, кто уронит, тот выбывает из игры.)

- “Перейти Болото”. (Дети должны перейти болото, наступая на дощечки.)

11. Подведение итогов урока.

Our lessons are over. Let’s count who won. Thank you!