Уроки английского языка в 5-м и 7-м классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

1. Title: "The Secrets of some English letters".

2. Topic: "The Secrets of some English vowels: a,e,i(y),o(u)".

3. Objectives: discussing and writing the rules of reading; reading of the English words with the vowels a,e,i(y),o(u).

4. Language: Classroom English: Open your books at page...

Turn your page... Spell the word... Do this exercise for homework.

5.Characters: Mr.Znaika

6. Visuals: ABC's chart; "Znaika's notebook"; a cassette recorder; the audiocassettes; a large, decorated telegram; a picture of Mr. Happy's smile.

I Beginning

1. Warming-up activity.

Task: Let's describe the happiest moments of our school life, completing the letters of the ABC.

1) Remember the English alphabet (Use of the ABC's chart);

2) Recite "A Poem" (Ex.20 p.24);

3) Sing the song about the alphabet (Playing the tape of the song Ex.9 p. 17);

4) Take the letter "A";

5) Take the letter "B".
For example: Answer all questions.
Be clear.
Create a good life.
Dream about what you might become.
Exercise frequently etc.

6) Finish the ABC's of school happiness at home.

2. Introduction of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we start reading some English words. (On the blackboard:)


Title: The Secrets of Some English Letters.

Topic: The Secrets of some English vowels: a.e.i(y).o(u).

Learner’s goals Activities for today;

— discussing and writing the rules — Meeting Znaika —of reading — Writing the rules of reading — reading some English words with Paragraphs 1,2,3,4 the vowels a,e,i(y),o(u). — Reading Ex.36 p.34

II. Follow – up

Activity 1:

Teacher: Meet Mr.Znaika. He has got a telegram for you. Meet Mr.Znaika and give him a round of applause.

Mr. Znaika: Hi, kids. Nice to meet you.

Class: Hi, Mr. Znaika. Nice to meet you, too.

Mr. Znaika: This is School Happygram from Mr. Happy. It says...

(The telegram is being shown):

Are you happy at school?

Best wishes.

Mr. Happy

Teacher: Let's ask Mr. Znaika about Mr. Happy.

Pupil 1: Where is he from?

Pupil 2: How old is he?

Pupil 3: What's his address?

Pupil 4: What's his phone number? etc.

Mr. Znaika answers the pupil's questions:

1. Mr. Happy is from Happyland.
2. He is young.
3. His address is 25, Happy Street.
4. It's 081-235-761

Teacher: This is his smile. (Demonstration of Mr. Happy's smile: a picture). Where are your smiles? Say: "Cheese".

Sing the song: "We are happy"(p.49).

Activity 2:

Teacher: Let's discuss and write the rule of reading.

(The children are writing it into Znaika's notebooks.)

The vowel in the open syllable is read as it is called in alphabet.

For example: take

Teacher: Let's discuss:

  1. How many vowels are there in the word?
  2. Class: Two.

  3. How many syllables are there in it?
  4. Class: Two.

  5. Which syllables are these?
  6. Class: ta - ke

  7. How are the letters of the syllable pronounced?
  8. Class:[t],[ei],[k]
    How is the 1-st syllable read?
    Class: [tei]

  9. How are the letters of the 2-nd syllable pronounced?
  10. Class: [k]

  11. How is the second syllable read?
  12. Class: [k]

  13. How is the whole word read?
  14. Class: [teik].

Teacher: Dear children, my congratulations! You've just read the 1-st English word. Please, open the textbook at page 17 exercise 1. Listen and repeat, please.

(Playing the tape of exercise 1). The children are reading the exercises of Paragraph 1 and then Ex.36, p.34 - "a" in the open syllable).

Teacher: Well, let's read until the first mistake is made.

Teacher: Test yourself: read the words in the box (p. 18)

Teacher: My dear friends, you've just finished to read the 1-st lesson -Paragraph 1. Would you like to read more?

Class: Yes!

Teacher: Please, open the book at page 19.

Let's discuss. For example: tree

It's a very interesting word. Two vowels together are read as the sound [i:]. Read the word, please.

Class: [tri:]

(The children are reading Ex.4 p. 19, then Ex.36 p.34 - "e" in the open syllable).

Teacher: Let's check: can everybody read the words correctly? Imagine that you are climbing a high mountain. Each lightly read word is one step towards the peak. The one who is mistaken, falls down. Get ready! Start! Sergey starts climbing. Mistake! Oh, Sergey, what a pity, you have fallen down.

(The children are reading one by one).

Teacher: My congratulations, we've finished the second lesson - Paragraph 2, page 19-21. Well, what shall we read next?

Class: Paragraph 3.

Teacher: OK. And now, children, will you explain how the words of Ex.8 p. 21 are read? For example, nine.

(The children explain that there are 2 vowels in the word, two syllables:

nine, The children are reading Paragraph 3 and then Ex.36 p.34 - "i" in the open syllable. If the children are not tired they go on reading Paragraph 4, page 22.

At home:


1) Read Ex. 16 p. 23
2) Write Ex. 18 p. 24

If by the next lesson everybody can read well, we'll start studying new rules.

Rounding - off

1. Summary of the lesson:

Teacher: Today we've learned how to read the English vowels a,e,i(y)o(u) in the open syllable.

2. Let's learn morning exercises:

Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Eyes and ears,
And mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

3. Brief reference ahead to the next lesson.

Teacher: At the next lesson we'll study the next rule of reading of the English vowels i, e, а, о in the closed syllable.

The lesson is over. Good-bye, my friends!


  1. Береговская Э.М. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе”, № 1, 1997г. стр. 45-49, Смоленск “Путь к чтению без принуждения”.
  2. “Malley A., Duffa” . Drama Technigues in languages”
  3. Е.А.Маслыко, П.К.Бабинская и др. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка. Справочное пособие. - М., 1999г.
  4. Е.И.Пассов. Основы методики обучения иностранным языкам. – М., 1977г.
  5. Фоломкина С.К. Принцип обучения чтению на иностранном языке. – М., 1984г.
  6. Л.А. Чернявская. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” № 3, 1986г., стр. 20, Брянск “Роль коммуникативных задач и учёт ситуаций общения при обучении чтению”.

Урок-зачет ""Hello, America!"

1. Тема урока (The Topics) :

Географическое положение Америки, географическое положение штата Джорджия, достопримечательности Атланты - столицы штата Джорджия, известные люди Атланты.

2. Задачи урока: (Learners' goals) :

Обобщить знания учащихся по теме "Америка", активизировать работу учащихся на уроке и дома; вызвать интерес у учащихся к дальнейшему изучению английского языка и иноязычной культуры, развивать навыки иноязычной речи.

3. Отбор языкового материала (Language forms) :

is located = is situated
a highly developed country
welcome to Atlanta
it is famous for
to be interested in
people from all over the world
he wanted people to march together
the world's best known
the news all over the world

4. Оформление урока (Objectives) :

Заранее нарисованный ребятами красочный журнал, каждая страница которого рассказывает об Америке на английском языке; художественная книга Маргарэт Митчел "Унесенные ветром" (“Gone with the Wind”), авиабилет американской авиакомпании Delta Air Lines.

5. Аудиовизуальные средства (Classroom Management) :

Аудиокассета с записью текста об Атланте, видеокассета с записью новостей CNN, видеокассета с художественным фильмом на английском языке "Унесенные ветром" (“Gone with the Wind”) продюсcер Дэвид О. Зелцник.

?. Начало урока (Beginning)

1. Приветствие (Greeting): Hello, students! How are you, Ann?

Let ' s begin our lesson .

2. Мотивирующее коммуникативное задание (КЗ) (a warming-up activity) :

Dear boys and girls, I've got great news! Three students of your group are going to America. They are Ann Anitskaya, Natasha Drabenya and Mike Kolpak. Ask them some questions about the USA. Who will ask the most interesting question about the USA?

?. Представление урока (Introduction of the lesson):

т.е. ознакомление учащихся с названием урока, его тематикой, задачами, которые им предстоит выполнить.

На школьной доске:

Title: "Hello, America!"

Topics: "America, State Georgia, Atlanta".

Learners' goal: talking everything you know about the USA 2. Activities for today:

1. Reading the text.
2. Listening to the story "Atlanta, Georgia".
3. Excursion.
4. Quiz.
5. Problem task.
6. Singing the song.

Teacher : All right, class, let's get down to work. Today we shall talk about the United States of America. The title of our lesson is "Hello , America ! " The topics are "America. State Georgia, Atlanta." You will read the text about America , listen to the story "Atlanta , Georgia . " ; then you ' 11 take part in an excursion : "Atlanta is the capital of Georgia"; after that there will be a quiz "What do you know about the USA?"; then you'll solve the problem task "What language do the Americans speak?" and at the end of the lesson you'll sing a song.

III. Основной этап урока ("Follow-up"), на котором решаются поставленные задачи:

Activity 1.

Teacher: First of all we'll read the text about the USA. I want you to open the books at page 17 "Reader". Please, read one by one. Then answer the questions in your "Lesson Guide". Who will tell us some words about the USA? (using the map of America).

Activity 2.

Teacher: Open the book at p. 85-86 ("Happy English -2" by T.Klementieva and Jill Shannon). Listen to the story "Atlanta, Georgia, (using the audio cassette)

Activity 3.

Teacher: Imagine that you were in Atlanta last summer. Tell us everything you know about Georgia:

a) the geographical position of the state Georgia;
b) Atlanta is the capital of Georgia;

1) general information; (using the magazine "Hello, America!")
2) Sci Treck museum is Atlanta's place of interest;
3) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was from Atlanta;
4) Atlanta is the hometown of some American companies such as Coca Cola, Delta Air Lines and CNN. (using the videocassette CNN, showing the air ticket of Delta Air Lines)
5) Who is Willie В.?
6) "Gone with the wind" museum in Atlanta, (using the videocassette "Gone with the wind")

Activity 4: Quiz "What do you know about the USA?"

Teacher: Who knows more about the USA? The winner will get a prize.

Activity 5: Problem task "What language do the Americans speak?"

Teacher: You know some differences between the English of Great Britain and of the USA. What are the British English equivalents of the underlined words or word combinations?

1. We are going to move to a new apartment.
2. My child likes candy.
3. There is an elevator in the house.
4. Fall has come.
5. We live on the first floor.
6. He has invited me to the movies.
7. Is there a subway in your town?
8. I spent my vacation at the seaside.
9. I work Monday through Friday.

IV. Заключение (Rounding-off):

Teacher: Let's sing a song "America, the Beautiful" - page 56-57 "Happy English - 2"

2. Итог урока (Summary of the lesson):

Teacher: Boys and girls, you've got Control Cards. Tick the following columns in them. You get 1 point for each well-done task. If you have 3 points you will get a "4". If you have 4-7 points you will get a "5". Let's start working. Give me your Control Cards and I'11 put your marks in the register. No home task. The lesson is over. Good-bye. Thank you for the lesson. Good luck to you.


1.The Big Book of America by Roger Hicks, Philadelphia, 1994
2.Павлоцкий В.М. “Знакомимся с Америкой. Книга для чтения по страноведению в 8-10 классах гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка” Санкт-Пeтербург, 1997 г.
3.ИЯШ №3, 1998 г.