Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "The worild of ballads"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

К 8 – 9 классам у ребят снижается интерес к изучению иностранных языков, так как элемент новизны исчез, появилось осознание того, что изучение иностранных языков – это не только интересное, но и трудное дело. С другой стороны, у некоторых учащихся появляется осознанное стремление к углубленному изучению языка. В этой связи значительное место занимает внеклассная работа. Она способствует развитию и поддержанию интереса учащихся к иностранному языку, повышению уровня их практических навыков говорения, расширению кругозора. Я предлагаю сценарий внеклассного мероприятия. Литературно – музыкальная гостиная “Мир баллады” проводилась с учащимися 8 – 9 классов, изучающими английский и немецкий языки, после изучения тем “Reading..? Why not?”, “Let the music begin” (Кузовлев В.П.), “Великие люди Германии”, “Литература Германии”.

Цель: развитие у учащихся эстетического восприятия мира, умения ценить прекрасное в музыке, литературе, искусстве, умения ощущать себя неотъемлемой частицей окружающего мира.

Задачи: расширить знания учащихся о литературных жанрах, о литературе Великобритании и Германии; активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.

Оборудование: портреты писателей и композиторов, иллюстрации к балладам, плакаты, выставка книг, проектор, компьютер, музыкальные записи: Шуберт “Лесной царь”, Глинка “Ночной смотр”, сочинения Ф.Шопена.

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Dear guests! We are very glad to see you here. Today we are going to talk about music and literature. As you know these two things play a very important part in man’s life. It is so because music and literature make our feelings more complicated and our life more colourful and full of impressions. Our meeting is devoted to one of the literary genres. I think that you have read the poem by M. Lermontov.

(Звучит приглушенная музыка и ученик читает отрывок из баллады М.Ю. Лермонтова “Воздушный корабль”)

По синим волнам океана,
Лишь звезды блеснут в небесах,
Корабль одинокий несется,
Несется на всех парусах.
Не гнутся высокие мачты,
На них флюгера не шумят,
И молча в открытые люки
Чугунные пушки глядят.
Не слышно на нем капитана,
Не видно матросов на нем;
Но скалы и тайные мели,
И бури ему нипочем.

It tells the story about the ship, which lands the desert island. The emperor appears from the grave and goes to France. This poem is called “The air ship”. This is a ballad. So, the title of our meeting is “The world of ballads”.

Pupil 1: The world of ballads is wonderful and mysterious. Be ready to see terrible pictures of the Middle Ages, mysteries of old castles and court intrigues. But if you like stories about mysterious events, fatal love, which overcomes death, about dreadful fates of fearless heroes, secret world of spirits and werewolves, if you are able to value noble feelings, female loyalty and daring word, which is addressed to powerful enemy, you are sure to find our meeting exciting and interesting, and you will understand that ballads are undying.

Pupil 2: So, welcome to the world of ballads. What is a ballad? (ученик задает вопрос зрителям и выслушивает их ответы). As you see it is rather difficult to answer this question. Today we are going to get over time and distance in order to find ourselves in a unique world of ballads. We are going to open some pages of history and try to find the answer to the question why ballads are so much loved by people. To begin with I’d like you to listen to some brief information.

The word “баллада”goes back to Italian word “ballata”, which comes from Latin verb “ballare”. The meaning of the word is “to dance”. Originally it meant a simple song for dancing. Then it was a small lyric poem. Later the meaning of the word has changed. Now when we speak about ballads we mean a lyrico – epic story, which is written in strophes. We should find the sources of ballads in Italian dancing songs. Actually such short lyric stories were named ballads only in the XVIII century. Before this time they were named songs (rymes) in England and Leider in Germany.

Pupil 3: Ballads can be folk or anonymous. Sometimes a famous poet writes them. The English thought that authors of ballads were unknown professional bards. Thanks to them ballads became usual for people’s daily life. The German, on the contrary, considered ballads to be created by common people. We think that both the English and the German are right. A ballad is a genuine tramp, which is wandering from one country to another. It’s worth saying that creators of ballads were minstrels or bards. They traveled in different countries, met different people and were eye – witnesses of different events. They wrote poems about everything they saw. When they came to any town they presented their songs at market squares or in castles. They accompanied themselves on mandoline or lute.

So, the Middle Ages…

(Рыночная площадь. Дети изображают торговцев, дам, рыцарей. Выходят бродячие музыканты и начинают исполнение баллады. Звучит аккомпанемент.)

“Two Rivers”

Says Tweed to Till:
“What makes you run so still?”
Says Till to Tweed:
“Though you run with speed,
And I run slow,
For one man that you drown
I drown two”.

“The Ghost’s Lament”

Woe’s me, woe’s me,
The acorn’s not yet
Fallen from the tree,
That’s to grow the oak,
That’s to rock the bairn,
That’s to grow a man
That’s to lay me.

Pupil 3: Fair ladies and brave knights were fond of ballads too. They invited minstrels to their castles and during long winter evenings they listened to their beautiful poems.

(Рыцарский замок. Девушки сидят у камина за вышиванием. Одна из них рассказывает балладу “Clootie”, другая – “Балладу о загадках”)

Pupil 1: Mysterious and even sensational events are the basis of ballads. Love should be tragic and death – uncommon. b feelings, love, hatred and anguish, which are mentioned in ballads, find eternal life in it. Even when the plot of a ballad is based on real events, it changes in ballads and assumes special features of fairy – tales or legends. Exactly the same we can say about a scene of action. Even it is named in a ballad, it looses its concrete meaning and it carries away to the eternal and vague country – the country of ballads. We can meet mermaids and ghosts of knights, wandering after their death in this beautiful country. It is worth saying that ballads are not rough and unceremonious. It was noticed in the XVIII century that people in different countries sang ballads with the same plot. The ballads told about different historical events, people’s life, knights’ deeds, forays and brave sailors, who met beautiful mermaids on their way home. For example, let’s listen to the ballad “Sir Patrick Spens”.

(Ученик рассказывает отрывок из баллады “Sir Patrick Spens”. На экране появляются иллюстрации к балладе. Звучит приглушенная музыка.)

There is a ballad with nearly the same plot in Germany. Now let’s listen to this ballad, about the place, which is connected with it and about a great German poet who wrote a poetic version of this ballad.

(Ученик, изучающий немецкий язык, рассказывает о легенде “Лорелея”, о скале на реке Рейн и о Генрихе Гейне. Рассказ сопровождается показом иллюстраций.)

Der grosse deutsche Dichter Heinrich Heine wurde am 13. Dezember 1797 in Dьsseldorf am Rhein geboren. Sein Vater war Kaufmann. Als Heinrich Heine das Gymnasium beendet hatte, schickte man ihn nach Hamburg zum reichen Onkel. Aber der junge Heinrich interessierte sich fьr Literatur, Kunst und Politik. Heinrich Heine ging als Student der Rechtswissenschaften nach Bonn und spatter nach Gцttingen und Berlin. Er studierte aber lieber Geschichte, Philosophie und Philologie.

1821 erschien seine erste Gedichte.

1825 beendet Heinrich Heine sein Studium als “Doktor der Rechte”.

Nach dem Erscheinen des “Buches der Lieder” wurde Heinrich Heine schnell berьhmt.

Er reiste damals viel, er war in Italien und an der Nordsee. Seine Lyrik und seine Prosawerke, besonders die “Reisebilder” hatten einen grossen Erfolg.

1831 verliess er Deutschland und fuhr nach Paris. Hier lebte er bis zu seinem Tode. Die letzten Jahre seines Lebens war Heine schwer krank. Er starb am 27. (16.) Februar 1856.

Den “romantischen” Rhein so nennt man den Rhein zwischen den Stдdten Bingen und Bonn. Jeder Fels hat hier seine Sage, jades Schloss seine Geschichte und jeder Berggipfel seine Legende. Bald kurz nach Bingen befindet sich eine Insel. Auf dieser Insel stent ein alter Turm, der soggenannte Mдnseturm. Dieser Name ist mit einer Sage verbunden. Nach einigen Biegungen des Rheins erhebt sich eine Felsenwand von etwa 150 Meter Hцhe. Das ist der Loreleifelsen. Dieser Name ist auch mit einer Legende verbunden. Die Volksage von der Lorelei interessierte viele deutsche Dichter. So schrieb der berьhmte deuschte Dichter Heinrich Heine ein Gedicht ьber die schцne Jungfrau. Es gehцrt zu den besten Werken der deutschen Lyrik. Die Sprache dieses Gedichtes ist sehr melodisch. Friedrich Silcher komponierte Musik zu Heines Gedicht. Als Lied ist das Werk in aller Welt sehr bekannt.

(Дети поют песню “Lorelei”, затем читают перевод этого стихотворения)

Pupil 2: We do not know for sure what would happen with the folk ballad if educated people of the XVIII century did not pay their attention to this genre. An English bishop Thomas Percy published a great collection of ballads and folk songs in 1765 –1794. This book was very popular among the readers. He had many followers. A great writer Walter Scott was among them. He published three volumes of folk ballads under the title “Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border”(“Песни шотландской границы”). The third volume contained Walter Scott’s own ballads, which were written like folk ones.

(Инсценировка баллады Вальтера Скотта “Клятва Мойны”)

Pupil 2: In Germany Johann Gottfried Gerder, the author of a famous ballad “Дочь лесного царя”, published a folk anthology “Peoples’ voices in songs” (“Голоса народов в песнях”) in 1778 – 1779. This book contained German folk ballads. However, a German poet Gottfried August Burger is considered to be the founder of a ballad as literary genre. When he was 26 he wrote the ballad “Lenore”. It happened in 1773.

(Ученики рассказывают о поэте, о балладе “Ленора” и читают отрывок из этой баллады)

Pupil 3: Gottfried August Burger was born on the 31st of December 1747 in Germany. He studied theology in Halle (from 1764) and law in Gettingen University (from 1768). He had been working as an official in district administration for 12 years. In 1784 he became an assistant professor in Gettingen University and gave lectures on aesthetics. His last years were not easy. He had some problems with his third marriage, poverty. He was ill and suffered from sharp critical attacks from F.Shiller on his creative works. Burger is famous for his ballads. “Lenore” is the most famous among them. Walter Scott translated it into English and the Russian translation of this wonderful ballad was made by V.A.Zhukovski (1831). “Lenore” was very popular in Europe. His other ballads “ Das Lied vom braven Manne” (“Песнь о храбреце”, 1777), “Des Pfarrers Tochter von Taubenhain”( “Дочь пастора из Таубенхайна”, 1781) were also very popular. His lyrics were praised by literary critics, though his poems were not as popular as his ballads. He died on the 8th of June 1794 in Gettingen.

Pupil 3: As it was mentioned above in the XVIII century ballads appeared in a professional art as a literary genre. Many poets from different countries wrote ballads. Now we are going to tell you about some famous writers. We would like you to listen to some of his ballads.

(Ученики рассказывают о поэтах-романтиках, читают стихи Гете “Фульский король”, Роберта Бернса “Маленькая баллада”, Шиллера “Перчатка”, Стивенсона “Вересковый мед”. Звучит музыка.)

Pupil 4: Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749 – 1832). His early poetry was influenced by classicism and rococo. He was the founder of the literary trend, which was called “Storm and onset” (“Буря и натиск”). Goethe was interested in folk songs. He wrote original texts down and wrote his own poems, which in their turn became folk songs. For example his ballad “Фульский король” became Margaret’s song in his tragedy “Faust”.

Pupil 5: Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January 1759. He was born in Alloway, in Ayrshire, Scotland. He began writing when he was 14. His poems were published in 1786. He wrote about pride, honesty, courage and intellect, and of course, about love. He declared that a man is a man, he must be treated as s man, and have the freedom of a man. After his death his poems were translated into almost every language. In Russia six of his poems were translated for the first time by Mikhailov in 1856. Thanks to Marshak’s translations we have come to know and love Robert Burns. Marshak wrote that Burns “ Like M. Gorky, he did not finish any schools, but, according to his poems and evidence of his contemporaries, he was really educated person, he knew Latin poetry, read French poets, and he was a real connoisseur of English classical poetry, Scottish and English folklore”. (“Как и Горький, он не окончил ни одной школы, но, судя по его стихам и свидетельстве современников, он был по-настоящему образованным человеком, знал латинскую поэзию, читал французских поэтов, был настоящим знатоком английской классической поэзии, шотландского и английского фольклора”).

Pupil 6: Friedrich Schiller (1759 – 1805). When he was 20 he wrote his first drama. It was called “Robbers”(“Разбойники”, 1781). “Noble lawyer of mankind”, according to Belinsky’s words, Schiller both in his dramas “Perfidy and love”(“Коварство и любовь”, 1784), “Don Karlos”(“Дон Карлос”, 1787), and in poetry praised love of freedom, humanism and inspiration. He was a great friend of Goethe. There was a bright episode in their creative cooperation. It was so – called “ballad’s duel”. The competition began in 1797. This year got a name “ the year of ballads”. Schiller wrote six ballads, including “The bowl” (“Кубок”), “The glove”(“Перчатка”). Goethe let Schiller have the plot of “The bowl”, because he thought that it was more suitable for Schiller’s dramatic talent.

Pupil 3: The river of European ballads is divided into many trends. A new type of ballads appeared at this time. Now this type is known as “a heroic ballad”. In such ballads people’s deeds and uncompromising struggle against national enemy were praised. “Вересковый мед” by R.L.Stivenson is a bright example of such ballads.

Robert Louis Stevenson ( 1850 – 1894) is a poet and prose writer. He was a founder and theorist of neoromanticism. He is famous for his adventure novels. The most popular novel is “Treasure Island”. He is also known for his ballads and poems for children.

Pupil 1: Meanwhile ballads find music. Following the poets, composers began paying attention to ballads. Composers tried to transmit the development of ballad’s plot in music. When we listen to the musical ballad “Лесной царь” by Schubert, we hear the rhythm of furious galloping very clearly.

(Дети слушают музыкальную балладу Шуберта “Лесной царь”, на фоне музыки звучит баллада Гете “Лесной царь” в исполнении С.Юрского)

Pupil 2: As you see the world of ballads is many – sided and wonderful. Sorry to say we have not enough time to study this genre in details. Our meeting is coming to an end. We hope that our short excursion will help you to find answers to the questions what a ballad is and why it is popular at all times. Thank you very much for your attention. Good bye.