Экология. Окружающая среда

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Открытый урок – 9 класс

Учебник “Happy English – II”

Цели урока:

1) развивать у учащихся навыки разговорной речи в виде монологического высказывания по данной теме;

2) формировать грамматические навыки освоенного материала;

3) формировать ответственность за сохранение окружающей среды;

4) развивать интерес к изучению иностранных языков и оказывать поддержку в этом начинании.

Оснащение урока:

Подготовленные плакаты – проекты по определенной теме, магнитофон, музыка “It’s a small world” - песня, О. Афанасьева, VI, 2 цикл.

На доске написана тема: “Environment”

Motto (девиз): “If you don’t think of the future, you will have nothing”.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент:

Hello, boys and girls! Our lesson is devoted to the environment and ecological problems. We have read some texts about it and have learnt enough words. Please, look at the blackboard and try to read them.

II. Повторение основной лексики:

pollution ecology
environment nuclear weapons
poisoned water recycling
acid rain an ozone hole
industrial waste nature
endangered creatures wild world
radiation protect
ultraviolet the greenhouse effect

III. Работа с тематическим текстом

(используется тематический текст по учебнику Верещагиной, VI стр. 65 (текст “Air Pollution”)

Before reading, I’d like to know if you are good keepers of nature, can you protect it or not:

1. Do you like our nature?

2. Do you think our nature is in danger?

3. What do people do to protect nature?

4. What problems do they decide nowadays?

5. How do you protect nature and what do you do for it?

6. Would you like to join the World Green Peace organization if it were in our town?

Текст стр. Чтение. Ответы на вопросы по тексту.


Okay, children. You know that it is important to save our planet because it is very fragile and unique planet.

You have prepared some projects. They are connected with our topic and you suggest your decision of the problems.

But first of all, listen to the weather forecast for tomorrow. The weather depends on the ecology very much.

1) Well, Anton, tell us the weather forecast for tomorrow.

В зависимости от ситуации, ученик сообщает прогноз погоды своей местности.

It’s very important to know the weather forecast. And I’ll tell it for you:

- mainly sunny, the day temperature seven bellow zero. In the evening partly sunny continued mild. Good weather for walks. Thank you for attention.

2) There is Power Electric Station in our town. And Настя Карманова and Даша Смирнова Tell us about the air pollutions and energy, about goods and bads from this station:

Рисунок ТЭЦ-7 и девочки рассказывают о кислотном дожде, о сохранении энергии.

3) Our nature is very beautiful. Даша and Аня defend their project how to protect our forests: рисунок красивой природы.

Our place is rich in forests, which we callfhetaiga. But our beautiful trees are cut every day and night. So, plants bushes, flowers and wild nature are dying. Our nature is in danger.

Many wonderful spieces of wild world have been disappeared. We must stop cutting the trees. If we don’t think of the future, we will have nothing.

4) Now, boys, Витя and Алёша tell us about water problems: рисунок реки с мусором.

Save water! If the trees are the lungs of our planet, water is the blood of planet. Everything and everybody needs water and can’t live without it.

Don’t waste bodies of water with bottles, tins, paper, butts, oil and other things.

Where will you rest on a hot sunny day? Certainly, by the river or a lake. So, protect water by any means you can!

5) Let’s not forget about animals. So, boys, Яков and Егор go to defend animals:

FWW – is the Fond Wild Word. We protect birds and animals, because many of them are disappearing. We are against small cages and zoos where animal live. It’s unfair. We open Safari park.

Animals live here freely like they live in nature. Visitors can go through the Safari Park in cars and buses.


Don’t open the doors and windows of your cars and buses.

It’s dangerous.

6) Now, we listen about Green Peace. What is it and what do they do?

Рисунок эмблемы G.P.

- зеленый лист.

Do you know what the Green Peace organization do?

I hope, you do.

The volunteers of this organization work all over the world

What is its aim?

The aim of this work is to protect nature and to save the wild world.

Where can you seethe volunteers? Everywhere. When we watch TV, we see how they save ocean birds and animals from petrol. They clean sea water from petrol and oil, which tankers leave after disasters.

They are fighting with companies which throw nuclear waste into air, water, land.

If you love nature, join us!

7) Остащенко, Поликарпов will speak from the Globe, as if the Globe can speak and it calls to us: рисунок глобуса с повязкой на голове, уголки рта опущены, глобус призывает спасти его от гибели.

8) Карнаухова и Никифорова invite everybody to recycleng used products: рисунок, что можно получить после переработки отходов.

We are from recycling centre. Our address is Bratsk, Recycling Centre, 38, Gidrostroitel.

We warn you against wasting. Please, bring used products to our centre.

Every time we recycle, we save the energy, waste and pollution of our raw materials.

Look at the poster!

What can we get from used products?

As you see, many.

We get cans, foil, doors, glasses, jars, fires, boxes, toys, and other.


Don’t pollute our earth. It is a unique plant in our galaxy.

We hope, you will recycle and help the planet to be clean for future generation.


Well, pupils. You were great. It’s our duty to help the planet do survive.

Now, listen and sing the song. Звучит песня о мире (Звучит приложение №10. Афанасьева, VII)

Перевод песни.

VI. Итоги урока.

Our lesson is over. We hope everybody likes it and makes a decision to become a fighter for clean ecology in our town and helps the planet to survive.