Урок в 7-м классе по теме "Спорт"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: Систематизировать и обобщить знания по теме: “СПОРТ”.


  • активизировать рече-мыслительную деятельность учащихся,
  • закрепить лексический материал по теме “СПОРТ”,
  • развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи на уроке;
  • развивать навыки аудирования;
  • развивать навыки самостоятельной поисковой работы.

Тип урока: обобщающий


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Let’s speak about the topics of our latest lessons:

- Do you go in for sport?
- What sport do you go in for?
- What is your favourite sport? Why?
- What are your favourite sportsmen or women?

2. The aim of our lesson today is to summarize our knowledge about SPORT and now we’ll speak about the History of sport in Russia, about the Olympic games and about the Penettration of the Olympic ideas into Russia.

3. Now I want you to listen to the text “Favourite Sports and Games” and do the task of the Ex.44p.237.

4. Now you’ll see some pictures about the History of Sport in Russia and ask questions for more information. (Учащиеся показывают свою презентацию и делают пояснения, в конце отвечают на вопросы одноклассников.)

5. Now you’ll see some pictures about the History of the Olympic Games and your task is to comment them:

a) when it began
b) the events
c) a time-line of the Olympic Games
d) Baron Pierre de Coubertin e) Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

6. Test

1. When did the Olympic Games begin?

a) 553 B.C.
b) 776 B.C.
c) 676 A.D.
d) 393 A.D.

2. Who banned the Games?

a) Peter I
b) Catherine I
c) Theodosius I
d) Pavel

3. How many events were there in the very earliest Olympiad?

a) Only 3
b) Only 1
c) Only 4
d) Only 5

4. Who wrote a letter to every country describing the educational value of sport?

a) Baron Pierre de Coubertin
b) Theodosius I
c) The Romans
d) The Greeks

5. When did the first modern Olympic Games take place?

a) In 1894
b) In 1875
c) In 1896
d) In 1808

6. In what city were the first modern Olympic Games held?

a) In Athens
b) In Barselona
c) In Paris
d) In London

7. How many times were the Olympic Games interrupted?

a) 1
b) 4
c) 2
d) 3

8. When did Russia join the Olympic Games?

a) In 1898
b) In 1948
c) In 1952
d) In 1931

9. What country hosted the twenty-second modern Olympiad?

a) France
b) Russia
c) Greece
d) Italy

10. What are the Paralimpics Games?

a) Games for disabled athletes
b) Games for women
c) Games for children

7. The next task is to match the pictures with the names of sports and games in which they are used:(ex.3 p.218)

8. Now the pupils of your class are going to show us their new work “PENETRATION of OLYMPIC IDEAS into RUSSIA”. I want you to make notes in order to answer my questions and be ready to discuss this problem.

9.  Подведение итогов урока.

I think we have achieved our aims. We have summarized our knowledge on the topic “Sport”

Домашнее задание: You have to be ready to speak about the Olympic movement in Russia and about your favourite sport.

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