Изучение темы "Семья и семейные отношения" в 9–11-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Моя семья», совершенствовать ЗУН по теме в области устной речи, аудирования, письма, чтения.


  • Образовательные: развитие лексических навыков говорения.
  • Совершенствование умений чтения, аудирования, письма.
  • Активизация употребления изученного лексического и грамматического материала в речи и на письме.
  • Развивающие: развитие внимания, воображения, памяти.
  • Развитие способности к догадке, гибкости и логичности ума, коммуникативности, способности осуществлять репродуктивную и продуктивную речевую деятельность.
  • Расширение кругозора.
  • Гуманитарное и гуманистическое развитие личности ученика.
  • Формирование уважения к культуре других народов и культуре своей страны.
  • Формирование социокультурной компетенции в рамках диалога культур.
  • Воспитание духовно-нравственной личности с позиции «вечных ценностей».

Оснащение урока

  • Телевизор (Компьютер, магнитофон).
  • Интернет-ресурсы.
  • Портреты известных семей. (Приложение)
  • Опорные конспекты по теме.
  • Песни на тему семьи: Воу George, Pink, “Cranberry”.
  • Тексты о Елизавете 2.
  • Тексты о докторе Споке.
  • Афоризмы.
  • Рефераты-проекты детей.
  • Стихи Н.Попова «My Future Family”.


  • The Year of Family is the symbol of the most important social and personal moral value in the 21 century.
  • Parents, relatives.
  • Appearance.
  • Traits of character (merits, faults, views, habits, hobbies).
  • Occupations.
  • Relations.
  • My own views, opinions, values.


- meaning of life,
- gratitude,
- love, affection,
- force,
- harmony,
- confidence in the future,
- mutual understanding,
- emotional security,
- support,
- companionship,
- common interests, views, tastes, social experience,
- respect,
- mental, intellectual, cultural similarities,
- responsibility,
- fear, loneliness, arguments, lack of money, abandon children, grief…

“Man’s fate lies in his own heart.” (Galsworthy)
“Happy families are equally happy, miserable families are unhappy in their own way.” (L.Tolstoy)
“Like should marry like.”
“Men make houses, women make homes.”
“Man and his wife is one flesh.” (Shakespeare)
“Where love is, all is…”
“Every man is a king of his own life destination.”
“There is no place like home.”
“A woman can be happy in a tent if they love each other and miserable in a royal palace without love.”
“My home is my castle.”
“Live like you are in love!”

Ход урока

1. Beginning of the lesson T. Good morning, I’d like to congratulate you with the Year of Family. To me, it’s the most important phenomenon in people’s lives of all ages, of all folks.

2. Introduction of the lesson. Problem situation. Cue cards. T: Would you like to prove the statement: “Man’s fate lies in his own heart”? For that I’d like you to give examples of your own situations, episodes, events with the help of the cue cards and useful grammar.

3. To discuss the problem of your future family, a marital failure, children’s upbringing. I wonder why people ruin their lives. Will you discuss it?

4. Warm-up activities. Emotional phone of the lesson.T: Thus, in the focus of our lesson there is “A Family’. To prove this maxim I’d like you to listen to the song, and make-up a spider gram with the help of these word combinations and lexics.

5. Listening (Boy George “Happy Family”).

6. Understanding and discussion on the song. T: Who is the singer? What is this song about? What relations is this song about? What main moral values has a happy family got? I’d like you to make up a spider gram with the help of your well-known vocabulary. To the end of our lesson you will have completed this diagram (gratitude, love, affection, harmony).

7. Follow-up activities. Activity 1.

Let’s work with the verses. “My future family’. The aim is to revise the useful lexics on the topic. What items of a lasting marriage do you consider? Name the main values of a life-long union.

8. “My future family”.

9. Activity 2.

Answer my questions on these verses: -What should you do if you want to be a worthy member of society?

- Characterize the social situation of the Year of Family. List the reasons of a marital failure.

- What about romance?

- Is it related to reality?

- What is your attitude to the marriage for convenience?

- What moral values are congenial wedlocks based on? Mark on the board!

- Why do lasting marriages lead to authority and power of nations? Happy people- happy country!

- Do you set your hopes on your future children?

- Will be our Earth friendly and peaceful if all nations are happy in their personal lives? (Maxims). T: “Man’s fate lies in his own heart”.

10. Activity 3.

T: What names come to your mind when you hear the word combination “a happy family”? And now I’d like you to have a talk about the persons we greatly admire who enjoy wide popularity, mainly thanks to their long-life unions. Who are they? In other words, tell me, whom you love; I’ll tell you who you are. A pair of you! (The Putins, the Medvedevs, the Klichskos, the Boyarskiys, the Bushes, the Gorbachovs, the Abamas etc.)-What considerations are they guided by in their mutual life?

11. Activity 4.

Who is this person? (Portraits.) Now I want you to form 2 groups. The task for the first group: the following parts of the text about Elizabeth 2 are mixed up. Put them into the right order. The task for the second group: Fill in the gaps in the text with appropriate words.

Queen Elizabeth 2

1. Queen Elizabeth 2 was born in Windsor on 21 April 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth- Mary-Alexander Windsor. Her pet name is Lilibet.

2. Her parents are the duchess of York, Mary and the Duke of York later king George 6, Elizabeth educated at home. She was taught to read and write by her parents. She studied Latin, Geography, Economics, and Music. Elizabeth knew foreign languages, she spoke French well. Also she’s good at horse riding, dancing, and swimming. She took part in swimming competitions.

3. Little Elizabeth lived in Windsor and Buckingham Palace with her parents. Her first speech was made on the radio in 1940. During the war Elizabeth wanted to help the army. She grew vegetables and knitting socks for soldiers. Also she learned to drive.

4.In 1947 Elizabeth married Prince Philip. Their first son Prince Charles was born in 1948. Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952. The young queen was crowned in Westminster Abby on 2 July 1953.

5. In 1957 the Queen made her first Christmas speech to the nation. Now it is a tradition. Nowadays the Queen plays an important role in the country.

6. She has four children. They are Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward. She likes reading, taking pictures, watching horse races. The Queen travels a lot/ Elizabeth 2 has 5 official residences in Britain, among them Buckingham Palace and Windsor.

(6, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5)

1. Elizabeth 2 was born in Windsor on 21 April 1926. Her full … is Elizabeth- Mary-Alexander Windsor. Her pet name is Lilibet.

2. Her … are the duchess of York, Mary and the Duke of York later king George 6, Elizabeth educated at home. She was taught to read and write by her … .She studied Latin, Geography, Economics, and Music. Elizabeth knew foreign … , she spoke French well. Also she’s good at horse riding, dancing, and swimming. She took part in swimming competitions.

3. Little Elizabeth … in Windsor and Buckingham Palace with her parents. Her first speech was made on the radio in 1940. During the war Elizabeth wanted to help the army. She grew vegetables and knitting socks for soldiers. Also she learned to drive.

4. In 1947 Elizabeth … Prince Philip. Their first son Prince Charles was … in 1948. Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952. The young queen was crowned in Westminster Abby on 2 July 1953.

5. In 1957 the Queen … her first Christmas speech to the nation. Now it is a tradition. Nowadays the Queen plays an important … in the country.

6. She has four … . They are Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. She likes reading, taking pictures, watching horse races. The Queen travels a lot Elizabeth 2 has 5 official … in Britain, among them Buckingham Palace and Windsor.

T.: Thank you for your work. We learned a lot about the family of the Queen. What’s the reason of her marital success? (Respect, love, mutual understanding, social background, responsibility.)

12. Activity 4.

Children are our future. Let’s discuss this text about children’s upbringing. Prove, please, that it’s important to cuddle children while they are young.

If you want to help your children have a happy adult life, cuddle them while they are young.

A new study has found that having warm, loving parents in early childhood was important in determining whether, at the age of 45 people had satisfying marriages and close friends and enjoyed their work. Affection outweighed such factors as coming from a well-to-do or poor family, or having parents who were divorced or alcoholic.

“I’d agree that the most significant thing is parents’ warmth,” said Dr. Benjamin Spock, author of the best-seller “Baby and Child Care”. “I’ve always said so, and I’m glad it’s turned out to be scientifically true”.

In 1951, most experts thought the key ingredient in rearing a child was a firm parental hand and strong discipline. Dr. Carol Franz, a psychologist at Boston University who led the study, said, ‘In the 1950s, Dr. Spock’s advice to be more permissive and loving seemed shocking to many parents.

In 1951, psychologists studied nearly 400 kindergarteners near Boston. The children’s mothers were asked a detailed series of questions about how they and their husbands spent time with their children.

In the new study, in 1991, researchers could track down only 94 men and women from the original group of children.

Adults whose mothers and fathers were warm and affectionate were able to sustain long and relatively happy marriages, raise children, have close friends and like their work.

“Those with cold, rejecting parents had the hardest time in later life, in work, in social adjustment, and in psychological well-being,” Dr. Franz said.

Optimists (the first group).

According to the text, I agree…

Pessimists (the second group).

A child can’t be happy if his relatives are alcoholic or poor. Such sorts of children are doomed to poverty, unhappiness. I think, if relatives are poor or alcoholic they are aggressive, impatient, and callous to their children. They can’t be loving.

T.: Well, to sum it up, I’d like to say, that every man is a king of his own life destination. Like should marry like. For the sake of their future happiness and prosperity of their children. We are responsible for our children’s future.

13. Activity 5.

And now your projects about your own families. There are many family stories. To me, the best one is… Name the items of your family’s happiness. Does man’s fate lie in his own heart?

14. Round-off. Summary of the lesson.

T.: Let’s complete this statement: To make a marriage a success you need not only romantic attraction but… (Work in chain, using proverbs). “So many people, so many fates”… Is your family world large or small? It often depends on our heart, our spiritual outlook, responsibility: the more we give love, kindness, affection to the world, the larger the world is. Well, you have worked hard. Your marks are…

The lesson is over.

Pink “Happy family”.




To be a worthy member of society
They say you’d choose a matrimonial mate!
My country will be powerful and mighty,
If every adult climbs marital rate.
It’d be safer to say that moral values
Are changing. Is my Russia in decline?
Which reasons could result in a marital failure?
Careers, freedom, fear are problems of the time!
Painstaking businessmen prefer living alone,
Because of fickle life they must work tooth and nail.
Divorces, solitude and homes on their own
Fall to the lots of both- a male and a female.
Abandon children are the worst society’s vices.
Without parents’ love, affection, kisses, hugs
Unfortunate kids become exiles through moral crises.
They’re doomed to poverty, unhappiness and drugs.
Nuclear families won’t save a hard situation.
To the president we know, that lasting marriages
Lead to authority and power of nations,
Contribute to success and to marital bliss!
“My country - right or wrong!” I love it. I am proud.
Being a real patriot of my perspective land
I’ll make a brilliant match! I shouldn’t hang about.
Of course, it’ll be for me the most courageous act!
Who’ll be my future bride? It goes without saying,
That like should marry like and care killed the cat.
To marry a bank account, or title, social standing’s
For convenience! To my mind, it’s a repulsive trait!
And even in a tent a woman can be happy
If they adore each other, appreciate and love,
But miserable in a royal palace maybe
If her sweetheart puts strains on their mutual life.
She has a broken heart. They speak a different language
Not only of the tongue, but of the heart and soul.
Please, tell me whom you love to be a success of marriage,
I’ll tell you who you are- a pair of you. Just so!
A man must shield his wife from troubles, disappointments,
Indulge desires, whims, solve difficulties, needs.
Providing for a family’s one of the main accomplishments.
A man should prove his perfect love in honest words and deeds.
To me congenial wedlock needs not only love attraction
But mental similarities and common interests, views,
Emotional security and comradely affection,
Respect, compatibilities, companionship and truth.
Alas! Romantic love is not related to reality.
For me romance is not valid for a mate selection.
There are the greatest lovers, who enjoy wide popularity,
Romeo, Juliet, Grey, Assol attract people’s attention.
Passion is not sold, you see, affection is not bought.
Let’s value human inner lives! No judging by appearances!
But every person waits for love, strives for it, thinks a lot
About a pretty bonny lass, galloping handsome prince!
The Curies’, Pushkins’re guided by sacred, heartfelt voices.
They’re models of fidelity, companionship, affection.
A shortage of the right partner’s a problem of a choice.
“Man’s fate lies in his own heart!” I’m looking for perfection.”
Jolie, Bred Pitt’re celebrities, my grandmother, grandfather,
The president, his lifelong wife have feelings in the prime.
They found love; they are completely suited to each other,
And in the Year of Family they’re keeping pace with the time!
I wish my future better half to be a real treasure-
Romantic, truthful, energetic, joyful, noble, bright,
To have intelligence, vitality and pleasure
To give me comfort, wisdom, wonders day and night.
It’s no easy matter to be a swear, real,
Enthusiastic, reasonable matrimonial mate,
As family relations are so called the mirror
Of children’s souls. Love and live happily to the end!
As well I’ll set my hopes on the renowned offsprings,
I’ll make the best for their brightest lives,
Because I think that every human fortune
Depends on family relations, a happy chance!
Man’s purport is to live for the good of the homeland,
To sacrifice himself for peoples’ friendship, peace,
A good beginning makes a very happy ending.
Bring up a son, build a house, and grow trees!
“The Earth’s the right place for love” of all ages, folks,
There is no place like home. That’s the fact!
We should protect our native fragile globe
From famine, wars, immoral evil effects!


Meaning of life
Love, affection
Warmth, attention
Confidence in the future
Mutual understanding
Emotional security
Common interests, views, tastes, social experience
Mental, intellectual, cultural similarities
A lack of money
Abandon children
“Happy families are equally happy; miserable families are unhappy in their own way.”
Like should marry like.
Men make houses, women make homes.
“Man and his wife is one flesh.”
Where love is, all is.
There is no place like home.
Every man is a king of his own life destination.
My home is my castle.
Live like you are in love.
A woman can be happy in a tent if they love each other and miserable in a royal palace without love.
To make a marriage a success you need not only romantic attraction, but…