Урок-ток-шоу "We want a clean town" с применением проектно-исследовтельской деятельности учащихся

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • обобщение и систематизация знаний, умений и навыков по изученной теме;
  • совершенствование умения использовать иностранный язык в виде инструмента общения, совершенствование умений и навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма.

Задачи урока:


  • учить обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических высказываниях;
  • научить учащихся выражать свое мнение по проблемам окружающей среды;
  • познакомить учащихся с новой социокультурной информацией по теме "Окружающая среда" показать возможные пути решения, а так же роль самих учащихся в этом процессе.


  • воспитывать экологическую культуру, ответственность перед будущими поколениями, привлечь внимание к экологическим проблемам региона;
  • воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию, вырабатывать желание не быть равнодушными к окружающей нас действительности.

Развивающие: способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемной ситуации и творческого задания, развитие языковых навыков, формирования навыков работы в группе.

Оборудование: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, доска, мультимедийные презентации, раздаточный материал - карточки с заданиями.

Ход урока

Просмотр видеофильма или слайдов, содержащие реальные факты экологических катастроф на планете

Boy and girl

-What have they done to the seas, my friend?
What have they done to the seas?
-What have they done to the rivers, my friend?
What have they done to the trees?

-What have they done to our land, my friend?
This land which is ours from our birth.
-What have they done to our forests, my friend?
What have they done to the earth?

-What have they done to the skies, my friend?
Skies those are blue and so clear.
-What have they done to the skies, my friend?
What have they done to the air?

Представление участников передачи

Ход дискуссии и основные вопросы записаны у ведущего на карточках, как это делается в известных телевизионных ток-шоу.

Teacher: Good morning! I'm ::..and this is Talk show "WE WANT A CLEAN TOWN". I'd like to introduce our guests in the studio:

  • Scientists studying problems of environment;
  • a representatives of International Organization Greenpeace
  • a representative of the district administration
  • some representatives of flora and fauna of our region;

The problem of environment is global. Our environment is in danger nowadays. Today we would like you to discuss it. Please, be active in the discussion. Before speaking about it I want you to do some exercises.

1. 1. на слайде заполнить диаграмму Eco Problems. The task - Express the same in English. (приложение1)

  • Кислотные дожди (acid rains)
  • Загрязнение атмосферы (atmosphere pollution)
  • Сброс промышленных отходов (dumping of industrial waste)
  • Испытание ядерного оружия (testing nuclear weapon)
  • Проблема мусора (rubbish problem)
  • "тепличный эффект" (the greenhouse effect)
  • Озоновые дыры (ozone holes)
  • Ядерная катастрофа (nuclear disaster)
  • Разрушение живой природы (distraction of wildlife)
  • Глобальное потепление (global warming)

2. Make the phrases which give solutions to environmental problems.

1. fine a. the car at home
2. leave b. waste
3. protect c. aerosols
4. save d. animals
5. recycle e. factories
6.ban f. water

3.. Match the words with their definitions.(card 1)

shipwreck flames and heat from something that is burning in an uncontrolled way
drought a sudden shaking movement of the ground
fire a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before
storm an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and loud noise often causing damage
avalanche a violent storm with extremely strong winds
hurricane an accident in which ship is destroyed during a journey, usually because it hits rocks
flood a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain
explosion a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live
earthquake an occasion when a lot of rain or snow falls very quickly, often with very strong winds or thunder and lightning

4. Fill in the gaps with the word (card 2)

  1. The coastline of Jamaica was destroyed last night when a __________ swept through the area.
  2. During the __________in the Southwest of England the river Severn burst its banks and a young man drowned.
  3. Three people were lost at sea after a mysterious __________which happened last Sunday.
  4. Damaged rail tracks resulted in a terrible _____ _____ late Tuesday night.
  5. An __________ struck the town yesterday evening and several buildings collapsed.
  6. There was a sudden __________and the entire building burst into flames.
  7. A terrifying _____ _____was caused when a pilot lost control.
  8. Careless smoking caused a disastrous __________in an apartment building on Friday afternoon in the centre of Boston.
  9. A group of skiers were skiing down the hill when suddenly an __________began.

5 . Finish the sentences (until/by the time N. +V:.., N .+ will +V.)

  1. Until everybody stop throwing an empty packet in the street, we will ...
  2. Until all the people decide to save our world:.
  3. By the time I am a minister of the Environment, ...
  4. Until we dump waste into rivers:
  5. By the time nuclear bomb explodes, ...
  6. By the time a nuclear power station is built near my house, ...
  7. I will live in a jungle, by the time ...
  8. People will continue to have environmental problems, until:
  9. Our river will be polluted until :
  10. Until we stop using poisonous gases,:.

6. Look at the picture and say what has been one by these people leaving the picnic place. (работа по картинке на слайде , составляют предложения , используя Present Perfect Passive)

2 Teacher. And now let's give the word to our scientists. (выступление 1 группы учащихся , приложение 1)

For along time too little attention was paid to the environment. Today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need for more energy.

Newspapers' articles about pollution in our country impressed me greatly. I'm upset because just now we saw many polluted parts of our country. You know that the rail ways are also one of the sources of pollution. We know that noise is a special kind of environmental pollution, everyday I hear the noise of locomotives of passing trains as I live near the railway. We breathe the air polluted by the waste of the railway transport.

This problem is very important. There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountains, lakes and seas in Russian.

But not only in Russia. Our Earth is our home. I think people must take care of our planet. Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year

The scientific and technological progress of the 20 th century resulted in widespread as mechanization, automated lines, computerized management, spaceships, automic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

You are quite right . In many cities and towns the concentration of harmful substances in the air over 10 times the admissible level because with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire.

Industrial enterprises emit tons of harmful substances. These emissions have disastrous consequences. Great environment threat is nuclear power stations. We all know how now tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

But it can't be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is high natural resources are exhausted. The ecological balance of the planet is disturbed.

The seas are in danger too. They are filled with poison, industrial, nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already dead , the Northern sea is following, the Aral sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing done about it one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Most big cities pour their waste in the seas and rivers . For a long time people didn't realize the danger. The first alarm came from Japan. Some people died because they had eaten polluted fish. And since 1967 it has not been possible to eat the fish from many Swedish lakes.

I want to add. The Dead sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becoming smaller and smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters.

I agree with you. Every 10 minutes one kind of animals, plants or insects dies out forever. If nothing is done about 1 million species that are alive today will have become extinct 20 years from now.

Certainly. Some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemical and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers, ponds. The Blue Whale, the Panda, the California Big Tree are on the verge of extinction now. But I want to notice that people are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody's else. They join and support various international organizations and green parties.

Teacher: Excuse me. What do people of different countries do to save our planet?

Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial water have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wild life reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

Teacher: By the way what have many economists thought of the environment?

Economists have long thought of the environment as an Unlimited Resources. In fact the economy and the environment are closely related. If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by plants, activities very soon we'll have no world to live in.

It's very dangerous. Аnd those ozone holes:

Ozone holes. The ozone layers are destroyed by a stuff that aerosol sprays and refrigerators contain chlorofluorocarbons...

I'm unable to repeat it. People will have to take measures because the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere causing skin, cancer and other diseases.

We must all strive for the clean environment we all agree. But there is good saying: you needn't strive for cleanliness you should take a broom and sweep your street.

(На столе яблоко на блюде, нож) Imagine that the apple is our Earth. I shall cut the apple into quarters. Three quarters of the Earth's surface is water and only one quarter is land.

And now I am going to cut the piece representing land in half. Only one - half the land is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps and other places people cannot live. I shall take the piece that represents the habitable land, and I am going to cut it into 4 sections. Only one fourth of the Earth's habitable land or one - thirty - second is where all the Earth's food come from.

Imagine what would happen if this part of the world was damaged or destroyed (съесть этот кусочек и сказать): So people could stay without any food.

Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world
With the wonderful water round you curled.
And the wonderful grass upon your breast -
World, you are beautifully dressed!
The wonderful air is over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree -
It walks on the water, and whirls the mills.
And talks to itself on the top of the hills.

Экологические проблемы нашего региона

Teacher: We live in the beautiful region but it has got a lot of problems too. Let's listen the representatives and defenders of flora and fauna of our republic. What do you know about the ecological situation in our district? Have you got anything to say? (выступление 2 группы учеников, приложение2)

Personally I am proud of our region. The nature is so beautiful here! I love our region. We call it Tatarstan. It is a land of striking contrasts. The flora of our region is rich and diverse. The fauna is especially rich in the forest which is a habitat for such animals as the elk, hare, fox, grasshopper and hedgehog. There are different kinds of birds in our district. The ecological situation in our region is not very safe. Air and water pollution is high. There are no filters at factories and boiler-houses. That's why in winter the snow is always black in our town! Perhaps so are our lungs! Many people burn rubbish or autumn leaves. It poisons the air too.

In summer the climate of our region is drier than usually; and every spring, summer and sometimes autumn a lot of forests are in fire. Of course, the reason is man. It is awful! Trees, plants, animals and birds are in danger and may disappear.

- Let's imagine what some animals and plants of our region would tell us if they could speak.

The students will help us

1) Snowdrop:

I'm a snowdrop. People call me milk flower. My blossoms are blue or white but my leaves are green. I have a very pleasant smell. I grow on hills and in the forests. I'm very nice. I am a symbol of hope. A long ago a lot of places in our district were covered with my white blossoms. But unfortunately people broke my branches. I suffer from my beauty. Nowadays the hills are not covered with me. I grow very seldom but people find me. They do not think about the future. I was put into the Red Book. It is possible that in ten years I will disappear forever and your children will never see my beauty which you don't value. People, think about it!

2) Eagle

I'm an eagle. I'm graceful, strong and beautiful. I am brown or dark, my claws are dark, and my legs are yellow. I eat small birds and hares. I live in forests and steppe; and where there are a lot of cliffs and rocks. I am becoming rare because of poaching and hunting. People kill us; they burn and cut down forests in which we live. That's why we are in danger and can disappear.

- Litter on the ground makes the town look ugly. Some people find it easier to drop a paper a wrapper or a cigarette than to look for a garbage can for it. Empty bottles and cans are everywhere: on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near our houses and on the roads. They go under our feet.

- Teacher: I have a question to the representative of our district administration.

What do you do to protect our unique nature? Has anything been done to solve ecological problems in our region?

Mayor: This problem is urgent. But it is difficult to solve it. Our administration alone can't do anything because of shortage of financial support. For example, hot summers and people will cause great fires in spring. We know it but there are no means to help this situation. Only people could help it, but at first they should change themselves.

I hope, you, students, can change this ecological situation. Take part in environmental activities, make environmental programmes in your school, and attract more public attention to these problems.

- Teacher: We have got some picture about this theme. So your attention on the screen, please.

+ Ролевая игра демонстрируется в виде репортажа с места событий.

(Корреспондент -The problem is following. The drivers of our town decided to build a garage very near our favourite park. They cannot find a better place than our park. The angry citizens have come to a meeting with the Mayor of the city. Who wants to speak for the Mayor? For the drivers? For the citizens? For the children?)

Teacher (Обращаясь к представителю администрации) Can you comment it?

the Mayor: Dear citizens! Your problems are our town problems. I promise I'll do my best to solve this problem. I want to know which of you are for and against the garage. Let us vote!



Thank you, I've understood your opinion.

Экологические проблемы нашего региона /продолжение/

The South-East has grown several times. It was due to the rapid development of gas and oil industries. Thousands of kilometers of roads and railways have been built. Thousands of wells have been drilled.

A large oil and gas complex was constructed. (in Leninogorsk, Almetevsk and Nizhnekamsk.) It is harmful for the environment.

Thousands of trees are cut out. Millions of tons of oil have got into the ground and water. Flares put wastes into the air. The land, grass and trees around the flare resemble a foot of a volcano. The damage to the flora and fauna is great. In Tatarstan there is Volzhsko-kamski state reserve, national park 'Nizhniya Kama". There are 30 parks and 3 health resorts in our republic. Today there are 126 nature monuments.

Another serious environmental problem in our town is water pollution. People pollute water. They wash their bicycles and cars in our rivers. They pollute water when they wash carpets in the rivers. Some factories produce waste and pour it into water. It poisons and kills fish.

Some kinds of fish in the river Volga such as perches are dying out. The water of our republic in lakes and rivers can't be used for drinking. The dirtiest rivers are Kazanka, Zai, Sviyaga, Shishma and lakes -Lebyazhe, and Nizhniy Kaban. That's why about 40 plants make drinking water in Kazan. But the experts say that this water is sometimes dangerous for the people's health. Our town is unique town, because Leninogorsk has got springs with clean water. And the purpose of the enterprises and schools is to save and care of them. What must be done? People must minimize the damage to the Nature. They must improve     technical equipment, the technology of oil and gas. People must be responsible for their deeds. We must do our best to save the original nature of our region.

Teacher: today our guests are representatives of some organization. The history of this organization began in 1971 in the USA and Canada. First it's members took part in the actions to stop nuclear tests and production of nuclear weapons. Then they understood that it's necessary to fight not only against the nuclear destroying, but also against pollution of nature. Since 1971 the organization held a lot of actions. It's Green Peace Organization. (выступление 3 группы учащихся, приложение3)

What could a representative of international organization Greenpeace say about it?

Some scientists are pessimistic about our problems. They suppose that we have already reached the point of no return. Others are more optimistic and believe that our ecological problems are solvable because more and more people begin to understand how dangerous they are. Such organizations as "Greenpeace" try to put pressure upon those governments that do not care of ecology in their countries.

The humankind will be able to survive only if we all understand that environmental protection is our universal concern.

Today GP includes more than 3,5 million members. Out of GB they are in 25 countries of the world.

Organization holds actions of protest, thus has influence public opinion, they achieve that the government and industrial companies solve concreate ecological problems.

Greenpeace stands for positive change through action. We defend the natural world and promote peace.

We investigate, expose and confront environmental abuse by governments and corporations around the world.

We champion environmentally responsible and socially just solutions, including scientific and technical innovation.

Our goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. We organise public campaigns:

for preventing climate change by ending our addiction to polluting fuels and promoting clean, renewable and efficient energy

for the protection of oceans and ancient forests

for the elimination of toxic chemicals

against the release of genetically modified organisms into nature

for nuclear disarmament and an end to nuclear contamination.

Greenpeace does not solicit or accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties. Greenpeace neither seeks nor accepts donations which could compromise our independence, aims, objectives or integrity. Greenpeace relies on the voluntary donations of individual supporters, and on grant-support from foundations. If you would like to join us and help support Green peace's campaigns, please сall us.

We are committed to the principles of non-violence, political independence and internationalism. In exposing threats to the environment and in working to find solutions, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies.

We have been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971 , when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska, where the US government was conducting underground nuclear tests. This tradition of 'bearing witness' in a non-violent manner continues today. The successes would have been possible without the money donated by our supporters. If you're not currently a supporter and would like to be, please join us.

Rub your eyes and look around,
Litter lying on the ground,
Bottles, cans and polythene-
Take the tip and change to green!
Forests going up in smoke,
Cities fit to make you choke,
Nowhere left to be that's clean-
Take a breath and change to green!
Animals and plants have died,
People starve to feed our pride,
For the life that might have been
Take a stand and change to green!
There's so much that isn't right,
It could get you well uptight,
So make a start and change the scene-
The lights are flashing - change to green!

Закончить урок звуками природы и 4 слайда с комментарием (приложение 4)

1. A subtropical forest;

2. A quite place near the lake;

3. Snowy mountains;

4. a wonderful sunset on the beach. All these can disappear if we don't take care of our lovely planet our earth.

Do you want it? No, of course not. I believe, you don't.

Итоги урока. Оценки.