Открытый урок на тему "What is Hot with the Young Generation?" (Молодежь в современном обществе)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

1. Учебные цели урока:

  • активизация лексических навыков по теме;
  • развитие умений суммировать знания и высказаться по проблеме последовательно, грамматически правильно оформив излагаемую информацию;
  • развитие умений извлекать конкретную информацию из прочитанного текста;
  • совершенствование навыков составления диалогов по ситуации, формирование умений приводить аргументы и доказательства в поддержку своей точки зрения;
  • развитие памяти и логического мышления;
  • вовлечение учащихся в творческую деятельность.

2. Воспитательные цели урока:

  • приобретение знаний о различных молодежных организациях, их целях;
  • воспитание толерантности и уважения к выбору субкультуры;
  • приобщение к общечеловеческим ценностям.

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал.

ТСО: компьютер, мультимедийная установка.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.


II. Речевая разминка.

- How’s life? How is it outside? Are they expecting rain?

III. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Today we’ll sum up everything we have learnt about young generation and youth movements.

Вступительное слово учителя (Приложение. Слайд №1): Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them. The majority of the young people have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes, they want to overcome their own difficulties.

IV. Основная часть.

1. Ответить на вопросы (Слайды №2-№9):

a) How do young people express their individuality? (1 ученик: in clothes – teenagers often dress in a shocking way, wear metal chains; 2 ученик: in music – some of young people prefer loud aggressive music; 3 ученик: in hairstyle – they have brightly coloured hair; 4 ученик: in behaviour – they rebel against the society and reject everything, their behaviour and attitudes often differ from social norms.)

- How do you express your individuality? (1 ученик: I am crazy about playing different ball games, I care about my health; 2 ученик: I play the guitar, I want to be a musician and train hard; 3 ученик: I enjoy being alone, I like beautiful melodies of various singers and groups; 4 ученик: I like hanging out in the streets.)

b)  There are a lot of young organizations and groups. What are they? (Ученики: Scouts, Young farmers, Volunteers, Environmentalists, Hackers, Hippies.)

- Young people join different organizations and movements. Why? (1 ученик: To my mind, if there is a problem young people get together and try to solve a problem; 2 ученик: I think they want to help needy people; 3 ученик: As far as I know they protest against the values of the adults; 4 ученик: In my opinion they do voluntary work; 5 ученик: I am sure, some young people want to solve urgent ecological problems.)

- Some teens don’t join any movements. And you? What do you indentify yourself? (1 ученик: As for me I am not in a group, I don’t care about organizations; 2 ученик: I indentify myself with «wizards» because I am a person with a deep understanding of how the computers work.)

2. Составить диалоги по ситуации (раздаточный материал):

a) Вас пригласили в ночной клуб. Откажитесь. Вы не любите громкую музыку.

- Hello! Would you like to go to a dance club?

- I don’t want to go there. Well, you see, I don’t really like that loud music.

b) Вас пригласили в молодежный клуб. Откажитесь. Вы не любите людных мест.

- Why not visit the club for teenagers?

- I’d rather not actually. The reason is that I don’t like crowded places.

c) Вам предложили попробовать алкоголь и наркотики. Вы знаете, что они разрушают здоровье, а вы заботитесь о своем здоровье. Откажитесь.

- A lot of people take this drug, it’s mild. Try it. It’s really exciting!

- I don’t really fancy doing it. No doubts that drugs destroy our health. There is nothing more important than health.

d) Вам предложили покрасить волосы в фиолетовый цвет. Ваши родители против, а вы не хотите с ними спорить.

- Let’s colour our hair purple. It’s really fantastic.

- I’d like to, but the thing is, my parents are against it. Well, I don’t want to argue with them.

e) Вас пригласили в пустой склад присоединиться к молодежной группе. Откажитесь. Вы любите бывать в одиночестве, вам безразличны группировки.

- Let’s go to the empty warehouse to join the teenagers.

- I’m not really willing to do it. I enjoy being alone. I don’t care about groups.

3. Чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. Representatives of what organization did all this charity?
  2. What’s the aim of the corporation?
  3. What is your attitude to this association?


«Brotherhood» is a charity (благотворительная) organization in Texas. This organization sponsors several fun charity events every year. «Brotherhood» helps people in need.

At Easter the representatives of this organization travel to area nursing homes and give fruit baskets. They collect toys for children whose parents can’t afford them.

The golden rule of  «Brotherhood» is «Do to others as you would have them to do you!»

4. Выступление творческих групп – презентация своей собственной организации. The «Earth» is a Youth Organization I’d like to create.

The main aim of the organization is to help people in need. (Слайд №10)

1) The programme of actions (plan):

- education (Слайд №11) – 1 ученик: I’d like to say about the importance of education. It is necessary to preserve free higher education. But it is possible to get higher education on a commercial basis. The better a person is educated the greater his chance for success and high living standard is.

- work (Слайд №12) – 2 ученик: As far as I am aware it is often impossible for the young to find a job. We think it is necessary to create job centres, to set up school/student small business companies.

- army (Слайд №13) – 3 ученик: In my opinion the problem of military service is our prime concern. That’s why we will participate in public activities for passing a federal law on alternative civilian service and protect the rights of servicemen.

- ecology (Слайд №14) – 4 ученик: To my mind our generation must understand the problem of environment pollution. That’s why the members of the «Earth» will organize together with ecologists all Russian ecological actions.

- strengthening of the state (Слайд №15) – 5 ученик: We will support independent social organizations and local government as basic structures of a civil society. If I am not mistaken, there are two most acute problems in our state – corruption of power and worsening interethnic relations).

2) Appearance (Слайд №16) – 6 ученик: I am sure that our appearance is rather practical – we wear blue jeans, T-shirts and trainers.

3) Activities (Слайд №17) – 7 ученик: We are eager to do voluntary work, help needy people.

4) Music and sport (Слайд №18) – 8 ученик: As for my friends and me we are sporty, friendly, thinks about health, prefer techno and rock. Besides we’d like to have our own music club «Friends of the Earth».

5) Values and beliefs (Слайд №19) – 9 ученик: To sum up, our moral values are loyalty and responsibility. We are eager to support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. We accept other people as they are. We want to change the world for the best.

V. Вывод. Оценки, комментарии.

VI. Домашнее задание.

  • Написать письмо другу о своей молодежной организации – 11чел.
  • Приготовить статью для газеты «Интервью с представителем молодежной организации» – 3 чел.
  • Приготовить эскизы значков своей организации – 4 чел.