Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Моя "малая" родина"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Warming – up Discussion.

1. What do you know about Belorusskij? Where is it situated?


2. Read & see it your guesses were correct.

I. Geographical Location.

The Belorusskij district is located in the north-west part of the Pskov Region. The area is about 0,3 square km. It borders with Latvia (we have got 2 customs ). The population is 1500 thousand of people.

II. History.

The history of Belorusskij is not very long. It was mentioned in 18 -th century. The first settlement refers to the middle of the 18-th century. It was called “Zajkovo”.

Nowadays Belorusskij is a beautiful district with 3 streets, 1 school, 1 library, 1 hospital.

III. Natural Resources.

The surface of the Belorusskij district is rather hilly. The area is not very rich in deposits of mineral resources. We can find out only sand & gravel.

IV. Flora.

The Belorusskij district is located in the zone of mixed forests. Only 22% of its territory is covered by forests. The most widespread tree is a pine ; the second place is taken by a birch , then comes a fir. The basic types of trees are the ash, linden, maple, and elm. There is a great variety of different herbs: ledum, sedge.The berries are cranberry, bilberry, raspberry; also we can found out mushrooms: Boletus, orange boletus, & many others, flower plants: foal-foot, cornflower, dandelion.

V. Fauna.

A lot of animals inhabit the Belorusskij district. You can find out a white & grey hare, wolves, foxes, elks, polecats, otters, beavers, squirrels, rabbits.

There are also many kinds of birds: hazel hens, quails, white partridges. Most of the animals live in the forest, some- in meadows, marshes, steppes, and different basins. They are rats, mice, beavers.

We also have got many species of fish in the river (breams, picas, roaches, carps).

VI. Population.

The population of the Belorusskij district is 1500 thousand of people. But different nationalities live in our district.

VII. Economy.

The economy of the Belorusskij district is generally influenced by the railway transportation. The main branches of industry is light production. Flax is also cultivated.

Give the Russian equivalents to the next words:

To be located

It boarders with

The population consists of





To be covered by








To be mentioned



Fish resources


Kinds of birds

Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Посёлок Белорусский расположен на северо-западе Псковской области.
  2. Население посёлка составляет 1500 тысячи человек.
  3. Территория посёлка не богата минеральными ресурсами.
  4. Посёлок расположен в зоне смешанных лесов.
  5. Большинство диких животных живут в лесах.
  6. Из минеральных ресурсов посёлка можно назвать только песок и гравий.
  7. Лёгкая промышленность это главная ветвь индустрии посёлка Белорусский.
  8. Различные виды птиц населяют посёлок.
  9. Волки, лисы, зайцы, и медведи живут в лесах посёлка.
  10. Впервые посёлок Белорусский был упомянут в 18 веке.


Answer the questions. Be very active.

  1. What do you know about the location of the Belorusskij district?
  2. What country boarders with the district?
  3. How many people live in the Belorusskij?
  4. Is it rich in natural resources?
  5. What are the most-widely spread animals, birds, and fish?
  6. In what forest zone the district is situated?

Try to imagine that you are a foreign visitor. What would you like to learn about the Belorusskij district? (Презентация)