Урок английского языка в 10-м классе "The Price of Progress"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока: развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи, навыков поискового и детального чтения; развивать способности к сравнению, умению выражать свое отношение к теме, способствовать развитию мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий; формирование уважительного и ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание бережливости и осознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой, формирование способности осознавать экологические проблемы и желания помочь природе.

Тип урока: подготовка к проектной работе.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, тематические картинки и плакаты, таблицы, список активной лексики.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you.

Pupils: Glad to see you too.

Teacher: Today we continue the topic “The price of progress”. To begin our lesson I want you to look at these pictures. What can you see?

Рисунок 1

P1: Rubbish.

P2: Destroyed forest.



(Pupils discuss the pictures)

Teacher: We have just seen the pictures and discussed the and it is not by chance. The reason we have chosen today’s topic is quite vivid. Now look at these pictures and read the quotes.

Рисунок 2

“I think the quality of life is going “ I think the quality of life is going up. Look down. We can hardly breathe because at all these new buildings and shopping centers.” of smog. ”

Teacher: Please, compare and contrast the pictures. The words on the list will help you.

(The list of useful words and words expressions to use while comparing and contrasting the pictures given.

  1. In contrast to…
  2. In the first/ the second picture one can see…
  3. compared to…
  4. Moreover…
  5. On the one hand/ on the other hand
  6. As well as…
  7. In addition…
  8. In order to…
  9. In comparison to…
  10. Generally speaking…
  11. First of all…
  12. Not only that, but I also think…
  13. On the contrary
  14. Not only …but also
  15. Because of…

Teacher: Is the quality of life getting bettr or worse in you country? Why?

P1: (student’s own answers)



Teacher: You know that progress make our life easier, but they also have negative effects on the environment. Let’s make a list of things that make our life easier, but very harmful to the environment. Discuss , please, these questions in small groups.

  + -
Fast food and restaurants Cheap and easy to eat up More rubbish/ bad for health
cars Easier to get around More pollution
fridges Keep food fresh Destroy the ozone layer
Plastic containers Convenient to keep products Too much rubbish
Aerosol sprays    
Microwave oven    

(Pupil’s opinions.)

Teacher: So , you have come to conclusion that we can’t go back to a time without modern technology, but progress negatively affects our health, well being, our environment. What should we do? May be we can answer this question after having read the texts. Now, students, close your books, please. And read these words on the blackboard:

Standard of living
Way of life,

Teacher: These words are taken from the texts. What do think the texts are about?

P1: I think…

P2: I suppose…

Teacher: Now ,students, open your books on page 54 ex.2. Read both sides of the argument about economic growth and development. (Students read the texts)

Teacher: You’ve read both texts, what difference have you noticed between the ideas expressed in the texts?

P1: (pupils’ own answers)



Teacher: There are some statements on the board:

  1. We are destroying our planet by consuming too much.
  2. Many positive things have resulted from development.
  3. We need progress.
  4. We have already paid a very high price for progress.
  5. As long as we are careful, progress will continue to be beneficial.

Teacher: Please, divide into two groups. Group 1 reads only “ Rising Standards” and decides which statements apply to its text. Group 2 reads only “ Unacceptable Costs” and makes the same decision.

(Each group then discusses which statements they have chosen and explains their choice. )

Teacher: The problems listed above concern mostly well developed countries, should we bother ourselves with these problems? Why? Why not?



P3: (students’ own opinions)

Teacher: We need progress, but we are destroying our planet. Today the population of the developing countries faces many global environmental problems. Can you name some of them?

Fill in this word web:

Рисунок 3

(Ecological dangerous tendencies: water pollution, air pollution, traffic, acid rains, destruction of the ozone layer.)

Teacher: Now, let’s consult the diagram on the screen and compare our answer and see if we have missed anything important.

Рисунок 4


Teacher: Do you think these two points are equally important? Why?

P1: I think…

P2: To my mind….

Тeacher: Does the environment belong principally to human?

P1: I suppose…

P2: I think…

Teacher: Should cars be banned from cities, towns and village centers?



Teacher: Are your country’s rivers and lakes clean to swim in?



Teacher: We have worked too much, let’s have a rest. Please, stand up. On the screen you can see An American National Poem. Read it aloud.

Only when all the rivers have run dry
And all the fish in the sea have died
Only when all the rainforests
have been burnt down
And there is no food for the animals
Only when all the blue skies
have been filled with smoke
And the cities of the world have choked
Will the white man understand
That it’s too late to save the earth.

(Native American Poem)

Teacher: I want you to make a “ Protect our Environment” project. We’ll make it in small groups. But at first you should make a list of problems and possible solutions. The table is on your desks.

Problems Solutions
Destruction of the ozone layer Stop using aerosols
Water pollution  
Air pollution  
Noise pollution  
Acid rains  

Teacher: What tips can you offer for rescuing the planet?

P1: Walk, don’t drive.

P2: Turn down the heating.

P3: Use less water.

P4: Recycle waste.

P5: Plant a tree.

P6: etc.

Teacher: What you personally do to improve the situation on our planet? Are your ides realistic? Can they be achieved in an every day life? Write your ideas and solutions in your projects. Try to describe the environmental situation in your region.