Викторина "How much do you know about Britain?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


- актуализация изученного страноведческого материала по теме “Великобритания”;

- расширение кругозора;

- стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


- мультимедийный проектор;

- экран;

- карточки для ответов учащихся.

Ход мероприятия

- Hello, dear children! I’m glad to see you. You already know a lot about Britain and its people. Today you are going to brush up your knowledge of the country and take part in competition which helps us to find out how much you know about the Great Britain. There are three teams and we have three members of our jury today. The first team is called … , the second team is called … and the third team is called… . The members of our jury are: … .

После представления команд участникам предлагается ряд вопросов на которые они должны ответить. Ответ на каждый вопрос записывается на карточке и отдается жюри для проверки. За каждый правильный ответ команды получает один бал. Выигрывает команда набравшая наибольшее количество баллов.

- So, let’s start our competition:

1) What countries does The United Kingdom consist of?

(Answer: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)

2) Name the river London is situated on.

(Answer: the Thames)

3) Who is the Official Head of State in Britain?

(Answer: the Queen)

4) What is the name of the biggest clock in London?

(Answer : Big Ben)

5) What is the official residence of Queen Elisabeth II?

  1. The Royal Albert Hall
  2. The Buckingham Palace
  3. The Tower of London

6) What is the surname of The Royal Family?

  1. Stuart
  2. Windzor
  3. Windsor

7) When did Queen Elisabeth II come to the throne?

  1. 1966
  2. 1976
  3. 1952

8) The British Prime Minister lives at…

  1. 23 Oxford Street
  2. 12 Russel Street
  3. 10 Downing Street
  4. 6 Whitehall

9) The Union Jack is…

  1. the flag of the UK
  2. the flag of Wales
  3. the flag of England
  4. the flag of Northern Ireland

10) What is the symbol of the United Kingdom? (Приложение)

(Answer: 3)

11) Match the countries with the flowers. (Приложениее)

(Answer: 1- b, 2- a, 3- d, 4- c)

12) Match the Queens with their pictures. (Приложениее)

(Answer: 1- c, 2- d, 3- a, 4- b)

13) Match the dates with the events. (Приложение)

(Answers: 1901 – Queen Victoria died

1666 – The Great Fire of London took place

1564 – William Shakespeare was born

1066 – William the Conqueror invaded the British Isles)

14) What is the name of the most famous British detective story writer?

(Answer: Agatha Christie)

15) Which play is not written by William Shakespeare?

  1. Macbeth
  2. The Merchant of Venice
  3. Julius Caesar
  4. Faust
  5. As you like it

16) Who wrote this poem:

“My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A - chasing the wild deer and following the roe -
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go…”

  1. W.Shakespeare
  2. R. Burns
  3. O. Wilde

17) Who said these words: “ I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King…”

  1. Queen Elisabeth II
  2. Queen Elisabeth I
  3. Queen Victoria

18) Name the member of the English royal family who lived more than 100 years old.

(Answer : the Queen Mother)

19) Match the names of sights with their pictures (Приложение)

(Answer: 1- b, 2- d, 3- c, 4- a)

20) What is the full name of Great Britain?

(Answer: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

- According to your results we can see that the winner of the competition is … . Thank you for your participation. Goodbye.