Сценарий "В гостях у "Битлз". 7–8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Литературно-музыкальный вечер на английском языке для учащихся 7-8 классов


1.Развивитие интереса к поэтическим и музыкальным произведениям страны изучаемого языка, актуализация страноведческого материала;

2.Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

3.Совершенствование навыков выразительного, художественного рассказа.

4.Развите интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

5.Создание условий для эстетического воспитания


1.Познакомить учащихся с музыкальным, поэтическим наследием группы "Битлз"

2.Развивать технику выразительного чтения, сценического искусства, умения публичного выступления, развивать чувство прекрасного

3.Воспитывать уважительное, доброжелательное отношение к другим людям, толерантность

Оборудование: декорации и костюмы для инсценировки спектакля, презентации со слайдами, представляющими необходимый материал по теме "Битлз", мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, программа презентаций Microsoft PowerPoint, фотоаппараты, кинокамеры.

Подготовительная работа: написание сценария, разучивание сценок, песен, подготовка танцевальных номеров, презентаций, демонстрационного материала, музыкального оформления, изготовление костюмов и декораций, приглашение родителей, которые оказывали помощь с костюмами, декорациями, прическами, стремясь "воссоздать эпоху "Битлз".


Учебный видеокурс "English through The Beatles"

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Teacher. Good afternoon, dear friends. I am very glad to see you at our Party devoted to “The Beatles”.I know there are a lot of fans of this group in your class. You have read a lot of information, you know and love their songs. Today you will show the play you have prepared themselves. I am sure it will be very interesting. Your parents have come to support you and so we' ll start.

На сцену выходят участники инсценированного представления c песней " Yellow Submarine"

(расcказчики, дикторы. "группа Битлз", журналисты).Спектакль начинается в форме повествования, на фоне презентаций, посвященных группе, функцию рассказчика по очереди выполняют учащиеся класса.(Музыкальное оформление, исполняемые песни могут быть изменены в зависимости от пожелания коллектива)

Narrator: Liverpool… 200 miles to the North-west of London. Nothing much ever came from Liverpool but soccer teams and British comedians. The city droned on wearily in post-war Britain, a nation nostalgic for its triumphant past, threadbare and plunged in its present. For a boy growing up in Liverpool the future was no brighter than which his father had faced, or his father’s father. In 1956, in fact, there was little to suggest that out of this provincial seaport would come four young men, and a musical revolution that would captivate and change the world.

Narrator: The Beatles, poets of a generation, heroes of an era; like all poets and heroes, they both expressed and reflected the spirit of their time. In 1964 it seemed as it they had come from nowhere, so sudden was their success. But behind them lay 8 years of hard work, and frequent disappointments. Yet they were determined and they were lucky. Playing the right clubs and meeting the right people at critical moments in their careers. But most of all, they were good. Very, very good. Crafting a distinctive style out of their musical heritage. That style would change over the years and move into realms, never dreamed of in 1964.

- (a song) - “Help” - (a dance " rock-n’-roll")

During the dance one of the journalists comes up to dancing people.

Journalist: - Hey, sister! What do you call the exercise you are doing?

- It’s a rock-n’-roll, Brother, and we’re rocking the night.

(“the members of the group” appear on the stage and change each other )

Lennon: In 1956 John Lennon was a 16-year old troublemaker. School for John did little more than provide the inspiration for his outlandish pranks. When he was 6, John’s father disappeared on a merchant ship. John was left in the care of his Annt Mimi. His free-spirited mother Julia became more like an affectionate friend. John’s musical career began at age 10 with a harmonica given to him by his Uncle George. When Skiffle hit England, Mimi brought him a guitar. John soon formed his own group “The Quarrymen”. “The Quarrymen” copied all of Lonny Donegan’s numbers. From the beginning, John, like other Liverpool teenagers, wants to play rock-n’-roll.

Paul McCartney: Paul McCartney had never met John Lennon. Paul was 14-years old and went to a different school. Unlike John, Paul was well-behaved , reserved, and eager to please. Paul’s father, a part-time musician, bought his son a guitar to help him through the sorrow of his mother’s death. Soon Paul was also driven by a passion to play hard rock-n’-roll, like his new heroes: Little Richard, Eddie Cockrein, Buddy Holly.

Harrison: to his classmates, George Harrison was the boy whose father drove the bus they all rode to school. The youngest of 4 children, George was the family favorite. But even as a small child, he had an independent and solitary nature. In 1956 George acquired his first guitar. Playing it did not come as naturally to him as to his friend Paul McCartney. But he was patient and determined. His mother sat up with him night after night as he taught himself to pick out Buddy Holly songs. George trailed after the “Quarrymen”, hoping to “join”. But John Lennon tended to see George, all of 14, as not much more than a child. He was eventually accepted not only for his guitar playing, but because his mother could tolerate their noisy rehearsals.

Ringo Starr: Richard Starky, better known as Ringo Starr, was the last to come in group as a drummer. When The Beatles needed a temporary drummer in Liverpool, Ringo would sit in. This time he joined for good. Ringo said his biggest ambition was to be able to open a hairdressing salon. Because he believed, at the time that he’d make a few bob out of the Beatles and be able to open a hairdressing salon.

Narrator: They were suddenly like royalty themselves. Four young men from provincial Liverpool. They had suddenly become national obsession overnight. It was not only their music that people loved. Witty, likely and unpredictable, the Beatles charmed the press and through the press – the world.

- a song (" Yesterday ") and a dance

Пресс-конференция (press conference). Журналисты задают вопросы членам группы "Битлз".

Journalist: I’d suppose that the four of you will be millionaires by the end of the year?

Harrison: That’s nice! Yes.

Journalist: Have you actually got time to spend that money?

Ringo: What money?

Narrator: They also showed themselves to be sensitive and thoughtful young men.

Journalist: What are you going to do next?

Ringo: I always fancied having a ladies hairdressing salon, a string of them in fact and second strut round in tails, saying “Would you like a cup of tea, madam?”

Journalist: There is a humor that you are cancelling!

Lennon: No, we need the money first!

Journalist: How many of you are bald?

Harrison: We’re all bald! Yep, I’m bald. Don’t tell anyone!

Journalist: Are you going to have haircut?

McCartney: No, I had one yesterday.

Journalist: How long are you gonna last?

McCartney: We can’t say. You can be big-headed and say “We are gonna last 10 years”, but as soon as you’ve said that you think “We are lucky if we last s months”.

Narrator: The Beatles changed pop-music forever. From their first single “Love me do” till the splitting in 1971 people recognize something different they had know before.

McCartney and Lennon: The people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands! And the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewelry.

A song (- " Let it be" ).(Текст песни размещен на экране и её могут петь все присутствующие в зале: ученики, родители, учителя, что способствует созданию неформальной и непринуждённой обстановки, праздничного настроения).

The end.

Обсуждение проделанной работы, слабых и сильных сторон выступления, положительных и отрицательных моментов в процессе коллективной работы.

Анализ мероприятия

  • Групповая работа организована таким образом, что позволяет каждому ученику приобрести новый коммуникативный опыт, проявить инициативу, самостоятельность, развить свои творческие способности, проявить таланты, почувствовать уважение к себе и к своим одноклассникам, проявить толерантность.
  • Проявленный интерес к изучению материала, как со стороны учеников, так и стороны их родителей, позволил лучше понять вкусы, интересы, предпочтения разных поколений.
  • Проделанная работа позволила систематизировать и укрепить знания, полученные на уроках английского языка по теме "Музыка", "Выдающиеся личности Великобритании".
  • Совместная работа одноклассников способствовала укреплению дружеских отношений и развитию интереса друг к другу.

Коллективная работа получила продолжение в участии группы "Битломаны" в ежегодном школьном фестивале английского языка и в окружном конкурсе "Юные таланты Московии" в разделе "Страноведение" по теме " Великие свершения", в котором учащиеся гимназии стали призёрами. Коллектив награжден дипломами и грамотами, также была оформлена газета, посвященная группе "Битлз" и выступлению коллектива в разных конкурсных программах.

См. приложение.