"Love at First Sight". Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку ко Дню Святого Валентина

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  • Развивающие: развитие внимания, воображения, cnoco6ности сосредоточиться, opueнтироваться в ситуации, принимать спонтанное решение.
  • Воспитательные: воспитание уважения к чужому мнению, вежливого отношения к соперникам.
  • Образовательные: активизация лексического материала по темам “appearance”, “character”, “hobby”, практика навыков аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи

Сценарий мероприятия

- Hello! Today we are having St. Valentine's Day.

- It's the day of all people who are in love: young, old, it doesn't matter. Now girls will tell you some information about the history of St. Valentine's Day. (Рассказ из истории праздника)

- So, let's have the game “Love at First Sight”!

- Meet our boys and girls. (Ведущие представляют участников: три девочки и трое мальчиков. Например: This is Olga, a pupil of class 7A. She is very energetic and loves diving).

- Well, let's turn to our game. We've got few questions for the boys and the girls. The first question is for the boys:

Imagine that while you were waking with your girlfriend hooligans attacked you. You will...

a) run for help,

b) have a fight with them,

c) do smth else.

- Now a question for the girls. You're invited to a party. You'll wear...

a) jeans and a T-shirt,

b) a beautiful dress,

c) your variant.

- For the boys. At the lesson the teacher has asked your girl-friend a question and you know she's not ready. You're not ready either. You'll...

a) raise your hand,

b) laugh to yourself,

c) do smth else.

- For the girls. A boy has given you flowers as a birthday present, but you are allergic to them. You'll...

a) thank him and suffer,

b) explain that you can’t have them,

c) your variant.

- Now a question for the boys. Your girl-friend has dropped a glass of juice onto your trousers in the canteen. You'll....

a) pay no attention to it,

b) leave the canteen,

c) your variant.

- Thank you for your answers. Have you got any questions to each other?

(Тhe participants ask each other questions)

- Well, I believe you're ready to make your choice. You are to write the number of the participant you like most on the backside of the card. While the choice is being made we shall listen to the poem by Shelley “Goodnight”.

Good night: ah, no, the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite.
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.
How can I call the lone night good
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, though understood,
Then it will be good night.
To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light
The night is good, because, my love,
They never say good night.

- Well, we've got two couples: participants 1 and 2, 3 and 4.

- Participants 5 and 6, thanks for the game, it was great!

- Now, we are going to choose the ideal couple. (Ведущий задает вопросы парам, чьи ответы совпадут, та пара становится “Идеальной парой”)

- Does she like classical music or rock?

- Does he go in for sports?

- Is she a friendly person?

- Does he like Maths or History?

- Does she like wearing dresses or jeans?

- Does he like comedies or thrillers?

- Well you've guessed 4 answers. You can “shoot” 4 times.

(За таблицей с номерами спрятаны призы. Участники выбирают номера и получают, например, апплодисменты, улыбки или сувениры.)

- Thank you for the game.

- And now in is time to play with the audience. (Игра со зрителями).

My dear boys and girls! I think that you all like playing different games. Now I want you to play games that are played on St. Valentine's Day by people in different countries. 6 pupils are welcome to take part in the game (2 teams).

1. The first game is called “Wordscramble” You should replace the letters to find the words, connected with St. Valentine's Day:

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2. Now we shall see how well you know literature and arts. Here you see the names of some women and men. You are to find famous couples:

Eve Adam
Eurydice Napoleon
Isolda Rat Buttler
Ludmila Tristan
Juliet Ruslan
Josephine Romeo
Scarlet O'Hara Orpheus

3. You've got several Valentine cards. Using these try to make up any figure. It may be an animal, a flower, a man, anything you want.

- While the teams are getting ready I want to play with the audience:

Guess the words connected with St. Valentine's Day:

A part of your body - heart

A kind of sweets - chocolate

A kind of flower - rose

A boy who shoots arrows - Cupid

A heart-shaped card - Valentine

A man who cared for people - St. Valentine

- Thank you very much. You are very clever and witty. Let’s listen to a beautiful song.

Steve Wander “No New Year's Day” (Песня в исполнении обучающихся).

- Our party is over. We wish you good luck and good love!