Урок обобщения и систематизации изученного материала по теме «TOYS» («Игрушки»). 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 6

Презентация к уроку

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Тип урока: урок систематизации и закрепления изученного материала по теме “Игрушки”, обобщающий с применением технологии развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо.

Форма урока: урок обобщения и систематизации.


  • создать условия для развития самостоятельной, творчески мыслящей личности;
  • активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;
  • развивать все виды речевой деятельности через технологию критического мышления, воспитывать мыслительные отношения;
  • формировать умение работать в команде, помогать друг другу; умение анализировать и критически оценивать информацию, применять полученные результаты к различным ситуациям;
  • учить оценивать достижения свои и своих товарищей (рефлексия).


  • совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по разным видам речевой деятельности: говорению, чтению, аудированию и письму;
  • учить выражать в устной монологической и диалогической речи различные виды оценки, сообщения, доказательства.

Познавательный аспект:

  • познакомить учащихся с исследованиями об игрушках в прошлом и настоящем;
  • знакомиться с игрушками страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект:

  • учить работать самостоятельно, развивать критическое мышление;
  • готовить к решению усложняющихся речемыслительных задач, требующих от учащихся интеллектуальных, поисковых усилий.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры;
  • осознание значения игрушки в жизни человека.

Используемые технологии: технология на основе личностностной ориентации педагогического процесса (преподавание иностранного языка, как предмета формирующего личность), проблемное обучение, информационно-коммуникационные технологии (учебная презентация), технология развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо.

Методические приемы: прием наглядности, прием создания реальных условий, прием повторения и обобщения знаний, прием проектной методики.

Средства организации деятельности: учебное пособие, индивидуальные карточки, карточки с заданиями по отработке письменных навыков, презентация PowerPoint “Toys”, наглядные пособия, фломастеры.

Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, видеопроектор, учебная презентация PowerPoint.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning, dear children!

I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our today`s lesson is about TOYS. Every child in every country likes toys and plays them everywhere and anytime. It`s impossible to live without them, they follow us everywhere, they make happy every child.

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока:

Teacher: Today we`ll speak about your favourite toys, have Brain-storm Activity, talk about different toys you like or dislike, discuss the text with the INSERT Method about the toys in the past, make cinquains about toys.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: As we are going to speak about toys in the past let’s remember regular and irregular verbs in the Past Simple (T —> Cl):

Слайд 1

[t] – worked, helped, cooked, asked, knocked

[d] – learned, opened, answered, turned, cleaned

[id] – wanted, visited, shouted, decided, interested

Слайд 2

be-was, were

have – had

meet – met

teach – taught

buy – bought

read – read [red]

get – got

hear – heard

see – saw

Слайд 3

give – gave

say – said

make – made

keep – kept

leave – left

find – found

come – came

go – went

drink – drank

4. Речевая зарядка

Слайд 4

Teacher: Let’s speak about toys (T —> P1 —>  P2 —> P3).

Do you like playing?

What do you like to play with?

What toys do you have?

What is your favourite toy?

Слайд 5

Teacher: Our theme is TOYS.

5. Мозговой Штурм, кластеры.

Слайд 6

Teacher: Now, let`s have brainstorm activity. I ask you to divide in three groups. The first will name toys you know or you have. The second will try to remember all the adjectives that come to your mind with the word TOYS. The third will speak about the influence of TOYS on people. Work in groups, please.

( групповая работа – 3 группы учащихся заполняют следующие кластеры)

Names Adjectives The influence on people
A doll, a ship, a plane, a train, a ball, a teddy bear Beautiful, happy, magic, cheerful, interesting, old, new, different, expensive, cheap Make happier, be a part of our life, give us pleasure, relate to our dreams, teach us

Are you ready? Now I ask ____ to speak for your group.

P1: We have different toys, for example, a doll, a ship, a plain, a train, a ball, a teddy bear ...

P2: In our opinion toys can be (читает слова, написанные его группой): beautiful, happy, magic, cheerful, interesting, old, new, different, expensive, cheap ....

P3: We have discussed how toys can influence people. So, our decision is (читает выводы, написанные его группой): - Toys makes children happier. Toys are a part of our life. Toys can give us positive emotions, cheerfulness, pleasure. They can`t leave us indifferent. Toys relate to our dreams and joys. They can teach us.

Teacher: Thank you for your expressions. At the end of the lesson you will use them to make cinquains.

4. “Интервью”

Teacher: You have spoken about toys. Now you are going to express your feelings. Let’s work in pairs and make up the dialogues. Ask each other about different toys you like playing.

(Учащиеся разыгрывают диалоги)

Dialogue 1

P1: What do you usually do when you are free?

P2: I usually play different toys. I like dolls very much.

P1: Yes, there are a lot of beautiful dolls but I think they are not so modern now. I think computer games are more popular now.

P2: I don’t agree with you. Every girl has a doll and likes playing it very much.

P1: So I see our tastes are very different.

P2: Yes, you are right.

Dialogue 2

P1: What do you usually do when you are free?

P2: I play different toys. I like cars very much. And what about you?

P1: I prefer playing trains. They are more powerful I think.

P2: I don’t agree with you. There are some cars which are much more powerful than trains.

P1: So I see our tastes are very different.

P2: Yes, you are right.

Dialogue 3

P1: What do you usually do when you are free?

P2: I play different toys. I like building bricks with letters very much. And what about you?

P1: I prefer playing Lego. It’s very interesting.

P2: I don’t agree with you. From Lego you can do one thing and from letter bricks you can make many words. And you learn playing it.

P1: So I see our tastes are very different.

P2: Yes, you are right.

5. Зарядка для глаз (Relaxation).

Teacher: Now your eyes want some rest.

Look left, look right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose.
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.

6. Стадия осмысления:

Look around. Today we have so many toys here. It’s like a museum of toys. They all are from different times. How do you think is there a real museum of toys? Слайд 7

Where is it situated? Let’s read a text about it.

При работе с текстом старайтесь следовать следующим правилам:

1. Внимательно прочитай текст, отметь знаком “плюс” то, что ты уже знал, знаком “минус”, что ты не знал, знаком “вопрос” то, о чём бы ты хотел ещё узнать.

2. Ставьте значки по ходу чтения текста.

Слайд 8

+ - ?
I knew that ... I didn’t know that ... I would like to know about ...

Слайд 9

The Teddy Bear Museum

Do you like toys? They all are from our childhood.

We are happy to invite you to visit our Teddy Bear Museum with almost 400 Teddy Bears. There are a lot of Bears that you can see only in books.

If you have your own teddy bear you will find an example in the Museum. There you will see him and know some details about him. You will visit our “Hall of Fame” where Teddies are gathered with their amazing stories for you to enjoy.

But how did the Teddy bear get its name? Theodore Roosevelt, the president of the USA from 1901 to 1909, was one day out in the wood hunting bears. He came across a little bear cub. It was so small, that he couldn’t kill it. He let it wander off.

An American newspaper heard the story and published a cartoon showing Theodore Roosevelt with the little animal. Sometime later, a toy maker wrote to the president and asked for permission to make a soft, toy bear and name it after him. As Theodore Roosevelt’s nickname was “Teddy” Roosevelt, the toy maker wanted to call his toy a “Teddy” bear.

Ever since then, one of the favourite toys of young children everywhere has been a teddy bear.

Слайд 10

Teacher: Now tell me, what you knew, what you didn’t know, what you would like to know (учащиеся высказываются по тексту). We made a tour only over one hall of the museum. But there are many other halls (museums) in it. Polina and Dima, next time you will be our guides and tell us about the other halls of this museum. You have to prepare a small text about them.

Слайд 11

Teacher: How do you think why this museum is The Teddy Bear Museum?

P1: Because Teddy Bear is the favourite toy of British children.

Слайд 12

Teacher: You’re right. I have my favourite toy too. Listen to me and guess what it is. I have this toy from my childhood. My parents gave me it for my 10th birthday. Since then this toy is always with me. I like it very much. It’s a bear. It’s black and white bear. And now I collect different kinds of this toy. What is it? Did you guess?

Слайд 13

P1: Panda bear.

Teacher: Yes, you’re right. And you, do you have your favourite toy? Next time you’ll tell me about them. You can use the plan I gave you.

7. Рефлексия.

Teacher: It`s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection, pupils. We have discussed much today. Did you like our lesson? I wonder what feelings and thoughts you`ve got now. Please, express your opinion in your cinquain poetry. You know its structure.

Слайд 14

Cinquain poetry:

1 word (a subject or a noun)

2 words (adjectives) that describe word 1

3 words (action verbs) that relate to word 1

4 words (feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to word 1

1 word (a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)

Here is the example:


Fantastic, magic,

Make happy, teach, relax

They make our dreams come true

Games / Childhood

Teacher: You can make a cinquain at home too. Work and then present them, please.

8. Итоги урока

Teacher: Dear pupils! I’m very grateful to you for the lesson. You’ve worked hard and I will give only good and excellent marks to all of you!

The lesson is over.

Слайд 15

Good – bye!
