Открытый урок по чтению "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse". 2-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 2

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: научить детей читать текст о мышах.


  • образовательная: повторить изученные буквы для составления темы урока; вспомнить изученные слова для улучшения понимания текста; познакомиться с новыми словами через контекстуальную догадку; научиться отличать определенные названия продуктов; научиться активно использовать в общении конструкции  I like/ I don’t like c выраженной эмоциональной оценкой своих предпочтений с помощью yuk /yummy;
  • развивающая: формировать умение прогнозировать содержание текста;
  • воспитательная: воспитывать внимательность и уважение  к мнению одноклассников; воспитание сотрудничества личной взаимной ответственности.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:


  • РЕГУЛЯТИВНЫЕ: умения принимать и сохранять учебную задачу, развивать умения формулировать цели деятельности, понимать алгоритмы действий, умений обсуждать и анализировать учебный процесс и оценивать результаты деятельности, адекватно воспринимать оценку одноклассниками своей работы.
  • КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЕ: умения вести диалог, использовать в общении правила вежливости, задавать вопросы, формулировать собственное мнение, использовать средства устного общения для решения учебных задач.
  • ПОЗНАВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ: уметь ориентироваться в своей системе знаний: отличать новое от уже известного; анализировать с целью выделения признаков.

Предметные: научить читать и понимать историю и городской и сельской мышах.

Личностные: уметь слушать; развивать внимательность, аккуратность; оценивать свою деятельность и деятельность одноклассников
Оборудование учебникCourse-book Spotlight 2 (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova) /Unit (Module 2)/Lesson 6c, p. 58, p.132, проектор, аудиозапись к уроку, видеофрагмент истории, презентация PowerPoint.

План урока 1. Lesson Plan: Warm-up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, reflexing.

Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to read the text “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”.

Skills: developing receptive skills (reading/listening)

New Language: meat, eat, bread, honey, bees.

Receptive vocabulary: pretty, city, town, country.

Revision: letters: O, U, S, E, M, come, cheese, yuk, yummy.



Teacher Does/Says:

Pupils Say/Do


Warm up
5 min

To revise the letters

Shows letter cards in jumbled order ,   attaches them on the board, guesses  the word I conceive.

Name the letters and sound then  guess and put the letters in order to make the theme of the lesson.

Standing in front of the black board pupils in turn put  the letters in correct order to make the word MOUSE

Pre reading
15 min

To introduce the topic
To introduce the words from the text

To predict the story

Asks the theme of the lesson
Attaches  two pictures of mice and asks the difference (colours, places where they live). Asks why they are different and what they think will be in the text

Say the variants of the theme. Look at pictures and name the differences
(color, place where they live). Say the words connected with the Town Mouse and Country Mouse

T draws hole and house or attaches  the pictures of them

T collects what pupils say on the board and asks them to predict the plot

To introduce the words

Asks what mouse likes to eat.
Shows the PCs with food they know.
Puts them on the board and write numbers. Says the numbers.
Then names a PC and asks pupils to say the corresponding number. And vice versa.
Sticks the WCs opposite the picture cards.  Then read one word and match it with a picture card. Asks pupils to continue.
Shows the WCs with the new words. Reads aloud the words on WCs omitting one word. Asks pupils to read the words I missed.
Asks to close your eyes open your eyes. Take away one of the word cards.
Puts the picture cards on the walls , asks 8  pupils to come and hand out the word cards. Looks at your card, reads your card and very quickly matches the cards.

Name the food the mouse like
Say the numbers.
Name the PCs.
Read WCs and match with PCs.
Repeat the words from WCs.
Read the missing words.

Read  the corresponding WCs that T distributes.

Come to the black board and get the WCs. Make a circle and repeat the rhyme, passing the WCs clockwise, not looking at them:
Listen! Listen! Cat is coming! Quickly, quickly, mouse is running.
Run and match the cards

To give the instruction Explains the activities: Listen and Complete. Listening to the story Listen to the story  

While reading
10 min

To develop reading skills: for special information

 Asks to listen and repeat each line after the speaker
Asks to point to the picture when you hear the words you learned

Listen and repeat after the speaker
Point to the pictures

Check that pupils know what to do.
Short aerobic type activity:
1,1,1,run run run
222go to the zoo
333climb up the tree
444touch the floor
555 swim and dive
666pick up the sticks
78 that was great
9 and 10 count again

Post reading
10 min
To check understanding
To develop reading
To develop writing

Distributes the strip of paper with one sentence from the story
Complete the sentence below and copy
p.132 ex 1,2

Pps read it to other classmates

Children stand in a line with a right order of the sentences.
Cut up and stick missing words on the wall. Move around room finding them.

Crafting activity


Hands out smileys of the mouse and the name of the food on the sheets of paper.
Takes the Scissors and cuts out the types of food you ‘ve got.
Takes  your smileys(grey is Town M. and Brown is Country M.) . One of you is CM and  your partner is TM. Reads the text and offers the food.
Changes the roles

Read the text in pairs.
Ask  each other about the food

Take the scissors and cut the food out. Take smileys, read the text, offer the food each other.
Check that pupils know what to do
Volunteers can read/perform the story to the class

Asks  each other: What food do you like?
If you like you say: Yummy, I like…/ and if don’t like you say “Yuk,yuk”

Answer the questions: Yummy. I like…/Yuk. I don’t like….
Work in pairs and change their answers

May organize new pairs
Volunteers can come up to board and to read or to recite the roles they remembered

To personalize

Ask if Pps like the story whether the cm was right to think that this place isn’t pretty.

Give their opinions

Use L1 if necessary

5 min

What do you know for today and what do you like more?

Оправдались ли ваши ожидания?

Над чем заставил задуматься урок?

H/T/ reading the text or learning by heart who wants

Say the words and the activities

Use L1 if necessary

Leaving class to throw your smiley in one of three bowls:

like ,

dislike ,

can't say .