Урок английского языка "Scotland the Beautiful"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

VI год обучения, учебник для VI класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. (Авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева.)

Цели урока:

  • обучающая: актуализировать имеющиеся знания учащихся по теме, развивать навыки неподготовленной речи.
  • развивающая: развивать воображение, внимание учащихся …. деятельность.
  • воспитывающая: воспитывать уважение к культуре другого народа, расширять кругозор.

Ход урока

Доска оформлена к уроку (карта Великобритании, флаг Шотландии, эмблема Шотландии, тема урока красочными буквами).

Teacher: Let’s speak about Scotland. It’s a wonderful country beautiful scenery, green valleys, high mountains and remarkable historical past. It’s the birthplace of R. Burns(a famous poet), Sir Walter Scott (a famous writer), Alexander Bell (the inventor of telephone) and James Watt (a famous engineer). Today we’ll try to sum up all we know and learn new facts about this wonderful land.


– Who can show on the map, where Scotland is situated?

– People of what nationality live in Scotland?

– Who knows how this kind of cloth is called?

Tartans were different and each Scottish clan wore its own tartan.

(Учитель готовит к уроку 2 вида клетчатой ткани – шотландки, из которой вырезает прямоугольной формы платочки. Учащиеся разбирают их, прикалывают к одежде, таким образом делятся на 2 команды, 2 клана для проведения следующего этапа урока).


Now you are representatives of 2 Scottish clans – McDonald and McKenzies. Let’s have a short fight and SU who knows Scotland better.

a) questions about Scotland. (Where is Scotland situated. What’s its paitron saint symbol? Capital? What river flows through Scotland? Where is industry concentrated? What is a military tattoo? etc.)

b) a representative from each team speaks on given topic

(1. Two great centers of Scotland.

2. Places of interest in Edinburgh)

c) listen to the text “A tradition of independence”

учебник “In Britain”
Michael Vaughan – Recs
Peter Bystrom
Steve Bateman
Титул 1999 г.

Put T(true) or F(false) near the following statements:

1. Scotland has always been a part of the UK.

2. In 1707 Scotland became part of the UK.

3. About 25% of Scottish people want Scotland to be completely independent.


Let’s have an imaginary trip to the Scotland.

Listen to different sounds, imagine you’re in some place of Scotland and Describe it (in 3-4 sentences).

Используется кассета с различными звуковыми эффектами:

a) military music;

b) big city;

c) natural sounds.


There are a lot of films about Scotland and its people. W are going to watch a short episode from a famous film “Highlander”.

Your task is to watch it and then to name at least three reasons, facts which prove that people we see are the Scotts.

(1. a bagpipe;

2. a kilt;

3. their names – McLaud.)

Duncan McLaud is an imaginary character. Now we’ll see a person who really lived and fought for Scotland and its independence with the English. Hid name is William Wallace. See a part from the film “The Brave Heart” and describe William Wallace (appearance, character). Uses the words: brave, honest, independent, a good soldier, noble face, tall, strong, long fair hair).


Every country has got its mystery. Scotland has Loch Ness monster.

Один из учеников исполняет роль Шерлока Холмса, который только что вернулся из Шотландии, где он пытался разгадать тайну озера Лох-Несс. Учащиеся расспрашивают его.


So you believe the monster really lives in the lake? Can you show us any pictures of it?

Were there any expeditions to the lake to find the monster?

What do people know about Nessie?


The 25th of January is a special day in Scotland.


Pupils: It’s Burn’s birthday?

Teacher: How do they call this festival?

Pupils: Burn’s Night.

Teacher: Let’s have the festival just now.

a) Some of the pupils recites a poem “My Hearts in the Highland”.

b) Pupils sing a famous song “My Bonnie lies over the ocean”.

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