Урок для этапа развития речевого умения на основе лексической таблицы-3 по проблеме: "The information in Mass Media: What is it like? For whom? What for?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

Учебная: развивать речевое умение; овладевать умением говорить самостоятельно; развивать умение осознанно и самостоятельно выбирать стратегию и тактику высказывания; развивать умение стилистически адекватно и аргументированно оформить речевое высказывание.

Познавательная: расширить знания учащихся в области средств массовой информации (телевидение, радио, газеты, журналы) как источнику актуального оперативного информирования.

Развивающая: развивать способности целенаправленно, логично и связно излагать содержание речевого высказывания, развивать аналитические способности.

Воспитательная: воспитывать толерантность и уважительное отношение к чужой точке зрения.


1. Экспозиция.

Recently we’ve talked a lot about Mass Media. To tell the truth, current events are not always exciting. But we need them to know what’s happening in the world.

2. Речевая подготовка.

- What do you like to read about?

- Are you interested in politics? Why?

- Are Morning News informative?

- Are you fond of reading “Celebrity column”?

- Do you approve gossips and rumour in the newspaper? Why?

- What do you think about criticizing famous people?

3. Постановка проблемы.

“Paparazzi” rule the world” – is the slogan of Mass Media. You can know the latest news, learn something new about the world of science, new developments and inventions, new galaxy or life on another planet and many others. Information is useful for us. But information in Mass Media is true and actual whereas it can be conflicting and distort. So, the information in Mass Media: what is it like? For whom? What for? What do you think about it?

(вопрос записывается на доску)

4. Речевые упражнения.

а) упражнения на основе статьи или отрывков из нескольких статей, по которым учащиеся могут высказаться, например:

(учащимся предлагается несколько текстов-статей)

Упражнение 1.

Учитель: Creativity, spirituality, and responsibility are the main features of another world, the world of show-business. The newspaper “Family Soap” suggests the following stories. How could celebrities live and work if they are open for press. Is it easy to be always in the center of attention?

Look through them and explain your point of view.

Статья 1.

The soloist of the group “Sparkling” Joan Friskie organized the party to celebrate the birthday of her…puppy! The quests were invited together with their dogs. The dogs were so welcome that they were fed up with the speciality of Japanese cousine “sushi”. The puppy was “a present with a tail” from famous model and close friend of Joan Michael Vikhlaev.

Статья 2.

Tony Kataev avoids prison. According to verdict, Tony has to attend psychological courses “Help for women who bit their husbands”. If she does, it will help her to avoid prison. Just one more thing she has to do – give $500 for charity to the people who take care of bitten husbands. If not, she will be sentenced for one year.

Учитель: Are we allowed to invade people’s private lives?

б) высказывания, снабженные вопросами для размышления, например:

Учитель: There are many magazines for teenagers. If you read such magazines as “Jackie”, “Just Seventeen”, “Number One” you can understand that there are a lot of different and useful things to think about.

Why do you think people write letters to magazines?

What do they usually write about?

Would you reply to any letter?

Упражнение 2.

How to approach her?

At school I used to sit next to the girl I fell in love with. Some days ago I ran into her by chance and realized that I still fancy her even more than ever. Please help me. I can’t find the nerve to approach her and I am still afraid to be rejected again.


My dad drinks too much.

I am in desperate need of help. The problem is that my dad drinks too much. I feel as if I don’t love him any more. The reason is that he doesn’t help my mum, she has to do everything herself. He ruined her social life! I also think if I hadn’t been born, nothing would have happened. Please help me.


A real friend?

I need your help. We have been friends for many years. She is very clever and beautiful, much better than me. We shared all our secrets. I really trusted her. We never argued. But one day I saw her talking with my boyfriend. They laughed and looked very happy. I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to lose my friend but I can’t trust her anymore. Please, help me.


в) отрывки из рекламных проспектов и объявлений, в том числе на родном языке, например:

Упражнение 3.

Учитель: Advertisements are very popular nowadays. Should magazines print such ads? Pretend yourself a grown-up whose daughter had read a magazine while you were out. Comment on the ads.

Ясновидящая – потомственный целитель – посвященная в космические каналы. Гармония души, настоящего. Коррекция судьбы, будущего. Снятие порчи, страха. Тел: 65-84-23; 76-66-49
Выливание на воск от порчи и сглаза. Травы. Предсказываю судьбу, помогу найти выход из затруднительной ситуации. Тел: 78-77-05

That’s your chance! FUTURETELLER

Predict your future! It depends on you!

E-mail: fut@softhome.net

Are you still superstitions? Don’t miss it!

Reverse bad luck!

Forget black cats and broken mirrors! Tel: 55-55-55

г) заголовки к печатным изданиям, например:

Упражнение 4.

Учитель: They say: “It should be true because it’s in the newspaper”; Do you agree with this opinion? Why? Why not? Look through the headlines taken from some popular newspapers and answer the following questions:

- Why do you think the journalists have such titles for their articles?

- What these articles could be about?

- Who will read the articles?

- How can they influence young people?

- Should the articles of such kind be published in modern magazines?

Give your reasons.

(Учитель предлагает учащимся карточки с заголовками статей, выбранных из одного или нескольких печатных изданий. Образец карточки см. в приложении к данному уроку)

д) иллюстрации в виде фотографий.

Упражнение 5.

Учитель: Yesterday I read a magazine. It was rather interesting with a lot of pictures but …

Look at the picture and say:

- How can they influence the readers?

- What would you ask an editor who printed such pictures?

- Would you print such photos if you were the editor?

(Учитель предлагает учащимся карточки с фотографиями, выбранными из одного или нескольких печатных изданий. Образец карточки см. в приложении к данному уроку)

Упражнение 6.

e) упражнения без опор.

Учитель: What is your attitude to the information given in Mass Media?

(Учитель предлагает студентам поразмышлять над ситуациями и объяснить свою позицию).

а) Authority has always been criticized. Why? Give your reasons.

б) Students, I know that among your close relatives there are people who don’t like to read newspapers and don’t subscribe to them. What is the reason of it, do you think?

в) I know that you’re fond of reading “Cosmopolitan”. Make pupils sure that it’s worth reading;

г) Authority has always been criticized. Why? Give your reasons.;

д) The information in Mass Media: what is it like? For whom? What for?

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание: подготовить сообщение по проблеме “The influence of Mass Media on people and modern society”