Урок-конкурс "Animals in our life" для учащихся 6-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Закрепить и углубить знания, умения и навыки, приобретенные учащимися в рамках базового курса по учебнику “Enjoy English – 3” для 6 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой.
  2. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения языком как средством общения по теме “Animals in our life” по циклу № 6 учебника.
  3. Развивать творческую инициативу учащихся, их самостоятельность и активность.

Оформление кабинета: приглашение “Welcome to our competition”, рисунки с сочинениями учащихся о своих любимых животных.

Ведущий конкурса – учитель английского языка. Конкурс проводится между командами мальчиков и девочек 6 класса.

Ведущий представляет команды и жюри зрителям. Команда девочек “Monkeys” и команда мальчиков “Tigers” рассказывают о себе.

Teacher: “Dear boys and girls. Today you’ll take part in the competition. The aim of which is to determine the best knowledge of the animals.

You’ll have several tasks. For a right answer you’ll get a star. If your answer is wrong, you won’t get anything. At the end of the competition, you’ll count up all the stars you got and the team with the greatest number will be the winner of our competition.

Good luck to you! Let’s start our contest.

1. The First Task

Guess the Riddle:

Two geese before a gosse, and two geese behind a gosse, and a gosse in the middle. How many geese in all? (Three geese)

2. The Second Task

Translate the proverbs about animals and give Russian equivalents

1. To kill two birds with one stone. 1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2. Убить двух зайцев.
3. Every dog has his day. 3. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки
4. The early bird catches the worm. 4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник.
5. No bees, no honey. 5. В семье не без урода.
6. Curiosity killed a cat. 6. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда.
7. Every family has a black sheep. 7. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

3. The Third Task

The teacher shows the names of the animals and then hides them under the table.

The pupils should recall what were on the blackboard.

They must write down the names of the animals into two parts: domestic and wild animals.

(mouse, bear, turkey, fox, wolf, hare, tiger, lion, dog, rabbit, cock, hen, duck, donkey, cow, horse, goat, zebra, camel, hedgehog, kangaroo, giraffe).

4. The Fourth Task

Start each sentence with a suitable creature:

1. …… can fly a great height.

2. …… can swim very long distance.

3. …… can eat fruit from tall trees.

4. …… can understand lots of human commands.

5. …… can run very fast.

6. …… can travel through the desert for long distance without water.

7. …… can change their skin several times a year.

8. …… can provide us with wool.

9. …… can be 30 metres in length.

5. The Fifth Task

Add the sentence: “If I were the director of the zoo, I would…….”

6. The Fourth Task

What questions would you ask the director of the zoo?

7. The Seventh Task

Answer the questions:

10. What things can we teach the dog to do?

11. How do you take care of your pets (dog, cat, parrot)?

12. Why can’t we take the dogs into the zoo?

13. How can we help our local zoo?

14. How should people protect the places where animals live?

8. The Eighth Task

Teacher: “Do you know the poems and songs about animals?”

(The children sing the songs and declaim the poems about animals)

9. The Ninth Task

Give the plural forms of the nouns:

Snake - Mouse - Eagle -
Goose - Monkey - Elephant -
Fish - Wolf - Shark -


10. The Seventh Task

What are the most intelligent animals?

a) the dog e) the bear i) the elephant
b) the beaver f) the cat j) the gorilla
c) the horse g) the chimpanzee  
d) the sea lion h) the orang - utan  

(Answer 1g, 2h, 3i, 4j, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8d, 9e, 10f)

11. The Eleventh Task

Teacher: “Now I’ll read you one story about animals. Try to understand it and write the traits of the character of the hen, the duck, the goose and the turkey.

The Hen finds a bag of flour. It is very big. She cannot carry it home herself. So she asks the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey to help her. But the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey say “No”. So the Hen carries it home herself.

Now the Hen wants to make some bread. She asks the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey to help her. But the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey say “No”. So the Hen makes it bread herself.

When the bread is ready, the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey want to eat it. But the Hen says, “Oh, no! I cannot give you any bread. I want to eat it myself”. And she eats the bread herself.

12. The Twelveth Task

Listen and recall “How long do the animals live?”

Rabbits – 5 years Goats – 15 years
Sheep – 12 years Cows – 25 years
Cats – 13 years Pigs – 25 years
Dogs – 15 years Horses – 30 years
  Camels – 40 years

13. Final

Teacher “I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with answers and your work. Thank you for today’s lesson.

В конце урока подводятся итоги выполнения заданий командами. Объявляется команда победитель и самые лучшие знатоки животных. Вручаются грамоты и сладкие призы.