Разноуровневое обучение на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Технология разноуровневой дифференциации для обучения всем видам речевой деятельности, на наш взгляд, является наиболее эффективной, т.к. личностно-ориентированное обучение предполагает учет различий основной массы учащихся по уровню усвоения учебного материала. По сути дела у нас есть 2 ступени — стандарт обязательной общеобразовательной подготовки (уровень, которого желательно достичь каждому) и уровень, который должна обеспечить школа интересующемуся, способному, одаренному ученику. Пространство между этими ступенями должно быть заполнено своеобразной “лестницей“ деятельности, добровольное восхождение по которой способно реально обеспечить школьнику постоянное пребывание в зоне ближайшего развития, обучение на индивидуально посильном уровне. Реализацией этой идеи является разноуровневое обучение.

На базе кафедры иностранного языка гимназии №1 г. Дятлово работает научно-практическая лаборатория, которая занимается разработкой и апробацией разноуровневых тестов по всем видам речевой деятельности для изучения английского языка на углубленном уровне. На сегодняшний день разработан полный комплекс тестов по чтению, лексике, грамматике и аудированию для 5 класса, лексико-грамматические тесты и тесты по чтению для 4 класса, тесты по аудированию для 6–8-х классов. Все комплексы разноуровневых тестов соответствуют содержанию учебников “English” под редакцией Верещагиной, а также требованиям программы. Систематическое применение этих тестов имеет массу плюсов: прежде всего, возможность выбора и осознание учебного успеха, а также осознание своего реального роста, что дает учителю возможность корректировать и диагностировать дальнейшую работу. Кроме того, применение разноуровневых тестов создает прекрасную возможность для самостоятельной работы учащихся, которой, как нам кажется, должно уделяться большое внимание, ибо она является одной из важнейших форм учебно-познавательной деятельности и способствует достижению соответствующего уровня развития языковых и речевых умений и навыков самообразования, а также делает урок развивающим.

В виде примеров имеющихся у меня разноуровневых тестов предлагаю вам ознакомиться с представленными лексико-грамматическими тестами, тестами по чтению и аудированию. Если мои работы вас заинтересуют, буду рада дальнейшему сотрудничеству.

Вариант практического применения данных тестов можно отследить в предложенном плане урока.


Form 6


Once there lived two men. Each of them had a son. One of them — we shall call him Mr. White — was very strict with his son, and his friend — Mr. Brown — always asked, "Why are you so strict? I am not so strict, but my son is no worse than your son."

One day both men went to see some friends. Their sons were there too.

Soon the two men began again to talk about their sons, and again Mr. Brown said he did not understand why Mr. White was so strict.

Then his friend looked out of the window and called his son. He wrote a note and gave it to him. Then he said: "Take this note home, and bring me an answer from Mother." "Very well, Papa," said his son, and went out.

When he left his father began to speak: "Tom is going downstairs. He is downstairs at the door. He is giving the note to Mother. He is getting the answer. He is on his way here. He is passing in front of the cinema. He is crossing the street. He is at the door of the house. He is knocking at the door. He is going upstairs. He is here now," and then, he looked at the door and called, "Tom!"

"Here I am, Papa," answered Tom.

"Did you go home and get what I wanted?"

"I did. Here is Mother's answer."

"Good, my boy. Thank you. Go to your friends now."

Mr. Brown said then: "My son will do all

this no worse than your son." He wrote a note, called his son in, and told him to take the note to his mother and bring an answer to him.

"Hurry up! 1 need Mother's answer."

"Yes," said the boy. "I understand." And he went out.

His father began to speak as Mr. White did: "Bill is going downstairs. He is at the door. He is going out. He is walking down the street. He is crossing the street. He is turning to the right. He is at the gates of the park now. He is near our house. He is at the door. He is ringing the door-bell. He is going in. He is giving the note to his Mother. He is getting her answer. He is hurrying downstairs. He is in the street. He is turning to the left. He is at the gates of the park. He is walking up the street. He is walking up to the house. He is at the door. He is coming upstairs," and then he looked at the door and called: "Bill!"

"Yes, Papa," answered Bill.

"Give me the answer from Mother."

"I... I... I am here yet, Papa, I am looking for my cap..."

Both men looked at each other, but they did not say a word...

strict — строг!

no worse than your son — не хуже твоего сына

downstairs — вниз по лестнице

оn his way — по дороге

to pass — проходить

tо knock — стучать

upstairs — вверх по лестнице

to call - звать

to hurry — спешить

I need — мне надо

down the street —вниз по улице

to turn to the right (left) — повернуть направо (налево)

to ring the door-bell — позвонит в квартиру

both — оба

I. Find words with the opposite meaning:

Kind - , a question - , downstairs - , behind - , to the left

II. Choose the right answer:

1. Who was strict to their sons?

  1. Mr. Brown
  2. Mr. White
  3. both of them

2. What did Mr. White ask his son to do?

  1. to play in the garden
  2. to go to school
  3. to take a note to his mother

3. What did Tom do?

  1. stayed in the garden
  2. didn't go
  3. went home

4. And what did Bill do?

  1. he went home quickly
  2. he did not hurry
  3. he stayed in the room

III. Complete:

1. Mr. Brown always asked Mr. White why
he was so

  1. angry
  2. strict
  3. kind

2. Soon the two men began to talk about their

  1. houses
  2. jobs
  3. sons

3. Mr. Brown said his son was

  1. a good boy
  2. a bad boy
  3. no worse than Mr. White's son

4. Both men looked at each other and

  1. laughed
  2. didn't say a word
  3. punished Bill

IV. True/false:

  1. Mr. White was very strict with his son.'

2. Mr. Brown understood very well why
3. Mr. White was so strict.

4. Tom brought his mother's answer quickly.

5. Bill did the same things as Tom.

6. Mr. Brown was right.

V. Give a short summary of the text.



Form 5

L 62

An old gentleman was walking along the street one day. He saw a little boy near the door of a house. The boy was standing at the door. He was trying to reach the doorbell. The old gentleman stopped to help the boy.

"I'll ring the bell for you," he said and pulled the bell very hard.

The little boy looked at him, laughed and said, "Now we'll run away. Come on."

And before the old gentleman knew what was happening the boy was already in the street. The old man explained everything to the angry owner of the house.

to reach —достичь

doorbell — дверной звонок

to pull — потянуть

hard — сильно

Come on. — Пойдем, побежим!.

before (he) knew what was happening — не успел опомниться

angry — злой

I. Underline the words you`ve seen in the text: behind, along, to help, to reach, to get, to laugh, to explain, kind

II. Choose the right variant:

  1. An old gentleman was walking (down/along) the street.
  2. He saw a little boy (near/at/in front of) the door of the house.
  3. The boy was trying to reach the (doorbell/window/gates).
  4. The old man stopped (to help/to wait for/to watch) the boy.

III. True/False:

  1. The boy wanted to ring the bell.
  2. The old man pulled the bell hard.
  3. The boy ran away.
  4. The old man knew the owner of the house.

IV. Put 5 questions to the text.

V. What did the gentleman tell the owner of the house?


Form 4

ENGLISH 3 Vereshchagina


L 28–39

1. Complete the words: swe_t,ju_ce, so_p, bre _d, waer, poridge, hun_ry, tasy.

2. Match the word and its definition:

1) an apple

a) a long thick fruit with a yellow skin

2) milk

b) an animal which lives in water

3) tea

c) a white liquid produced by cows

4) a banana

d) a hot brown drink

5) jam

e) a hard round fruit

6) a fish

f) thick sweet mass of fruit and sugar

3. Choose the suitable word:

1) I drink (much/many) coffee.

2) He (buys/bought) chocolate yesterday.

3) These trees (grow/grows) in different countries.

4) We (eat/ate) porridge for breakfast yesterday.

5) I don't have (many/much) sweets.

6) Children drink (much/many) milk.

4. Put questions to the sentences starting with the words:

1) Nick drinks tea for breakfast. (What?)

2) We went to the cafe yesterday. (Where?)

3) I drank two glasses of water. (How many?)

4) Helen ate much chocolate yesterday. (When?)

5. Write what you usually eat for dinner, and what you ate yesterday.

  • Read words in a letter: (8 words)

Vfegghextwaobelfems///bnrfetasdf///siojukpt///apuowtvrxiqdsghen///clhmoscvorlyaxtye///pmontt aptwol///marbadt///fhidsfh///


Form 5

ENGLISH 4 Vereshchagina

L 31–32

1. Choose the preposition, translate the sentences:

1) We decided to stay (at/to) the hotel (in/for) a week,

2) There were many people (on/by) the plane.

3) It is comfortable to travel (by/on) train.

4) We spent summer (at/in) the seaside.

5) I should find the answer (to/on) the question.

6) The house was (on/in) fire.

7) I have a ticket (for/to) a London train.

2. Fill in the gaps:

Begin - ...- begun

Drink - drank -...

Spend -... -spent

Swim -...- swum

Draw -... –drawn

Eat - ate -...

3. Use the right variant:

1) We already (were/have been) to Moscow.

2) They (visited/have visited) London 2 years ago.

3) She (hasn't done/didn4 do)her homework.

4) Helen (has bought/bought) a new dress last week.

5) We (went/have gone) to the cinema yesterday.

4. Complete the sentences:

1) I have...

2) Our teacher has ...

3) My friend has ...

4) My parents have ...

5. Write how you have spent the weekend.



ENGLISH 7 Vereshchagina



Pay attention

bouncy, wedding, doubt, boyhood, to whisper, to leave on horseback, sword, spiteful, poisonous, delicious, couple

I. Choose the right variant:

1. The boy lived in a (rich/poor) family.

2. He put stories in a small (bag/box)

3. Г11 turn into bright red berries by the (road/street).

4. The stories wanted the boy to (suffer/please).

II. True/False:

1. The boy was an only child in the family.

2. The young man picked berries for his bride.

3. The wedding ceremony was held in the young girl's home.

4. The servant told his young master the whole story.

III. Fill in the gaps:

1. The boy was cheerful and loved____told to him.

2. The bag was___of stories.

3. The old devoted servant knew that he must _

4. The room was full of___.

5. Stories must always be shared with '

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What did the boy like to do when he was a child?

2. What did the voices from the story bag speak about/

3. How did the old servant save his master?

4. Why should stories be shared?

V. Retell the story in writing.



ENGLISH 6 Vereshchagina



Pay attention:

To hide — прятаться

Through the rain - под дождем

Suddenly — вдруг

I. Underline the words you have heard:

forecast, showers, zoo, umbrellas, mountains, gardens, mistakes.

II. Choose the right varient:

a) The day was nice and ( calm / noisy ).

b) Weathermen sometimes make ( presents / mistakes ).

c) Father ( expected / didn't expect) any rainstorm.

III. Insert the prepositions:

a) the weather___Europe

b) to hide___rain

c) Tom turned___his father

d) Tom thought___his father" s words

e) it doesn't rain___the road

IV. Complete the sentences:

a) Tom and his father were having a walk____

b) The sun was shining brightly _ .

c) The weather in Europe is __.

d) It rains and the_____for us.

V. Translate:

1. Солнце светило ярко.

2. Было сухо и тепло утром.

3. Вдруг начался сильный дождь.

4. Дождь очень полезен.


Form 6

ENGLISH 5 Vereshchagina


L 3

I. Underline the words you have just heard:

sculptures, photos, albums, pictures, documents.

II. Choose the right variant:

- There is a Manuscript ( Hall / Room ) in the Museum.

- The library of the British museum is one of (the biggest / the richest) in the world.

- When you come to the museum you can go to (the rest / the Reading ) Room.

- Some of ( the most famous / the greatest ) people have sat in the Reading Room.

III. Complete the sentences:

- The British Museum is situated in Great Russel___.

- There are a lot of _____ in it.

- Many things came to the museum from___.

- There re more than__________in the library of the British Museum.

IV. Answer the questions.

- Where is the British Museum?

- What is it famous for?

- What collections can you find in the British Museum?

- What have you learnt about the library of the British Museum?

V. Write what have you learnt about the British Museum.