Открытый урок по теме: "Путешествие по Шотландии" (учебник В.П. Кузовлева). 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цели и задачи: систематизация и расширение лингвистических знаний учащихся, развитие познавательного интереса, творческого потенциала, формирование социокультурной компетенции, овладение коммуникативной культурой.

Оборудование: карты, виды Шотландии, эмблема, флаги, портреты, карточки, книги, музыкальное сопровождение, плакаты, экран.

Ход урока.

I. Slogan: “ He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britan”.

Звучит музыка (“God Save Queen.”)

Вступление учителя ( на экране)

Britain is the land of contrasts. Scotland, one of its parts is a country with the intense national traditions. This is the land of romance, the land of legendary knights,battles, ballads.

The wild mountains of Northern Scotland, the loveliest Scottish fjords and glistering lochs are believed to be among the best scenery of the world. Romance needs imagination. So you have to take Scotland with imagination. Welcome to Scotland!

II Защита проекта “The portrait of the country. ”

“Oh Scotia! My dear, my native soil” R.Burns.

Capital – Edinburdh

Language – English

Currency – pound

Population – 5 million people

River – Clyde

Lakes – Loch Lomond, Loch Ness

Mountains – The Highlands of Scotland

Largest cities – Glasgow, Aberdeen

Great people – W.Scott, R. Burns, J Watt, G.G. Byron, R.L. Stevenson.

Symbol – thistle

III Slogan (на экране) “This is my own, my native land” Sir. W. Scott

Звучит музыка (a national instrument bagpipe)

Учитель: We are in Scotland at last!

We read so much about it!

We heard so much about this romantic land.

Now let’s fresh our knowlegde and enjoy travelling round Scotland.

Работа в группах: ответы на вопросы викторины (карточки по 3 вопроса)

  1. What is another word for the North of Scotland?
  2. What is the name of the highest mountain in Scotland?
  3. What do we call the South of the country?
  4. What is the national emblem?
  5. What monster “lives” in Loch Ness?
  6. What’s the capital of Scotland?
  7. What river is Glasgow on?
  8. Who is Scottish Robin Hood?
  9. What is the name of the largest lake in Scotland?
  10. What is the kilt?
  11. What can you say about the nature of the country?
  12. What city is called “the heart of industry”?

(Ответы сдаются в жюри)

IV Slogan “My heart is in Highland, wherever I go…”

Учитель: Train your imagination!

Звучит мелодия Э. Морриконе “Одинокий пастух”

Задания группам:

1 задание: (3 мин)

  1. Найти на контурной карте и обозначить Шотландию.
  2. Нарисовать пейзаж Шотландии.

2 задание: (3 мин)

  1. Нарисовать Несси по воображению
  2. Нарисовать Несси для рекламы

(Работы сдаются в жюри для оценки)

V. Гид (ученик 9 класса) на экране виды Эдинбурга:

Now we are in Edinburgh. It is situated on the Seven Hills. The most impressive view is the Edinburgh Castle standing high on the grey massive Castle Rock. There are many monuments to the great people. But there is one devoted to a true friend. It is a statue to a dog. That dog was a Scottish terrier. It was small but brave and clever. The dog loved his master very much. When the dog’s master died, the dog came to the cemetory on the master’s grave. Every day the dog was there in good and bad weather. When the people of Edinburgh knew the story, the mayor of the city gave the dog the collar “freedom of the city”. When the dog died, the citizents put up a statue to that dog.

Учитель: You know Scottish people adore animals. And what about you? Your attitude to this story.

VI. Ролевая игра. Гид (ученик)

And now let’s have a rest. Would you like to taste Scottish dish ? Would you mind to have a snack in one of teashops?

In the Cafe. (2 ученика)

T. – Waiter!

W. – Yes, sir. What can I do for you!

T. – I am a foreigner, a tourist from Russia. I’d like to eat a traditional dish.

W. – With great pleasure. I recommend you to order black Scottish saussage and brown bread. Anything else?

T. – Well, I’d like to taste some Scotish cheese.

W. – We have Scottish cottage cheese. Wait a minute, sir.

T. - Thank you very much. It’s delicious! A cup of coffee, please.

W. – Just a moment! I am at your survice. – Thanks. Good bye!

W. – Come again!

VII Гид (ученик)

We are invited to the famous contest devoted to R. Burns’ poetry.

Учащиеся читают наизусть приготовленные отрывки из стихов Р. Бернса. Звучит песня “Auld Land Syne”. (Новогодний гимн на слова поэта)


  1. A red, red rose…
  2. Oh, whistle and I’ll come to you…
  3. Coming through’ the rye, poor body…
  4. My heart’s in Highland…
  5. Auld Land Syne

(оценки жюри)

VIII. Учитель. Аудирование.

The main richness of the country are its people: talanted writers, poets, scientists, inventors, explorers, artists, composers.

Работа в парах.

Name the most outstanding people of Scotland. Listen and write down.

Cards: №1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6
  Scientists writers inventors   poets explorers artists
  1. Robert Burns – a great Scottish poet
  2. James Watt – a famous inventor of the steam engine.
  3. Walter Scott – a great writer
  4. Fleming – a scientist, famous for discovering of penicillin.
  5. R.L. Stevenson – a famous writer
  6. David Livingstone – an outstanding explorer of Africa.

(ответы отправляются в жюри)

IX. Учитель: Let’s relax! Enjoy the moment! Listen to a small beatiful poem by R.L. Stevenson “Time to Rise”. Try to undestand and imagine the picture.

A birdie with a yellow bill

Hopped upon the window sill.

Cocked his shining eye and said:

“Aren’t you ashamed, you sleepy head.”

(чтение с жестами и мимикой)

What is it about?

Учитель: What can you say about…

Some associations for you…

  1. A Flying Scotchman (Экспресс “Лондон - Эдинбург”, “Летучий шотландец”)
  2. Scotch (виски; липкая лента)
  3. Arthor Conan Doyle (the creator of Sherlock Holmes)
  4. bagpipe (волынка)
  5. Balmoral (the Scottish residence of the Queen)
  6. MacDonald (Mac – “Son of” - шотландская фамилия)
  7. Glasgow (a great port, a heart of industry)
  8. Loch Lomond (the largest lake)
  9. Seven hills (Edinburgh stands on seven hills)
  10. Kilt (a Scottish traditional costume, a skirt)
  11. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (G. G. Byron’s poem)
  12. A thistle (чертополох, символ)

X. Учитель: В далеком прошлом Шотландии и в настоящем мы находим связь двух культур: российской и шотландской. Вот 3 примера:

  1. Предки М.Ю. Лермонтова (родословная идет от Дж. Лермонта) по семейной легенде происходят из Шотландии. Какие чувства и мысли вызывают у вас прекрасные строки М.Ю. Лермонтова из стихотворения “Желание”
  2. На запад, на запад помчался бы я,

Где цветут моих предков поля,
Где в замке пустом, на туманных горах,
Их забвенный покоится прах.
… И арфы шотландской струну бы задел
И по сводам бы звук полетел…
… Меж мной и холмами отчизны моей
Расстилаются волны морей…

2. S.Marshak - a famous Russian poet brought R. Burns to the Russian people through his fine translations:

Oh my Luve’s like a red, red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June:
Oh my Luve’s like the melody,
That’s sweetly played in tune…

Любовь, как роза, роза красная,
Цветет в моем саду
Любовь моя - как песенка,
С которой в путь иду…

2. A.S. Pushkin began to study English to read Byron’s poems in original. He was fascinated by his romantic poetry.

Adieu, adieu! my native shore
Fades over the waters blue.
The night – winds sigh, the breakers roar
And shrieks the wild sea-mew (G.G. Byron)

Прощай, прощай! Мой брег родной
В лазури вод поник.
Вздыхает бриз, ревет прибой,
И чайки вьется крик.
Our travelling has come to an end.

Заключение (на экране)

Учитель: When we get acquainted with the culture, literature and history of another country, we begin to understand its people, their way of life and their views better.

Good Bye to Scotland!

Will ye no come back again?…(the old Scottish song)

XI. Итоги: анализ, оценки жюри, мнения учащихся.

Thank you very much for your tolerance and attention.


  1. О.Ф. Судленкова “100 писателей Великобритании” Минск “Высшая школа” 1997 г.
  2. Н.Н. Маркова “Across England to Scotland” Москва “Просвещение” 1971 г.
  3. Г.Д. Томакин “Across the Countries of the English language” Москва “Просвещение”1993 г.
  4. В.В. Ощепков “Britain in Brief” Москва “Просвещение” 1993 г.
  5. В.Н. Богородицкая, Л.В. Хрусталёва “Английский язык. 8 класс” Санкт-Петербург ООО “Космос” 1995 г.