Урок "Лингвистический калейдоскоп " "Linguistic kaleidoscope" по теме: "Уэльс" в 9-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Тип урока: обобщающий.

Форма урока: урок-соревнование.

Вид урока: урок практического применения знаний умений и навыков.

Педагогическая технология: Штейнберга.

Место в учебном плане: заключительный урок по теме: “Уэльс”.

Подготовка кабинета:

  • столы составить в виде треугольника;
  • на доске слова “Wales”, “Croeso i Gymru”, “Welcome to Wales”;
  • карта Уэльса;
  • схема Штейнберга;
  • комплекты заданий по группам;


  • компьютер

Цели урока (для учителя):

  1. Повторение, закрепление и углубление изученного материала по теме “Уэльс”.
  2. Стимулирование познавательного интереса учащихся к данной теме и предмету иностранный язык в целом, используя различные подходы.
  3. Активизация взаимодействия между учащимися, развитие навыков групповой работы.
  4. Развитие умственных способностей, памяти, умения излагать мысль на иностранном языке.

Цели урока (для ученика):

Учащиеся должны убедиться в том, что:

1. научиться говорить по-английски – можно (интеллектуальная собственность – это товар);
2. тему “Уэльс” они усвоили.

Задачи урока:

Социокультурный аспект:

  • познакомить учащихся с историей, культурой и традициями других народов мира.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие приемов умственной деятельности;
  • умение работать с опорными схемами;
  • развивать общий кругозор;
  • развивать навыки и умения добывать знания через Интернет и другие средства, использовать справочную литературу и другие дополнительные источники информации.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитывать у учащихся чувство толерантности к другим народам;
  • стимулировать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
  • развивать умение учеников работать в коллективе и принимать совместное решение.

Учебный аспект:

  • Развивать умения учащихся читать, писать и говорить по-английски.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

Организационный момент;

Вступительное слово учителя;

Деление на команды.

Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It will be the “Linguistic kaleidoscope” around Wales. When we speak about Wales we mainly imagine that it is the land of tourists. One who had visited it can hardly forget the beautiful green hills surrounding the sea, Welsh lakes, wild forests, quick rivers and high waterfalls.

At the same time Wales is almost a separate nation, with its own language. Can you translate these words. “Croeso i Gymru”?

Ученики пытаются перевести. Учитель вывешивает другую таблицу “Welcome to Wales”;

The Welsh language – the language spoken in Wales; it belongs to Celtic languages. In the past, for example in the 19-th century, the Welsh language was not encouraged by the British authorities. Children, who spoke Welsh at school, were punished by having a wooden sign called a “Welsh Not” hung round their neck, but nowadays it is taught in schools and colleges, sometimes as the first language.

And now we’ll touch all sides of such beautiful and unusual part of Great Britain – Wales.

Please, choose any sweet you like. Help yourselves! (Учитель предлагает каждому ученику по конфете, тем, кому достались конфеты с красным фантиком – составляют 1 команду, с синим – 2, и желтым – 3).

So we have got 3 teams. Take you places and for every correct answer you’ll be given a sweet. At the end of the lesson we’ll see whose team knows Wales better. Good luck!

II. Конкурс знатоков истории, географии и общих сведений об Уэльсе.

Let’s turn our linguistic kaleidoscope. The 1-st task is to speak about geography, history and general information about Wales. Here are 3 envelopes with the tasks.

Red envelope – geography

Blue envelope – general information

Yellow envelope – history.

Каждая команда выбирает пакет соответствующего цвета.

  1. The first task is to choose 5 words only on your topic, fasten them with pins on Shteinberg’s table, read and translate them.
  2. History Geography General information
    - united - poor land - emblem
    - resisted - surface - capital
    - conquered - bounded - population
    - invaded - territory - separate
    - struggle - west - pocket
  3. The second task is to answer the questions on your topics.


  1. When was Wales invaded by the Celts? (In the 6-th century B. C.)
  2. Did Wales resist the Anglo - Saxons and the Normans? (Yes, they did)
  3. Who conquered the country in 1277? (Edward I)
  4. Under whom were England and Wales united in 1536? (Under Henry VIII)
  5. Can we say that the history of Wales is a story of struggle? (Sure, we can)


  1. Where is Wales situated? (In the West of Great Britain)
  2. What is Wales bounded by in the north, the south, the east and the west? (On the north by the Irish Sea, on the east by the English countries, on the south by the British Channel and on the west by St. George’s Channel)
  3. What is the highest mountain in Wales? (Showdon 3,560 feet )
  4. Have Wales’s poor or rich lands? (Poorlands)
  5. What farms can you find in Wales? (Sheep-farms)

General information:

  1. What does “Croeso I Gymru” mean and how is it translated? (Welcome to Wales)
  2. Can you name the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
  3. What is the territory and the population of Wales? (20000 km2; 3 mln.)
  4. Name symbols of Wales. (Flag, leek, daffodil, love spoon, harp)
  5. What is “The Welsh dragon”? (It’s the flag of Wales)

III. Диалоги о символах Уэльса.

Let’s turn our linguistic kaleidoscope to the next side: “Symbols”. Every country has own symbols, so has Wales. Let’s see if you know them. But now you’ll have to make up dialogues and describe the national costume, the flag, the daffodil and st. David’s Day. I’ll give you 5 minutes.

Учитель прикрепляет к схеме Штейнберга опорные слова. Группы рассказывают свои диалоги, используя опорные слова и иллюстрации. Образец примерного диалога.

P1 - Hi! I haven’t seen you for ages!

P2 - Hello! You are right! I haven’t been here.

P1 - Where have you been then?

P2 - In Great Britain. We’ve won a prize in competition and our teacher took us to a tour.

P1 - It’s great! You are lucky! Will you tell me about your trip? What places did you visit?

P2 - Scotland, Wales and sights in London.

P1 - Wales! I’ve just read a book about this part of Great Britain. Is it really different from other parts?

P2 - Yes, take for example, symbols. The leek and daffodil are Welsh national emblems.

P1 The leek? Isn’t it strange?

P2 - Yes, St. David was a monk who lived on bread, water, herbs and leeks and died on March 1, 589 A. D. Since that time the leek became the national emblem for Wales, and medieval soldiers used to wear leeks as they rode to battle. Nowadays, the leek is worn on March 1, St. David’s Day – the Welsh national holiday and at international rugby matches.

P1 - By the way, I know that Scottish man wear skirts “kilts” and what about Welsh national costume, do Welsh men also wear “kilts”?

P2 - No, there is no special costume for men, but 17-th century country women wore long colored skirts, a while apron and a tall black hat. Got interested? I’ve brought a V-Film about Wales and Scotland and you may take it, if you want.

P1 - Thanks a lot. With great pleasure.

P2 - Then let’s go with me.

P1 - OK.

IV. Тестна чтение и пониманиетекста.

Let’s turn again our linguistic kaleidoscope! “Test on reading”. Every student gets a text. You task is to read it attentively and do the test. These words could be helpful. Let’s read them. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

TEST № 1

At the New Year, the following Welsh customs were also observed, many of them until quite recently.

All exiting debts were to be paid. If not, then the debtor would remain in debt throughout the whole year. It was also considered very unlucky to lend anything on New Year’s Day, even a candle. How one behaved on this special day was an indication of how he would behave throughout the coming year. Fore example, if a man rose early on January 1st, his early rising was ensured the rest of the year. The custom of letting in meant that good or bad luck was brought to the household by the first visitor of the New Year. In some areas, it was unlucky for a man to see a woman first; in others, it was unlucky for a woman to see a man first. Some people believed that it was unlucky to see a red-haired man first. In my own youth in Clwyd, having been blessed with red hair, I was never allowed into anyone’s home on this day until a dark person had first crossed the threshold. If a woman was bold enough to be the first person to enter a neighbor’s house, then there had to follow a parade of little boys throughout each room to break the witch spell!

Read the text about welsh traditions and customs again. For questions 1 – 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C.

  1. What is this article about?
    1. It’s about the famous people of Walse.
    2. About some interesting customs and traditions in Wales.
    3. About how people of Wales spend birthday parties.
  2. Why were all existing debts to be paid?
    1. The people who had debts were taken to prison.
    2. The people belived that if they not pay year their before the New Year debts, they would be in debt throughout the whole year.
    3. The people who had debts were not allowed to go to the church.
  3. Lending things on New Year’s Day…
    1. was necessary to be happy.
    2. was impossible as the people didn’t give anything.
    3. was a bad luck.
  4. What did the custom of letting in mean?
    1. Good or bad luck was brought by the 1-st person who came in the New Year.
    2. The people didn’t allow coming in in the New Year. They could come only after the New Year holidays.
    3. The person came 1-st in the New Year had to bring much food and presents with him and to give them out to all members of the family.
  5. The main purpose of the article is to…
    1. describe some Russian traditions
    2. show haw unusual customs and traditions of other people of the world.
    3. learn how to write an article.

Keys: 1 –B, 2 –B, 3 –C, 4 –A, 5 – B.

TEST № 2

Answer, whether these statements are true or false according to the text.

  1. People in Wales don’t like to pay debts at all.
  2. Person’s life in coming year would depend on how he would behave himself at the New Year.
  3. Some people believe that to see first red-haired man was good luck.
  4. People were frightened if the first person to enter was a bold woman.

Keys: 1 –False, 2 – True, 3 – False, 4 – True.

V. Экскурсия по Кадифу, столице Уэльса.

Let’s turn our linguistic kaleidoscope again. I invite you to watch a slide-film about Wales and its capital Cardiff. Slide-film was created by the students of gymnasium № 1, Kumertau, Bashkortostan Juliya Nigmatullina (9-th Form), Katya Ezhova (10-th Form), Tanya Shachova and Tanya Shpuntova (11-th Form).

After watching the film each team will ask questions using the following words: a fort, a castle, a port, financial, industrial, commercial, dirty, sights.

Слайд-фильм об Уэльсе и его столице в приложении № 1

Каждая команда задает вопросы по фильму.

VI. Конкурс знатоков традиций и обычаев Уэльса.

Our linguistic kaleidoscope opens the next side: “Traditions and customs”.

There are many great traditions of Wales, but 3 stand out that make it different from neighbours:

The Eisteddfod: A Cultural Competition

The Noson Lawen (Merry Night)

Cymanfa Ganu: Hymn Singing.

Each team will choose an envelope with the task and tell us about one of the traditions.

Учитель вывешивает на доске опорные слова, каждая команда рассказывает об одной из традиций Уэльса (Приложение № 2).

A Welsh game “Get the apple”

It seems to me, that you are tired that’s why we’ll have a fun and relax a little.

We’ll play a game, which welsh children like to play at their parties. Here is a bowl with water and an apple. Try to get an apple with your mouth without hands. Good luck!

“Wishing wells”

Another interesting tradition is throwing money into wishing wells. All over Wales you will find wishing wells into which people still throw money. Some wishing wells are said to help your love life, others can heal the sick, or so people say! But today we shall throw into wishing well our letters. I want you to write short letters and express your impressions about Wales. You may begin with these words:

“Dear friend!

I have just visited Wales! It was great! Wales is …”

I’ll give you 5 minutes to write a letter.

VII. Итоги урока

Dear friends! Our lesson is over. The linguistic kaleidoscope has shone us many sides of Wales. This Shteinberg’s table helped us to discuss such topics as: history, geography, general information, symbols, traditions and Cardiff. Besides we’ve played a welsh game and I hope you liked it. Now it’s time to count your sweets and decide, who is the winner of competition lesson.

All of you worked well and get good and excellent marks. I shall not give you home task today. Good bye!

Так выглядит таблица Э. Штейнберга в начале урока. В ходе урока по образцу “History” заполняется ключевыми словами.
