Разработка урока для 3-го класса по теме: "Животные – наши друзья" (по УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, Т.А.Притыкиной "English – III")

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Активизировать изученный лексический минимум по изученной теме.
  • Повторить и закрепить на практике следующие грамматические явления: модальный глагол must в утвердительной и отрицательной формах, порядковые числительные, структура общего вопроса, степени сравнения односложных прилагательных.
  • Отработать умения и навыки монологической речи.
  • Тренировать навык чтения.
  • Тренировать внимание, память, расширить кругозор.


  • иллюстрации с животными и зоопарком,
  • таблицы с грамматическими правилами,
  • магнитная доска с картинками,
  • стихотворение,
  • видео-двойка с записью,
  • игрушечная обезьяна,
  • живой попугай в клетке,
  • карточки для индивидуальной работы.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Входит учитель, одетый в костюм Доктора Айболита.

Teacher: Hello, my children! Sit down, please.

Children: Hello! (Садятся.)

Teacher: Do you know me? I am a doctor. My name is Aybolit. I am glad to see you.

Children: We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: I like animals very much. Do you like animals? (Спросить 2 – 3 ученика.)

Pupil: Yes, I do.

2. Основная часть.

Teacher: Animals are our friends. (Показывает на тему, записанную на доске.)

We shall speak about our friends. I work at the Zoo. I have got many different animals and birds at the Zoo. Do you like to go to the Zoo?

Children: Yes, we do.

Teacher: I brought a surprise from the Zoo for you. But at the Zoo there are different rules.

You see these rules. ( На столе стоит клетка, завешенная тканью, на которую прикреплены полоски бумаги с правилами. Правила записаны на русском языке.)

Teacher: Read them, please, and translate from Russian into English. And then you can see my surprise.


  • Вы должны ухаживать за животными. (You must look after animals.)
  • Нельзя давать животным конфеты. (You mustn’t give sweets to the animals.)
  • Надо любить животных. (You must love animals.)
  • Нельзя кормить животных в зоопарке. (You mustn’t feed the animals at the Zoo.))

Дети переводят предложения.

Teacher: It’s good for you. And now you can see my surprise. What is this? (Учитель снимает ткань с клетки. Дети увидели живого попугая.)

Children: This is a parrot.

Teacher: Yes, it’s a parrot. His name is Gosha. He is my helper today. I want to show the animals at my Zoo. Let’s watch TV. How many animals are there at my Zoo?

We’ll play “Memory – game”.

Просмотр видео – записи с зоопарком. Дети запоминают как можно больше животных.

Teacher: So, how many animals are there at the Zoo?

Children: There are nine animals.

Teacher: Count my animals, please. Well, I begin: the giraffe is the first one. Go on.

(Детям разрешается пользоваться таблицей числительных.)

Children: The monkey is the second one. (Называют остальных животных.)

Teacher: It’s enough. You can count very well. And now I want to show you the lions – family and the baby Amanda. Look at them and name parts of its body.

Просмотр видео – записи.

Children: называют части тела Аманды.

Teacher: What parts of body do know yet?

Children: называют.

Teacher: I like your answers. My children, what date is it today?

Children: Today is the 12th of March.

Teacher: The 12th of March? Today is a birthday of my favourite animal! Guess my pet!

We play “Yes/ No – Game”. Ask me about my animal.


Is it black?
Is it long – tailed?
Can it jump?
Does it like to eat meat?
Has it got a short neck?

Дети задают общие вопросы. На доске в помощь расположены структуры общих вопросов.

Teacher: So, what animal is it?

Children: It’s a monkey.

Teacher: Yes, it’s a monkey. Its name is Chi – chi. Look at my animal and describe it, please.


It has got a funny face.
It is long – tailed.
It likes to eat bananas. И т. д.

Teacher: It’s good for you. It’s time to tell you about animals of my Zoo. They are so different! They have got different parts of body. Let’s compare them.

На магнитной доске расположен слон, а напротив него тигр, мышь, заяц, жираф, волк, медведь. Дети сравнивают различные части тела слона и этих животных.

Children: The elephant’s neck is shorter than the giraffe’s one.

Teacher: I

t’s time to do morning exercises!
Stand up, hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down! (2 раза)
Stand up!
Bend your heads, bend your heads,
Bend your knees, bend your knees,
Grow as tall, as tall trees!
Sit down, please.

You know about animals a lot, and you can know more about them.

Open your diaries, please, let’s write down your homework. Ex. 12, p. 207.

Read this text.

Now let’s go on our lesson. So, my favourite animal is a monkey. And what animals do you like? I want to listen to your homework.

Pupil: I like bears.

Teacher: Bears are very nice animals. Tell about them, please.

Pupil: My favourite animals are bears. They are wild. They live in Russia, in America. The bears are brown. They have got a short neck, four legs, a short tail. Their bodies are big. They have got brown hair. They are clever animals. The bears like to eat meat, fish, grass, leaves, fruit, vegetables. They can run, jump. They like to play different games. The baby – bears live with their mothers for one – two years. The bears hunt different little animals.

I think the bears are beautiful animals.

Teacher: It was a very nice story.

О своих любимых диких животных рассказывают ещё 2-3 ученика.

Во время опроса домашнего задания несколько учеников выполняют индивидуальные задания по карточкам.

Teacher: They were wild animals. Have you got domestic animals?

Children: Yes, we have!

Teacher: What pets have you got? (Спросить несколько учеников )

Pupil: I’ve got a parrot.

Teacher: (обращаясь к попугаю) Gosha, she has got a parrot. Let’s listen to about it!

Pupil: (рассказывает о попугае).

Pupil 2: But I haven’t got a pet.

Teacher: Why?

Pupil 2:

I want to buy an animal,
I’d like to buy a bird;
But father says, “Oh, stop that noise!
I can’t make myself heard!”

Teacher: What a pity!

My boys and girls, it was very interesting to listen to about your favourite wild and domestic animals. You know, the English like animals, too. They’ve got different pets.

Let’s read about it. Open your books at page 206. Read exercise № 11.

Чтение текста.

Вопросы по содержанию, если будет время.

Teacher: Animals at my Zoo are so funny! (Указать на доску, на стихотворение).

Look at this poem and pictures and help me to read a poem. Name the animals at first.

Дети называют животных.

Teacher: And now read it all together!

Teacher and children:

Once a cat and a dog
Caught a mouse and a frog,
A bear caught a hare.
Then they all go to the lake
To eat their tasty cake!

Teacher: Translate it, please.

Pupils: Однажды кошка и собака поймали мышку и лягушку, медведь поймал зайца, и они все вместе пошли к озеру есть вкусный торт.

Teacher: It’s very nice! Who wants to read this poem once more?

Дети (2 – 3 человека) читают стих.

Teacher: It’s good for you!

3. Заключительная часть.

Teacher: It’s time to finish our lesson. I liked your work today. ( обращаясь к Гоше) Gosha,

What can you say to children? I think, Gosha liked your work, too. So, Gosha, let’s give marks to our pupils. (Выставляются оценки).

You know a lot about animals. I and my friends shall wait for you at the Zoo. Stand up.

Our lesson is over. Good – bye!