Тема урока: "Columbus Day" по учебнику "English 4" под редакцией И.Н.Верещагиной и О.В.Афанасьевой

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: Совершенствование навыков самостоятельной творческой работы, умения говорить по теме в монологической речи, умения аудирования. Расширять знания учащихся по использованию составных имён существительных.
  • Развивающие: Развитие умения работать со словарём, внимания, памяти, логического мышления;
  • Воспитательные: Развитие кругозора и умения работать в группах, парах; умения прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников.

Columbus Day.

1. Организационный момент:

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am very glad to meet you. Today is the 12th of October and Americans celebrate a holiday. Do you know what holiday it is? Let us solve the crossword and name it. Your task is to add the first letter in every word. (Вписывают буквы, переводят слова, объясняют значение)

C ornflakes
O nline
L ifestyle
U nderclothes
M oonlight
B usinessman
U ndergroud
S eaman

1. So, can you tell now the name of this holiday?- Yes, that is Columbus Day. 2.Will you explain why Americans celebrate it?- They celebrate it, because America was discovered by Christopher Columbus on the 12th of October, 1492.

You are right, and the topic of our lesson is Columbus Day. (Ребята записывают дату и тему урока в тетрадях, пользуясь цветными ручками).

2. Основная часть урока:

a). Повторение составных имён существительных:

Now I would like you to look more attentively at these words and say what is unusual in all these words?- All these nouns are compound. (См. кроссворд)

I invite you to take part in words auction. (Ребята поднимают руку и называют составное им. сущ. с переводом на русский язык, не повторяя тех, которые были в кроссворде)

e. g. Policeman, snowboard, football, batman, skinhead, etc.

b). Повторение изученного материала:

Your next task is to choose the right answer. (Учитель раздаёт каждому задание, в котором надо выбрать правильный вариант ответа)


1. Who discovered America?

a. Columbus b. Cook c. Bering

2. It happened in

a. 1384 b. 1518 c. 1492

3. The discoverer of America was born in

a. Spain b. Italy c. France

4. All his life he lived in

a. Russia b. Spain c. Germany

5. In his first voyage to America there were …….. ships.

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

6. The biggest ship was

a. Pinta b. Ninja c. Santa Maria

7.The first discovered island is

a. Alaska b. Cuba c. St. Salvador

8. They met

a. aborigines b. escimoses c. Indians

9. Native Americans were

a. friendly b. angry

10. He made ……. voyage(s) to America

a. one b. several

Your time is over, let us control your answers. (Учитель показывает написанный на доске ключ и баллы за ответы, ученики, поменявшись тетрадями с соседом, проверяют и выставляют оценки.)

1a.  2c.  3b.  4b.  5a.  6c.  7c.  8c.  9a.   10b.  4b.

c). Практика устной речи:

I think, now you can tell about Columbus and his voyage to America.

(1-2 ученика выступают у доски, другим предлагается дополнить их рассказ с места)

It was interesting, thank you. Columbus not only discovered America, but he found something new there.

d). Практика чтения с извлечением полной информации. (Работают в группах или парах, выбрав текст по интересующей теме.)

Tobacco. The first news on the tobacco appear in Columbus's Diary, where the text expressed that between the November 2nd. and 5th. of 1492, the Spaniards in the Cuban coast, met the first plant of tobacco. Starting from November 6th, of that same year began the habit of using tobacco with medicinal functions and illnesses that the Spaniards were suffering. Among them could be pointed out:

- The use of bandages of green leaves of tobacco semi-cooked to treat the headache.

- The placement of green leaves to expel parasites out of the children. The first Europeans that made contact with tobacco were Spaniards that Columbus sent to explore the interior of Cuba island, these people were Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis Torres. They traveled the banks of the river along the Banks of Caunao river in Cuba.
Seeds of the tobacco plant were taken to Spain in 1492 sent by Fray Ramon Pane to Carlos V from La Hispaniola.

The first tobacco factory in Seville, Spain, was installed in 1763, with tobacco sent from Santo Domingo.

Potato. The Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to come in contact with potatoes. The Spanish сonquistadors carried potatoes back to their homeland aboard their ships. The Spaniards also saw the potato as a source of food for the slaves, forced to work in Spanish silver mines in Bolivia. Potatoes became a common food for Spanish sailors during their crossings of the Atlantic. The first written record of a European encounter with potatoes was penned in 1537 by Castellanos, a Spanish conquistador. Instead of gold and silver, they found maize, beans, and truffles. From reading Castellanos' diary we now know these truffles were in fact potatoes. Originally it was believed that the potato was native to Virginia. After its original introduction into Spain by returning conquistadors, the potato spread slowly across Europe. At first the plant was treated with fear. Fear of the potato lasted for centuries, as some people believed that it was dirty, primitive, or unhealthy. However, others began to recognize the potato as a medicinal plant. The Spanish were the first Europeans to appreciate the potato as a delicacy.

Maize- Caribbean and South American name for corn.

In Native American usage, the word for corn means "our life," or "our mother" It was from the Native Americans that the first European settlers learned about corn. Native Americans had spent hundreds of years developing what we now know as corn. Long before Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain in 1492, Native Americans were cultivating this grass in North, Central, and South America. Native American farmers in the Ohio River Valley had been growing corn for more than 1,700 years before the first white men crossed the Appalachian Mountains. Corn was on the first Thanksgiving table in 1621. If it had not been for corn, the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony might have starved to death during their first year in America. The Indians taught settlers how to grow corn and how to cook with it.

Now, let us read and translate your texts. (После ответа другие ребята из класса дополняют или исправляют отвечающих)

e). Практика аудирования. (На доске написан текст с пропущенными словами, учитель читает текст 2 раза, а потом даёт время на списывание с доски и заполнение пропусков.)

Columbus ……..(sailed) across the …….. (ocean)

To find new ………(lands) and make devotion

To the ……. (King) and …….(Queen) of Spain.

He discovered an ………. (island)

And ………(named) it St. Salvador

This ………(discovery) became to the New World the door

……. (Sailors) met a lot of people

Found …..(potato), …….(tomato), maiz

Europeans asked them: “What is this?”

They were tasty and ……(seamen) took

All these products to Europe for …..(cook.)

(Один ученик работает на доске, учитель вместе с классом проверяет правильность выполнения задания, предоставляя другим возможность проверить себя самостоятельно).

f). Творческое задание:

Find rhymes here, please. (ocean-devotion, Salvador- door, took-cook)

Give your examples, please. (Spain- rain, ships-trips. West- best, lands- friends, etc.) Now, try to write a burime poem yourselves .

Что получилось у нас в классе:

Columbus lived in Spain,
There wasn’t much rain.
There were many ships
And people liked trips.
This man decided India to reach,
Because he liked to eat a peach.
He sailed to the West
And, of course, was the best.
Columbus discovered new lands
And found there a lot of friends.

3. Заключительная часть.

Подведение итогов урока, оценки.

Домашнее задание:

  1. Составить кроссворд по теме урока.
  2. Рассказ об открытии Америки и Колумбе.
  3. Чтение текста в учебнике.