Интеллектуально-познавательная игра по английскому языку "Brain Ring"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Образовательная: отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретном примере; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях.

Развивающая: развивать умение применение полученных знаний, умений в конкретной обстановке.

Воспитательная: воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.

Форма проведения мероприятия: игровая

Возраст: 8 ”г” класс

Оборудование: доска, мел, карточки с таблицей, картинки, ручки, листы.

Условие конкурса: Участники делятся на две команды, выбирают капитана.


Ход игры

Приветствие Good afternoon, dear girls and boys!

Today we are having a competition “Brain Ring”, and each of you will take part in it.

During the competition our jury will count your points and put them down.

Let us to introduce our jury - ...

So, let’s start. Ready?

Представление команд The first task for each group is to think of a name of the team, to choose the captain and introduce you.

You are given only 2 minutes.

“Add a Word” The purpose of this game is to make up a story so as each pupil adds a word one of pupils tells the first word, the second adds next word, the third one more word and so on till you have got a short story, using these pictures.

For example: 1) One 2) day 3) Jack 4) met 5) a hippopotamus 6) walking 7) down 8) the road.

Is it clear? Ok, let’s start!

“Jumbled Words” The purpose of this game is to change places of letters so as to get a word.

For example: amte – team

ppela – apple

Each group gets for 5 words.

For the first team: aeoygghpr (geography), ghlinse (English), scumi (music), ischyemtr (chemistry), icsysph (physics).

For the second group: ooglyib (biology), rat (art), ythosri (history), shtma (maths), retatileru (literature).

“The ABC” Now, we will give you numbers and tables, using this tables you should make up words.

For example: 71142 – table

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For the first team: 16642 (apple), 561532 (orange), 135439 (biology), 31527552 (handsome), 5312 (nice).

For the second team: 4352 (kind), 14514 (clock), 835258 (window), 6317762 (picture), 17342353 (building).

“Stairway” The purpose of this game is to make stairs from words. You should increase the number of letters.

For example: I, in ink, into, image, inside, illness, illusion, important

You can choose any letter you like.

Let’s start!

Making words This task is for captains. You should make up words as many as possible. The word is INDEPENDENCE. You can work 2 minutes.

Now let’s listen to the results.

So, the winner is…
