Открытый урок по теме: "О вкусной и здоровой пище" ("About Tasty and Healthy Food")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока

  • Практическая: обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме “Healthy Living Guide” (конкретно по разделу “О вкусной и здоровой пище”\ “About Tasty and Healthy Food”).
  • Образовательная: знакомить учащихся с различными пословицами и поговорками, сравнть их с русскими эквивалентами, знакомить с национальной кухней России и Брита- тании, приобретение знаний о группах пищи, содержащей различные вещества, необходи- мые для жизнедеятельности человека.
  • Развивающая: развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление, развивать речевые способности, способности логически излагать, развивать умение сравнивать, ана- лизировать, воображать.
  • Воспитательная: Учить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью, правиль- но питаться, отказаться от вредных привычек.

Оборудование. Таблицы, выставка творческих работ учащихся: альбомы, “Sandwich”, “Food Diary”, которые они готовят заранее.

1. Начало урока.


Good morning, dear children. Nice to meet you. How are you today? Who is on duty to-day? Who is absent today? Well, let`s start our lesson . Today we shall have a final lesson accor- ding to our topic “Healthy Living Guide” and we shall speak about testy and healthy, usefull food.

2. Balanced Diet.

Teacher. First of all tell me, please, what is important in order to stay healthy.

Pupil. In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet.

T. What does it mean?

P. It means that food should contain something from each of the three main groups of food

T. What are these groups?

P. These are protein, fat and carbohydrates.

T. What can you tell about each of these groups?

P. We find protein in lots of food, for example meat, fish, nuts, cheese, milk. It helps our body grow and it gives us energy.

T. What about fat?

P. Fat gives us energy but we souldn1t eat a lot – it`s bad for us. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals, for example, milk, cheese, butter, all kinds of meat.

T. And what about carbohydrates?

P. Carbohydrates give us more than 70% of our energy. Bread, pasts, cereals, fruits, vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage all contain lots of carbohydrates.

T. What else is important for our body?

P. Our body needs many different vitamins and minerals, they help our body to be healthy. We can get them from fruit and vegetables.

3. ”Food Categories”.

Now let`s complete the table “Food Categories”. Which foods are? You must write each of these foods into the according column.

Fruits Vegetables Nuts Fish Meat Poultry

Apple, beet, banana, pea, cashew, green pepper, peach, lettuce, bean, potato, pecan, pear, strawberry, peanut, onion, plum, walnut, carrot, orange, tomato, celery, lemon, coconut, pineapple, cherry, squash, cucumber, grapes, beef, sardine, turkey, pork, duck, sole, mutton, veal, chicken, herring, cod, lamb, goose, trout, venison, salmon, bacon, carp, ham, hen, tuna.

T. Thank you. You are food experts.

And can you find and correct mistakes in these words?

Inaktivity , faibre, ingridient, eyesigh, diseas, calori, harespray, vetamine, obesity

T. Thank you. You are literate pupils.

4. Russian Cuisine.

T. Now let`s speak about Russian and British cuisine.

Do you know Russian cuisine?

Here you can see two columns. The name of the Russian dishes are in the left column and their descriptions are in the right one. Read and match the names with their descriptions.

1. Pelmeni a)Russian salad; it is a mixture of vegetables, boiled and chopped.
2. Vinaigrette b) Soup with pickled cucumbers.
3. Shchi c)Russian dumplings-cases of dough filled with meat.
4. Rassoknik d) Thin fruit jelly made of fruit or berry juice and potato flour.
5. Kasha e)Soup with kvas, hard-boiled eggs, radishes, chop ped spring onions, cucumbers and dill, boiled meat. Everything is chopped. It is cold.
6. Kissel f) Cabbage soup with fresh or sauerkraut cabbage.
7. Okroshka g) Cereal pudding. It is made of oats, rice, manna groats, buckwheat, millet.
8. Blini h) Pancakes (made of flour, water or milk, yeast and eggs).  

T. May be, you can name some more Russian dishes. Can you?

P. They are borshch, kulebyaka, rasstegai, karavai, kulich, paskha.

5. Russian Proverbs about Food and Health.

I think, you know Russian proverbs about food and health. We have learned them. Please, tell them and give their Russian equivalents.

1. The appetite comes with eating. Аппетит приходит во время еды.
2. They don`t carry samovars to Tula town. В Тулу со своим самоваром не ездят.
3. Every vegetable has its season. Всякому овощу своё время .
4. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near. Хороша ложка к обеду.
5. A hungry man is an angry man. A hungry belly has no ears. Голодное брюхо ко всему глухо.
6. Porridge and cabbage soup is our native food. Щи да каша – пища наша.
7. Too much butter won`t spoil the porridge. Кашу маслом не испортишь.
8. Tastes differ. О вкусах не спорят. На вкус и цвет товарищей нет. У кого какой вкус: кто любит дыню, а кто –арбуз.
9. You say you are a mushroom, so – into basket you go! Назвался груздём – полезай в кузов.
10. Hunger breaks stone walls. Нужда всему научит. Нужда заставит мышей ловить.
11. The last piece of meat is especially sweet. Остатки сладки.
12. A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry. Сытый голодному не товарищ.
13. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.

Кто раньше встаёт, тот вдвое живёт.

Долго спать – с долгом встать.

14. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Eat an apple before going to bed, and you`ll make the doctor beg for his bread.

Лук от семи недуг.

Добрый повар стоит доктора.

6. British Cuisine.

T. And what about British cuisine? On what occasions do British people eat these dishes?

P. P. 1)A shortbread is a hard sweet biscuit made with a lot of butter.

2) A haggis is a food eaten in Scotland made from the heart and other organs of a sheep cut up and boiled inside a skin, made from the sheep`s stomach. A haggis is typically eaten with boiled turnips and potatoes. The scotish eat a haggis on January 25th, the birthday of Robert Burns, Scotland`s national poet.

3) A burger is a round flat cake of meat or other things, often contained in a bread roll. There are cheese-burger, ham-burger, fish-burger.

4) In Britain many people make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, so it is called Pancake Day.

5) On Christmas Day British people eat roast turkey, roasted potatoes, Christmas pudding.

6) A hot-cross bun is a small sweet cake made of bread with a cross-shaped mark on top, which is eaten on Good Friday, just before Easter.

7) On November 5th British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night, they light fireworks, burn a guy on a bonfire and cook toffee apples.

8) On Easter Sunday the British eat chocolate eggs, boiled eggs, simnel cake.

9)Roast meat has always been the Englishman`s first choice. Sunday lunch must be roast beef, it`s almost an English law. It is still number one today, according to surveys.

10) The British call beef, mutton, crab, plaice and sole accompanied by incredible amounts of bread, salads and greens “simple food”. It was and often still is the British style of eating.

11) There is a joke instead of central heating the British have puddings. They have sweet puddings and chocolate puddings, cabinet puddings with treacle and puddings with marmalade. They have stout white puddings crammed with currants raisins and other fruit. British puddings are eaten to keep out the cold, and at Christmas the great king of puddings comes flaming and splendid.

12) I want to add that pies are another British favourite: not only fruit pies, but steak –kidney pies, made ideally with flaky pasty, crisp and buttery and golden brown.

13) It is interesting to know that the Great Fire of London in 1666 broke out in Puddings Lane, but the statue that celebrates its end is on Pie Corner!

14) The British like hot dogs so do I. Hot dogs are very convenient to have a bite. I know a funny verse about hot dogs.

Hot dogs for breakfast, hot dogs for lunch.
Hot dogs, hot dogs all in a brunch.
You can eat them with mustard,
You can eat them with cheese,
You can eat them any way you please.
Eat them from the bar-B-Q,
Eat them from the pot,
Eat them cold or eat them hot,
Eat them standing up or down on your knees.
Hot dogs, hot dogs, please, please. Please.

7. The Dish That Has a Long History.

T. Well. Do you know any dish that has a long history?

P. Yes, I do. Ice cream has a long history. The first “ice cream” appeared 3000 years ago in China. The ancient Chinese ate snow mixed with rice and fruit. The ancient Romans ate milk mixed with ice and fruit. Emperor Nero sent his slaves into the mountains where they got some snow and then mixed it with honey. In the 13th century Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, visited China and spent 17 years there. When he came back to Italy he taught his friends how to make ice cream. In 1672 the first ice cream cafe was opened in Paris. In the 19th century the fridge was invented and people learned how to make ice. Waffle cups were invented in 1903. Today, there are all kinds of ice cream. In Japan you can even buy octopus and shrimp ice cream. And ice cream can be of many colours, even black! (Ученик демонстрирует сделанный альбом о мороженом).

T. Thank you. And now I`ll tell you something interesting. Do you know such dish “kundumtsi”? I think, you don`t. My son and I read about them in the historical book “The Boyar Kuchka`s Blood”. This book is about ancient Russian people. Kundumtsi were like our present-day pelmeni but they were put into the sause made of different vegetables. We tried to cook such dish. It was very tasty. I advise you to try do that, too.

8. Eating Habits.

T. Now let`s speak about your eating habits. Is your diet healthy and balanced? You had answered the questionnaire (Ex. 1, p. 103). And ahwt are your results? Do you agree or disagree with them?

P. My score is…points. I seem to eat a healthy diet.

P. My score is … points. It is not bad but I could improve my diet.

P. My score is … points. My diet may cause health problems for me in the future, unless I change to a healthier one.

9. ”Food Diaries”.

T. There are your “Food Diaries” that you had made during the study this topic. What can you tell about them? Do they satisfy a balanced diet?

(Учащиеся анализируют своё питание в течение недели. )

10. A Favourite Dish.

T. And what is your favourite dish? What is your family`s favourite dish? Can you tell us its recipe?

(Учащиеся описывают свои любимые блюда и рецепты их приготовления. )

T. And there is my dish. It was my first dish that I cooked for my young husband. It was 44 years ago. I found its recipe in the Cookery Book by Elena Molokhovets. The name of this dish is “Ushki”. Since that time “Ushki” have been the favourite dish of our family. Please, taste them during the break.

12. “Sandwich”.

T. Your task was to invent a new kind of sandwich with food from all groups of food and give it a name. Please.

(Учащиеся демонстрируют красочно оформленные изобретённые ими бутерброды, а также представляют изготовленные ими бутерброды)

13. Подведение итогов.

T. Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for your answers and your creative work. I`ll give you good and excellent marks. I think all of us will have a right diet and we`ll be healthy. But as Russian people say, “Не хлебом единым жив человек” (“Man does not live by bread alone”). There are many things that we can name: “These are my favourite things”. The thought about them can improve upon our mood. Please, sing the song “These are my favourite things” from the film “The Sound of Music”. (Учащиеся исполняют песню “Мои любимые вещи” из кинофильма “Звуки музыки”).