Упражнения для организации начала урока или введения темы (на материале фраз для выражения мнения, согласия, несогласия, сомнения, совета и т.д.)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Материал, представленный в подборке, поможет учителю добиваться совершенствования навыков разговорной речи учащихся.

Фразы отрабатываются в следующем порядке: учитель произносит предложение проблемного характера; ученик, самостоятельно включающийся в разговор, выражает мнение; следующий ученик высказывает мнение по поводу фразы предыдущего ученика, и далее – по цепочке. Ученики с хорошим уровнем знаний могут вести диалог по данной ситуации, другие ученики подключаются к этому диалогу.

Таким образом, частота употребления речевых штампов служит выработке автоматизированных речевых навыков и вовлечению в беседу даже учащихся со слабым уровнем знаний.

Teacher: Winter Holidays.

Teacher: Your winter holidays are over. They are not so long as summer holidays, but they are nice too. The most exciting thing about winter holidays is the New Year’s Day, isn’t it?

Pupil: Yes, it is. It is my favourite holiday. I like to decorate the New Year tree with the toys made with my own hands. I like to get and give presents.

Teacher: What is better: to get or to give presents? Gift getting is only for small children.

While exchanging their opinions pupils can use the following phrases:

I shouldn’t say so.
I don’t agree with you.
On the contrary.
Quite so.
I can’t help thinking the same.
I see what you mean, but…

Teacher: Where did you spend your holidays? The best way of spending winter holidays is staying with your family or among your classmates. Prove this.

Use the following phrases:

I’m not sure if it is right because…
Probably, it’s true, but I think that…
I agree to this view that…
That goes without saying.

Teacher: There is nothing like the winter holydays. You can go skiing, playing computer, play snowballs outside. Do you like your winter holydays and why?

Choose any point and discuss it.

  1. Your winter holydays lasted too long. They should be shortened to leave more time for studying.
  2. Teenagers simply waste time during the holydays.

Use the following phrases:
I’m afraid I can’t agree because…
I agree with you but I can add…
As for me I think that…
On one hand, it is important…
On the other hand, it doesn’t matter much…

Theme: “Travelling”

Teacher: Now many people travel. Traveling is the name of a modern disease, isn’t it? What is the aim of travelling?

Work in pairs. Make up the dialogues on these points. Begin your answers with:

I believe that…
I don’t believe that…
Wouldn’t you say so?
Don’t you agree that…?
Agreed, but…
Yes, up to the points, but…
As a matter of fact…

Teacher: What was your most interesting trip of your life? Do you still think about it sometimes? Describe it.

Use the set of cards with scores. The one who manages to get the maximum scores wins.

I would like to begin with saying

The main point is that

I consider

The most unusual thing about it is that

From my point of view

In conclusion I’d like to say









Teacher: Travelling is a change. Most people like a change of place, season, language, lifestyle. They get acquaintance with other customs, traditions.

Comment the following:

  1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  2. East or West, Home is best.
  3. There is no place like home.
  4. Travelling abroad is a waste of money.
  5. Travelling on foot is the best way of getting to know other places.

Use the following phrases:

There is no denying it.
I’m afraid you are wrong.
My opinion is the same.
I share your opinion.
I doubt, but…
I can be mistaken but I think…

Theme: “Sport”

Teacher: Everyone do all he can to be healthy. Sport is a necessary thing that makes people kin, feel refreshed and strong.

Express your opinion on the proverbs:

  1. A sound mind in a sound body.
  2. Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind.

Teacher: People who sit on the sofa and watch TV all day long are called “couch potatoes”. But being a couch potato you not only enjoy your leisure time, you also prolong your lifespan. But there are some facts:

  • Bunjee-jumping can cause a new type of back and neck strain.
  • Air sports and mountaineering kill about 16 people every year.
  • The British system of free medical treatment spends over 240 million on new sports injuries every year.

So, do you agree that couching is good for your health? Can you persuade anybody to give up sports? Give your reasons.

Use the following words and phrases:

I would like to say…
Personally I…
If you ask me…
As far as I know…
I have the same opinion…
To my mind…
In fact, …
Besides, …
By the way, …
Luckily, …

Speak about yourself, using the words:

To keep fit, regularly, competition, to achieve, stamina, advantage, to display, to encourage, slobbing, couch potato, to injure, risky, martial arts, enjoyable, to increase, flexible, spectator, makes organized, to control emotions, to get rid of agression, to relax, to tone the muscles, competitive instinct.

В конце обсуждения учитель опрашивает учеников, какие фразы они усвоили.