Урок толерантности

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок толерантности


1. Обучающие:

  • развитие устной речи учащихся
  • знакомство с Декларацией принципов толерантности.

2. Развивающие:

  • развитие творчества фантазии, воображения
  • оценивать оперативной памяти, навыка прогнозирования

3. Воспитательные:

  • развивать, стремление быть терпимым в обществе людей, воспитывать интернационализм
  • умение работать в команде
  • помогать друг другу

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T: hello, dear children! Nice to meet you. How are you?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Thank you, I am OK too

Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.

P: (You are kind, you are fine, you are sociable, etc. )

II. Ознакомление с темой и плана урока.

T: OK! Today, dear children, will try to speak about tolerance. What is tolerance? What is tolerance in our life? Then we’ll reed the declaration of Principles on Tolerance, play game “are you tolerant?”

. I explained as tolerance, aspiration and ability to an establishment and maintain friendly with the people. The definition of a word “tolerance” in different languages of the globe sounds differently.

look at the blackboard and reed these definitions.

P1: In Spanish language it means ability to recognize indistinct from all own idea or opinion.

P2: In French the relation at which it is supposed that others can think or work differently, rather than you.

P3: In English it means readiness to be tolerant, indulgent.

P4: In Chinese – to allow, to accept, to be in relation to other magnanimous.

P5: In Arabian – pardon, condescension, softness, mercy, compassion, patience.

P6: In Russian – ability to suffer something or someone (to be sustained, hardiness, to be able to be reconciled with existence something, somebody)

T: What of definitions you are imposed more by all

P …(ученик говорит тот вариант который ему больше нравиться)

T: How do you understand “tolerance?”

P. 1: To begin with, tolerance means willingness to accept or allow behavior, beliefs and customs which one does not like or agree with, without opposition.

P. 2: I’d like to add, tolerance is also respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.

P. 3: I quite agree with you. I think that tolerance means that everyone should respect other people. God created us all equal; so we should respect everyone in an equal way.

P. 4: Well, as a matter of fact, you shouldn’t judge people by their looks (the colour of their skin and so on). Some people don’t treat others as they should. I am sure it’s a good idea to talk about this kind of thing.

P. 5: Personally, I think that tolerance is harmony in difference. We are people of different beliefs, religions. I wouldn’t like to go into details. Every person might have his own secrets. We should find a place for tolerance deep in our hearts and live in harmony.

P. 6: I’m convinced that tolerance makes peace possible. It can contribute to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace. If we had more tolerance nowadays there would be less fighting all over the world. That’s why tolerance is important.

P. 7: I will start by saying that tolerance means to be able to put up with something you disagree with. It also means not to start an argument over something you disagree with (music, films, and books). One example of tolerance is if you don’t like something or someone, you shouldn’t start fighting or calling those bad names.

P. 8: Tolerance is above all an active attitude; you recognize the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.

P. 9: From my point of view, tolerance is a responsibility to live in accordance with human rights. It is an ability to appreciate others and let them live by their own beliefs. Tolerance is to be exercised by individuals, groups and states.

P. 10: My opinion is that tolerance is essential for international harmony, that individuals, communities and nations accept and respect the multicultural character of the human family. Without tolerance there can be no peace without peace there can be no development or democracy

T: Thank you for your exciting and thrilling ideas. Now let’s decorate this tree of tolerance with leaves on which you have written your main ideas.

1. to understand each other

2. Don’t quarrel

3. to live by joyful life

4. to respect each other

5. to help each other

6. to protect weak

6. to respect children and elderly people.

7. to be attentive

8. don’t forget about politeness

9. We shouldn’t judge people by their looks

10. to live in accordance with human rights

11. to observed all rules and laws.

T: One of you for example (P) comes to the blackboard and divide these words into two groups tolerant person and intolerant person (эта работа выполняется на магнитной доске, а ученику дается карточки со словами и он разделить эти слова на две группы на слова описывающие основные черты, присущие толерантной личности и на слова - черты присущие интолерантной личности)

respect others opinion, goodwill, desire something to do together, understanding and acceptance, keenness, inquisitiveness, condescension, trust, misunderstanding, ignoring, egoism, intolerance, expression of neglect, irritability, cynicism, unmotivated aggression

остальные учащиеся играют игру “Are you tolerant” Now all of you lets play a game “Are you tolerant”

T: Choose your answers and count only the circles:

You have 8 circles: Well done! You are very tolerant! You have character, you are a good sport and you can keep yourself and others from being aggressive.

Between 7 and 3 circles: You aren’t very tolerant! You can be touchy but you’re brave and you can improve.

2 circles or less: Oh dear! You aren’t tolerant! If you suspected yourself and others a bit more, you’d be much happier.

T: Today we are speaking about tolerance, about the tolerant person. Let’s try to make rules of tolerant dialogue. (Составляем правило толерантного общения и пишем их на доске).

T: I would like to tell you that our class is a small family and I’d want that in our family always reigned kindness, respect, mutual understanding.

Thanks for your work. Let’s go on. And now let’s read the” Declaration of Principles on Tolerance”. It was proclaimed and signed by the member States of UNESCO on 16 November in 1995. (Учащиеся читают декларацию принципов толерантности статьи (1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, 2. 2, 2. 3 3. 2, 4. 3)

Подведение итогов:

T: Let’s do concluding remarks what tolerance means to you.

P !: Tolerance means to be able to put with something you disagree with. It is also means to not start an argument over something you disagree with and it means to keep things to yourself that might hurt other people’s feelings.

p2: I think that tolerance means that everyone should respect each other

P3: We shouldn’t judge people by their looks, like their colour

P4: Tolerance is important so that people can learn to appreciate others and let them live by their own beliefs.

T: Now think and write by what qualities of character the man should have living on a planet the Earth

(Ученики пишут слова, затем вешают на силуэт человека.)

T: If people will have all these qualities the wars, quarrels will disappear in the Earth The people wouldn’t suffer and hate each other. It doesn’t matter what nationality are you? what colour of skin have you got? It is necessary to love this world very much, to love it such as it is!

(Учащимся показывают картинки и эмблему).

T: At the end of the lesson I would like to tell you some statistics of Tolerance in our class.

Look at the blackboard there are some diagrams. 23 pupils were questioned. Here on the blackboard are some research. (Учитель рассказывает о результатах анкетирования)



Подведение итогов урока.


Домашнее задание.

А) Необходимо подумать и изобразить и объяснить эмблему толерантности

Б) Написать что надо сделать чтобы школа стала “Пространством толерантности”


  1. Газета. “ Первое сентября” Английский язык № 40, 2001г.
  2. Журнал. “Классный руководитель”. № 4, 2006г.
  3. Русско-английский словарь: О. С. Ахманова и др. – М. : Рус. Яз. , 1981.