Из опыта внеклассной работы по английскому языку

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

В 9-х классах я провела элективные курсы по теме “In the world of American and English writers”. После них состоялся литературный вечер, посвящённый данной теме.

Мой класс поставил известные сцены из произведения Марка Твена “Приключения Тома Сойера”, при постановке которых жюри оценивали артистизм, умение говорить на языке, содержание, костюмы и атрибуты; был заранее объявлен конкурс рисунков по произведениям данных писателей. Среди 9-х классов я провела интеллектуальную игру по творчеству Марка Твена. Целью данных мероприятий были: повышение интереса школьников к изучению английского языка, ознакомление с жизнью и творчеством зарубежных писателей, выявление наиболее талантливых учащихся. Примечательно было то, что дата публикации произведения Марка Твена “Приключения Тома Сойера” (1876) совпадает с датой основания нашей школы. В этом учебном году нашей старейшей и славной школе и публикации данного произведения исполнилось по 130 лет.

Интеллектуальная игра по творчеству Марка Твена среди 9-х классов.

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you because today we have a competition, which is devoted to the creative work of the famous American writer Mark Twain. I hope that you will show your good knowledge today. I want to divide you into two teams. Each team should create the name of the team. And we’ll see who the winner is today.

Warming up:

A. Introduction of the teams. Now, it’s time to introduce yourselves


1. What is Mark Twain?

2. Mark Twain – is it his real name?

3. When and where was Mark Twain born? (1845 Hannibal)

4. What professions did he know? (printer, journalist, sailor, gold miner in California, writer, lecturer)

5. What is his best novel?

6. When was his novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” published? (1876) (He was 51)

7. What does his pen-name mean? (“mark two”)

II. Main characters of the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Pupils should say their names in turn. The one who says the last name gets a point for his or her team.

III. Scramble

The next competition is called Scramble. You have to change letters and write the words correctly.

oTm wyeaSr, tnua lloPy, brryeHckule ninF, idS, eckBy erchtTah.

IV. Mark Twain’s famous works

Combine these parts so as to get a name. What names are they? Who will be the first?


The Adventures

The Prince

The Adventures

The Mysterious

of Tom Sawyer

on the Mississippi

of Huckleberry Finn


and the Pauper

V. Describe the picture and give the title

Using the following pictures (they are illustrating the episodes from the works of Mark Twain) describe them and give the title

VI. Crossword

  1. Mark Twain’s real name
  2. The novel is full of humour and a……….
  3. His native town.
  4. He liked this river very much.
  5. He worked in California s a ………

VII. A word-game

Every team gets a long word: LITERATURE.

You have to make other words from the letters. I’ll give you 5 minutes. The winner is the team that finds the largest number of words.