Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке "TV-bridge. New-York–Bashkortostan"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  1. Активизировать употребление страноведческой лексики в речи учащихся.
  2. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении вопросов.
  3. Развивать навыки свободного общения.
  4. Прививать любовь к музыкальному искусству США, Великобритании, Башкортостана.
  5. Расширять кругозор учащихся, прививать любовь к поэтическому искусству Башкортостана (стихи Мустая Карима и собственного сочинения).
  6. Прививать патриотизм, воспитывать любовь к родному краю,стремление к дружбе и миру во всём мире.


Ведущий1: For the last several years we can see that the relations between America and Bashkortostan become closer. Practically in all spheres of our life there is tendency to share the experience with other people, even with other countries. Young people, teenagers are willing to know what is like in America or what is like in Bashkortostan. They also want to know how young people live in America, how they spend their time, how they solve their problems and what the basic American values are now.Let’s greet our American friends. Hi, Stella! It’s very nice to see you.

Ведущий2: Hi, Maria. It’s 4 o’clock in New York now.As you see our studio is full of young people now and all of them want to know about your country, its customs and traditions. Today we’ve got a chance to discover the country where Rudolf Nuriev was born.

Maria: Oh, we’ve got the first question. It’s about New York, I suppose.

Marina: Tell us something about New York.

Maria: Oh, yes. I was right. Can you tell us something about your city?

Stella: Of course. Our city is New York. We have a video to watch.

Videofilm about New York. Text:

Each city has its own temper. New York is like no place else on Earth. A dialing convergence of activities, cultures and people, New York is the global capital of the arts, commerce, fashion, communications and finance.The symbols of Big Apple are Statue of Liberty, Museum Mile, Wall street, Central Park, Times Square and much more. You can se it for yourselves.

Stella: Do you like the city we live in?

Maria: Oh, that’s great! What about you? (is coming to a participant)

P.1: Nice city, people are nice, they are smiling. I like it.

Stella: We invite you to visit our city because there are so many things to explore there. Oh, another question.

P.2: I don’t know what Bashkortostan is. Is it a state, a republic, a province? Where is it situated? Thank you.

Maria: Our republic is not so big but it’s very nice, the nature is very beautiful and we can show you a video about our republic. So you can see it for yourselves

Videofilm about Bashkortostan. Text:

Our Republic is Bashkortostan. It has a long history: the first records of Bashkir people are found in the works of Greek historians, who lived in the 5-th century BC. The Bashkirs joined Russia in 1557.

The territory of Bashkortostan is 143,600 square kilometers. The population is about 4,100,000 people. More than 100 nationalities inhabit Bashkortostan. The three big national groups are Bashkirs, Russians and Tatars.

Bashkortostan is located in the South Urals, both in Europe and Asia. The geographical position of Bashkortostan is very favourable to import and export different kinds of industrial and agricultural products. Mountains, forests, steppes, more than 800 lakes add beauty to the landscape of the Republic and more than 600 rivers run through its territory.

Bashkortostan is rich in fauna and flora. We have got several state reserves. The scientists have discovered over 150 rare species of birds there, such as eagle-owls or mound eagles.

Bashkortostan is well known as the Republic of “black gold”. There are about 200 oil and gas deposits in our Republic.

It is also a land of horses and koumiss industry. Beekeeping is another ancient occupation. Bashkir honey won gold medals at the world Exhibition in Paris in 1900, the International Exhibition in 1961, in 1971.

Maria: So how do you like our Republic? It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Stella: The nature is marvelous, I should say. I like honey. And what about you? Have you ever eaten Bashkir honey (is coming to a participant).

P.3 : Never had I, but I would like to.

Maria: So there is a chance for us to send you some Baskir honey. By the way, do you know any Bashkir writer?

Stella: Oh, we’ve heard something about Mustai Karim.

Maria: Good of you. M. Karim is a very famous poet and we are proud of him. One of our students prepared a poem.


I am not a Russian, but I am a citizen of Russia.

I speak, I’m free and I’m strong.

I have grown up like an oak on the hill.

Absorbing the waters of the Russian rivers.

Maria: This poem is about friendship between Russian and Bashkir nations, because in our Republic there live not only Bashkirs but Russians as well.

Stella: It’s very pleasant to hear that you live in a multinational Republic. Another question.

P4.: It was very interesting to learn about your republic The capital of Bashkortostan is Ufa. What can you say about this city?

Maria: Yes, Ufa is a capital of Bashkortostan. Oh, there is one person who is willing to answer your question and we’ve got a video to watch.

Video. Ufa. Text:

Ufa, the capital of Bashkortostan has a long history. It was founded as a fortress in 1574. Today’s Ufa is a big administrative, political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Bashkortostan. It’s population is over 1 million people. There are many places of interest in Ufa, for example, the monument to Friendship, to the heroes of the October Revolution.

We know, when you arrive in New York by ship or by air, the first thing you see is the Statue of Liberty. And it’s a symbol of America. When we arrive in Ufa by train, by boat, by bus the first thing that attracts our attention is the monument to the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulayev. It has become the symbol of Bashkortostan. The life of many outstanding people is closely connected with Ufa. Do you know the names of Shalyapin, Rudolf Nureyev, Nesterov, Aksakov?

Stella: Of course, we know Shalyapin, Nuriyev, they are famous in the world.

P5.: Yes, we know the famous ballet dancer Nuriyev, the greatest Russian singer Shalyapin.

P6.: Shalyapin lived in Ufa and gave his first performances there. Nuriyev started his career inUfa. Nesterov is the Russian painter, he lived in this city and created his works there.

Aksakov the famous Russian writer spent his childhood in Ufa.

Ufa is famous for its theatres,industry, educational institutions: secondary schools, vocational schools, technical colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums (for ex. Bashkir-Turkish lyceum, Arabic lyceum).

Maria: As you know the people of our republic know two languages: Bashkir and Russian. Have you ever heard how Bashkir language sounds?

P7.: No, we hadn’t such a chance! But we know that Bashkir songs are very pleasant to listen.

Maria:As in fortnight we are going to celebrate New Year one of our junior students prepared a New Year song especially for you. We would like to present it and to wish you Happy New Year

The Bashkir song.

Maria: Do you like the song?

Stella: I like it very much.

P.8: It’s the first time when I had a chance to listen to a Baskirian song. The language and the melody are very unusual. Thank you very much.

Stella: There is one thing you should know. You see, in our country this holiday of New Year is not celebrated as Christmas. And we also have a present for you. Here in the studio we have American “Spice Girls”. They are going to present you a Christmas song “ Last Christmas”

Text of the song:

1 2

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year 2 times
To save me from tears
I’ll give it to
Someone special

Once bitten and
Twice shy
I keep my distance but
You still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me
Well it’s been a year
It doesn’t surprise me


Happy Christmas
I wrapped up
And sent it
With a note saying
I love you I meant it
Now I know what a fool I’ve been
But if you kissed me now
I know you’d fool me again.

Maria: Thank you very much for your song and Merry Christmas!

(All the participants of the Bashkir delegation wave scarves,balloones, flags, shout :Merry Christmas!)

Stella: Thank you so much, in our studio there are some students who is interested in the process of education in your country, and they prepared some questions.

Maria: You are welcome.

P9.: You said : “There are many lyceums and other kinds of schools in our republic.” And what is the difference between them?

P10: It’s a serious question. I think teachers know it better. Well, it seems to me the lyceums and gymnasiums have more rights to change curricula, to set new terms of study, of holidays. For example, the students of the lyceum 6 in our town rest every 5 weeks.

P11: The difference touches upon subjects. For ex. in our gymnasium we have 4-5 English classes a week. Ordinary schools have 2 classes. And we also have optional subjects, for ex. our students learn the second foreign language – French.

P9: Oh, we also learn French. Will you say something in French?

P11: We can sing a song. Shall we sing?

French song:

Il etait un petit navire (2 times)

Qui n’avait ja-ja-jamais navige (2 times)

Oh-e, oh-e, oh-e !
Oh-e, oh-e, Matelot
Le petit navire sur le flot
Oh-e, oh-e, Matelot
Le petit navire sur le flot.

Stella: Your republic is also multinational.

Maria: French is very popular at schools. I see you want to ask another question.

P12: What about discipline at your lessons?

Maria: Can we answer?

P13: As for us, our teachers keep strict discipline, we must not talk, eat, play etc. But we like to crib during dictations, tests.

Maria: Sometimes our students crib, but it happens when the teacher can’t notice it. By the way, you can see it in the video.

Video-film about cribbing.

Stella: Oh, you see we are very surprised,because we never crib. It is not popular.

Maria: Stella, in our studio there are some students who is finishing school and they are interested in higher education in your country.

P14, p15 answer this question

Stella: Any other questions?

P16: How long does your recess last?

Maria: Recess in our schools is not very long and students are very active and bouncy during recesses.

P17: What do you do during your recess?

P18: We go to the canteen to have a hot lunch,review our lessons, talk,run, play. The following film is devoted to our recess.

Video about recess. (students mess about)

Stella: That’s great! I’m very surprised again. They are so active. It’s like in a comedy! Very unusual.

Maria: We’ve got a question.

P19: Would you speak about your teenagers’ problems? Do you have any? What are they?

Stella: Oh, we are turning to a very serious problem.

P20 tells about drugs and other problems.

Maria: The problems are practically the same in our country.

Stella : I think problems are the same all over the world. And again a junior student would like to ask something.

P9: Tell us something about your native city.

Stella: Really we know that Ufa is not your native town.

Maria: Meleus is our native town . We’ve got a video to watch.

Videofilm about Meleus. Text:

Our town is not a big city. It’s a small green town. But our small town has a long history. Meleus was founded as a village in 1765. Nowadays its population is about 63.000 people. It is situated in the South of Bashkortostan. We can see here many historical buildings, the monuments to the heros of the Great Patriotic War, the Afganistan War, the Chechen War. There is a church and a mosque for religious people. Meleus is famous for its food industry. The town produces mineral fertilizers.

Stella: Your town is very quiet and cosy.

P21: You are very lucky! You haven’t any skyscrapers. They are very dangerous.

Stella: Your town is not so big as ours. But of course, there are many little towns in the USA. The inhabitants of these towns have different, very interesting hobbies to vary their life.

P22: We live in New York – the city of high culture, the capital of entertainment, we are proud of our Broadway. It seems to me, that small towns, like yours, have a problem of leisure.

P23: Yes, such problem exists. We have no theatre and several cinemas, clubs, discos don’t satisfy our interests.

Am. P.:What about your hobbies?

(Every participant in chain says his hobby and some of them demonstrate them – a poet-student recites his Bashkir poem, another student plays the kuray ets.)

Rus. P. What do you do during your vacations?

Stella: As for me I usually travel, if I have enough money. (Every participant of the American delegation answers this question.

Maria: I’m afraid we don’t have enough time to answer this question personally, but I can tell that during my vacations I try to visit some interesting places, to change something in my life.

Stella: Thank you. Finishing our TV-bridge,I would like to say that we are different and we have so much in common. We have practically the same problems, the same hobbies. We’ve got the same questions to be answered.

Maria: Really our time is up. I hope our communication, our TV-bridge was very helpful because we found new friends, new ideas. We’ve learnt many facts about American style of life, education, the way Americans solve their problems. And still we have something to learn. Understanding the differences and similarities between people and their behaviour in different countries is the first step to bridging them.

The song “ Let it be.” (The Beatles) with a new text:

(Everybody sing)

1. 2.
America, the Beautiful
For purple mountains and lakes
The country of rock-and-roll and patriots
Башкортостан, зеленый рай
Поет родник, звучит курай
И сердцу дорог наш медовый край
Пускай зимой мы встретились
Но солнце светит ярко нам
И океан не в силах разлучить
We do live far from you
But often miss and think about you
We want you to be happy, to be free
We are the children of the world
The world – the same – for us and you
We want to live in peace, like all of you
Да, мир один и мы должны
Беречь его, любить его
Давайте дружно жить и без войны
Let it be, let it be (2 times)
Давайте дружно жить и без войны

The end.

Реквизит для проведения мероприятия:

1. Музыкальная аппаратура, фонограммы песен

2. Микрофоны для ведущих и участников

3. Видеоаппаратура (телевизор, видеомагнитофон),видеокассета с видами родного города,Уфы, Башкортостана,Нью-Йорка, короткие шутливые фильмы о списывании на уроке, о шумной перемене.

4. Флажки, плакаты, шары участников

5. Наглядное оформление – лозунг, карты, картинки, стенд с видеокассетами и литературой.

6. Стулья для участников