Мастер-класс "The Truth beneath the Kilt", материал по страноведению "Шотландия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Участники: учителя лицея и учащиеся 8-В класса

Название: “The Truth beneath the Kilt”

Цель: Ознакомить преподавателей с формой проверки знаний учащихся при помощи викторины, проконтролировать знания учащихся по теме.

Практические задачи:

1) Совершенствование произносительных навыков на основе песен “ My Bonnie”, “ Auld Lang Syne”, стихотворения “My Heart in the Highlands”

2) Совершенствование навыков аудирования на основе видеофильма “Great Britain 3) Развитие навыков устной речи

4) Активизация лексики в речи

Образовательные задачи:

1) Обобщение изученного материала по теме

2) Контроль лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся по теме

3) Расширение кругозора учащихся

Воспитательные задачи:

1) Укрепление у учащихся позитивного отношения к английскому языку, к стране изучаемого языка

2) Развитие у учащихся актерских качеств, стремления к лидерству, инициативы, чувства взаимопомощи.

Оснащение урока:

1) Два плаката с изображением парусников

2) Карта Великобритании

3) Видеокассета “Great Britain”

4) Аудиозаписи песен и звуков волынки

5) Портреты писателей

6) Изображение флагов и символов стран Соединенного Королевства

7) Марийская волынка

8) Распечатки заданий викторины.

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя: Dear guests! We are glad to see you. You are welcome to our quiz-game “The Truth beneath the Kilt”. We are traveling to the British Isles today in order to know more about Scotland. It is situated in the north part of Great Britain and is washed by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, so we are sailing. These are our ships and we have to name them, try to think about their names, you will have 2 minutes. The names of the ships should be connected with Scotland.

Учитель: Let`s start our voyage with the song “My Bonnie”. (все поют песню)

Time passes very quickly and here we are. What a nice and picturesque place. Only have a look! (Просмотр видеосюжета о Шотландии) . So we have refreshed our memory and you know a lot about Scotland. Your first task is to deal with “Scotland Quiz Elementary”:

  1. What is the population of Scotland?
  2. How many people live in the capital, Edinburgh?
  3. How many people in Scotland speak Gaelic?
  4. Does Scotland have its own money?
  5. Who was Scotland` s most famous poet?
  6. How many MPs does Scotland send to the London parliament?
  7. How many islands are there in Scotland?
  8. When did Scotland join England?
  9. How many universities are there in Scotland?
  10. How long does it take to get a Scottish university degree?
  11. How does Scotland make most of its money?
  12. How many Scots people live outside Scotland (1 grandparent Scottish) ?
  13. Which are the two biggest rivers in Scotland?
  14. What is the highest mountain in Scotland?
  15. What is the most important Scottish holiday?

Answers: 1) 5 mln. 2) 450000 3) 80000 4) Yes 5) R. Burns 6) 72 7) 787 8) 1703 9) 13 10) 3-4 years 11) oil 12) 20 mln. 13) the Clyde, the Tay 14) Ben Nevis 15) Hogmanay.

После оглашения правильных ответов подсчитываются очки каждой команды-корабля.

Учитель: The second task is rather creative. You should mime in order to show us what the words given on the cards mean, don`t pronounce any ward but the task of your opponent is to guess the ward given. На карточках написаны слова, которые учащиеся и учителя должны изобразить, а другая команда угадывает слово.

  1. Tartan
  2. Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scotland
  3. Edinburgh
  4. Burns
  5. Kilt
  6. Highland dancers
  7. Hogmanay
  8. Clan

После драматизации подсчитывают очки.

Учитель: Look! What a handsome man is coming to us!

Появляется ученик, который рассказывает о себе:

I was born on the 25 of January in 1759in Alloway. My father was a farmer and in my childhood I had to work in the fields to help my father. My mother taught me old songs and ballads, when she was not to tired she used to tell us folk-tales. Although my father was poor, his greatest wish was to give his children the best education, and while we were young, he began to teach us to read and write. When I was 6, my brother Gilbert and I, went to school at Alloway but after some time the school was closed. My father invited a teacher John Murdock. He taught us poetry of famous English writers. When I was 13, I wrote the first poem. Then I wrote many poems- beautiful and tender songs, angry verses, humorous poems, lyrics about friendship and peace.

Учитель: Who is that man? Yes you are right, it is Robert Burns. Do you know any poems by Burns?

Один из учеников читает “My Heart`s in the Highlands

My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart`s in the Highlands a chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart`s in the Highlands wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North;
The birthplace of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

Учитель: You have recited the poem perfectly well. And do you know any songs by Burns?

It is “Auld Lang Syne” Let`s sing it together. Ребята поют песню.

Учитель: What other writers of Scotland do you know? Look at the portraits of famous English and American writers and choose those who are Scotsmen.

Answers: R. Burns, W. Scott, R.L .Stevenson, A. Cronin.

Учитель: Robert Burns became a symbol of Scotland. Scotland has some other symbols look at the pictures of flags and plants of the UK and choose Scottish ones.

The symbol of Scotland, as you have correctly chosen, is a thistle. Why was this plant chosen as a symbol? Let`s watch a scene prepared by our students.

-You see, the Norsemen landed on the east coast of Scotland, we`ll have to defend our land.

- Let`s pitch our camp behind the river Tay and wait for them.

- Right. We are very tired.

- Look there are no guards to protect the camp, we can cross the Tay and slaughter the Scots in the sleep.

- Take off your shoes as to make less noise. Oh, what a pain!

- Dreadful plant! I have stepped on it!

- Wake up! The Norsemen are here!

- Let`s fight!

Учитель: Since that time the thistle has become the national emblem of Scotland. Scotland is called a country of whisky, golf and castles. Your next task is to read the story of whisky and find 10 lies in it.

The Story of Whisky

The national drink of Scotland is whisky. Whisky was first made in Scotland in 1749. For many years whisky was hidden in the country because the people who made it did not want to pay taxes. The buildings of the whisky distilleries are black an can be easily seen in the Highlands of Scotland.

Scottish whisky is made from potatoes. Whisky is put in plastic bottles for 2 to 12 years. Whisky is a beautiful green colour. The taste of a good whisky depends on barley, the mountain water and weather.

There are 2 kinds of whisky- malt and blended whisky. Blended whisky is a mixture of different whiskies. A malt whisky is made from only one whisky and is older than a blended whisky. A blended whisky is better than a malt whisky.

Whisky is drunk on the 31 of December to celebrate the New Year. Scottish people call this holiday Hogmanay. Whisky is also drunk on the 25 of January to celebrate the death of R. Burns. He was Scotland`s most famous politician.

It is not good to put cola or ice into whisky. Some people add a little water to their whisky.

Answers: 10 lies are:

  1. 1749- no, earlier
  2. to pay taxes- no taxes
  3. buildings of whisky distilleries are not black, they are white
  4. whisky is made from barley
  5. it is put into glass bottles
  6. whisky is of brown colour
  7. it does not depend on weather
  8. a malt whisky is older so it is better
  9. on the 25 of January Scotsmen celebrate R. Burns birthday
  10. R. Burns was a poet, he was not a politician.

And as for us we live in Mari El and we have a lot of traditions too. One of them is to wear Mari national clothes. Your next task is to compare the Mari and the Scots, decide what they have different and what similar.

Ученик: Of course, we live in different countries. Scotsmen have very interesting costumes. They wear a bonnet, socks, shoes, a kilt. The kilt is a skirt, worn by both men and women. Kilts are made of tartan. Tartan is special cloth of different colour. There are about 300 clans in Scotland each clan has its own tartan. As for the Mari people, they wear white shirts and dresses with embroidery, men wear hats and women wear shawls, both wear bast-shoes. But the most interesting thing is that The Mari and the Scots have very alike musical instrument: a bagpipe.

Учитель: Look at the Mari national instrument, it is called “shouvyr”. Your task is just now to listen to the sounds of the Mari bagpipe and the Scottish bagpipe. Identify which one is the first on the tape and which is the second. Звучат записи мелодий волынок. Участники стараются узнать их звуки.

Учитель: The last task of our quiz-game is to know how to bake Scottish Shortbread. You should to put the correct verb into the gaps of the recipe.

Recipe for Scottish Shortbread.


125 g plain flour

25 g rice flour

50 g sugar

100 g butter

Method: 1) a baking tray with butter. 2) the flours and add the sugar.3) in the butter- keep it in one piece and gradually work in the dry ingredients. Kneed well and 4) into a well- floured shortbread mould or 15 cm. tin. 5) on to the baking tray and 6) with a fork.

7) until firm and golden. Turn out and 8) with sugar. Serve 9) into fingers.

Note: The rice flour is a traditional ingredient of shortbread, but it can be 10) in which case 11) 150 g flour.

Verbs to fill in the gaps: cover, press, grease, knead, prick, cut, sift, turn out, bake, left out, use.


  1. grease
  2. sift
  3. knead
  4. press
  5. turn out
  6. prick
  7. bake
  8. cover
  9. cut
  10. left out
  11. use

Учитель: You were great to solve difficult problems. I think there are no losers, no winners today, because we have coped with all the tasks.