Урок по теме "Большие и малые города и их достопримечательности"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков по теме: “Город и его достопримечательности”.
  • формирование навыков социального общения через активизацию понятий, связанных с жизнью в больших и малых городах.
  • формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся через дискуссию и презентацию собственного мнения.

Задачи урока:

  • развитие умений понимать английскую речь на слух
  • активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций при описании больших и малых городов

Ход урока

Учитель: Some people live in big cities, others live in the countryside. This lesson we are going to speak about life in cities and far from them and visit some places of interest in a small town and in big cities.

1. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: I want you to compare:

1. The streets in a big city and the streets in the country using the word WIDE

2. The air in the country and the air in a big city using the word CLEAN

3.The nature in the country and the nature in a big city using the word BEAUTIFUL

4. The life in the country and the life in the city using the word INTRESTING

5. People in the country and people in a big city using the word QUIET

6. The houses in a big city and in the countryside using the word HIGH

2. Описание картинок по теме: “город и деревня”

Использование слайд-презентации по теме: “Город и его достопримечательности”

Now look at the pictures and try to describe them. (Приложение 1)

T —> CL. What does the first picture show?

Ответы учеников:

  1. P: The first picture tells us about life in a big city.
  2. P: People find a lot of interesting things to see and to do in a big city.
  3. P: There are a lot of places of interest: beautiful churches and cathedrals, palaces, old castled and towers.
  4. P: You may go to the cinema, to a museum or a picture gallery.
  5. P: The streets in a big city are usually noisy, because there is a lot of traffic.
  6. P: The traffic in the city streets is a serious problem.

T —> CL. What does the second picture tell us about?

Ответы учеников:

  1. P:The second picture shows a small town.
  2. P: People who live here like to live far from the noisy city, because they enjoy a quiet place.
  3. P: People find a lot of interesting things to do, for example: to go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries, catch fish in the lake or a river, work in the garden or watch animals and birds.
  4. P: In summer a lot of people leave city for the country, because they want to have a rest from noisy city.
  5. P: There are a lot of trees, bushes and flowers there.
  6. P: The air in the village is fresh and clean.

3. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Работа в парах, а потом ответы с места. Работа со слайд-презентацией.

T —> CL Say in which of these places, a big city or a village you would like to live and why.

P —> <— P

Ответы учеников с места:

  1. P: I would like to live in the countryside because I think that life in the country is more interesting than life in the city.
  2. P: I want to live in a big city because I like to go to the cinema and theatre
  3. T СL. There is an English proverb: there is no place like home. Give Russian equivalent of this proverb. What Russian proverb about your native place do you know?
  4. P: Нет места подобного дому.
  5. P: Дома и солома едома.

T —> Cl.:

  1. Do you like the place in which you live? Is it beautiful?
  2. What interesting things can you find in the place in which you life?
  3. Are there good museums, theatres, stadiums and parks in it?
  4. What places in your town do you like to visit?

На доске фотографии с видами города. Учитель задает вопросы:

Now I shall see how well you know the place in which you live.

What is this building famous for? (На доске виды известный зданий и мест в городе). Ученики отвечают на вопросы по картинкам.

4. Развитие лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме. Компьютерная игра.

I know that you enjoy visiting different cities and even countries. I want to see how you can follow the directions of the guide. Let’s play a computer game. Be very attentive. First read the direction and only after that click. Take your sits at the computers. First think than click.

Компьютерная игра из УМК “Way Ahead” 4 игра № 3

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Работа в парах.

Т. —> Сl. I see you know directions and will not loose your way.. Now pretend you are in some part of the city for the first time. You ask about the most interesting places and how to get to these places. Don’t forget, you should be polite. Which words do people say when they ask the way? Which words do people say when they thank for showing them the way? Work in pairs.

Ученики разыгрывают диалог в парах.

6. Аудирование. Тестовый контроль.

Т —> Сl: People enjoy travelling all over the world. Listen to the story of a boy, called Bill. He will tell you where he went in summer. Listen to him very carefully and try to circle the right word.

Звучит аудиозапись. На слайд-презентации изображение Bodiam Castle. Ученики слушают запись 2 раза и отмечают в карточках ответы.

Circle the right answer.

When did Billy go to Bodiam Castle? In the winter. In the summer.
Who did he go with? His family. His friends.
How old is the castle? 400 years old. 600 years old.
Where is the castle? In a hill. Near the sea.
What is around the castle? A road. Water.
What are in the water? Boats. Fish.
Did Billy like the castle? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Когда карточки собраны, устно задаю эти же вопросы. Ответы учеников.

7. Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций. Путешествие по Лондону. Работа со слайд-презентацией.

T —> Cl: Would you like to travel to Great Britain? Let’s take a tour to the capital of Great Britain.

  1. What’s the capital of Grate Britain?
  2. What river does London stand?
  3. Do you know to whom Russian marshal there is a monument in Moscow?
  4. This is the Houses of Parliament or more correctly the Palace of Westminster. British government works here. Do you know where Russian government works?
  5. Big Ben is the main clock in Gr.Br. Do you know the main clock in Moscow?
  6. Downing Street. British prime- minister lives here? Do you know his name? (Antony Blaire)
  7. This is St Paul’s Cathedral – the most famous cathedral in London. Which cathedrals in Moscow do you know?
  8. British Museum has a great collection of historical documents, pictures, coins and books. Which museums in Moscow do you know?
  9. Buckingham Palace has been a home for seven generations of British kings and queens and is the symbol of the monarch. Which palaces where Russian monarchs lived do you know?

T —> Cl.: our tour has come to an end. Are you tired of travelling? It’s time to return to our classroom.

8. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание. (написать сочинение по теме: Что бы я рассказал своему другу по переписке о своем городе).