Разработка урока "Салават Юлаев – наш национальный герой"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Для жителей республики Башкортостан 2007 год был ознаменован празднованием 450-летия добровольного вхождения Башкирии в состав России. Крепкая дружба, общая культура и история, взаимные интересы связывают два народа.
В республике в мире и согласии живут и работают люди разных национальностей. Очень важно, чтобы ничто не смогло нарушить установившееся здесь полувековое равновесие. Необходимо, чтобы грядущие поколения знали историю и культуру своей большой и малой родины, её героев и свято чтили свои традиции, ведь известно, что без прошлого нет будущего.
Приведённый урок повествует о национальном герое башкирского народа Салавате Юлаеве – активном участнике Крестьянской войны (1773-1774), соратнике Е.Пугачёва, неутомимом борце против царской власти, талантливом поэте, знакомит учащихся с творчеством великого батыра и памятными местами, связанными с его именем, широко известном на родине и за её пределами.

Тема урока: “S. Yulaev – our national hero”

Тип и вид урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков монологической речи и аудирования.

Форма урока: урок – путешествие.


  • практический компонент: совершенствование навыков диалогической речи и аудирования по теме урока;
  • воспитательный компонент: воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свою республику, уважение её истории и почитание людей, прославивших нашу родину;
  • развивающий компонент: развитие механизма вероятностного прогнозирования, логического мышления, внимания, памяти, речемыслительной активности учащихся;
  • образовательный компонент: расширение кругозора учащихся путём детального изучения биографии С. Юлаева, предпосылок, хода и завершения Крестьянской войны, на основе работы с источниками и Интернетом.

Сопутствующие задачи:

  • совершенствование фонетических навыков;
  • совершенствование грамматических навыков:
  • совершенствование грамматических навыков.

Оснащение урока:

  • доска, мел;
  • магнитофон, кассета с записью;
  • ручки, карандаши;
  • раздаточный материал по теме (карточки, картинки);
  • проекционная доска, слайды по теме урока.


I. Начало урока

1. Приветствие (создание иноязычной атмосферы)

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. We all live in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is very much famous for its industry, agriculture, but best of all it is famous for its people. There were many outstanding people born in Bashkortostan. We are proud of them because they are our national heroes. To guess what person we are going to speak about, please listen to some information:
This person fought against injustice and violence. He took part in the Peasant War. He is famous for his beautiful poems as well. There is a monument to him on the bank of the Agidel. Who am I speaking about?


2. Организационный момент (создание мотивационной базы)

So today we are going to on an excursion across the places of interest, connected with our national hero.
Attention please! It’s time to set off! Get in the bus.


II. Центральная часть урока

1. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи

When people travel they usually read or talk to each other so that their trip is not boring. Please, tell us

  • when and where S. Yulaev was born;
  • about his family;
  • what you know about his childhood;
  • about his appearance.

That’s fine, thank you.

2. Речевая зарядка (вовлечение учащихся в иноязычное общение)

Now we are in Ufa. It's time to get off the bus and visit the monument to Salawat Yulaev. Look here, please! Here is a flower at the bottom of the monument. On its petals there are some questions. Click on the petal and you see a question. Please, click on all the petals and answer all the questions.

1. When was the monument set in Ufa?
2. Who is the author of the monument?
3. Do you know any literary works about our national hero?
4. Are there any museums devoted to S. Yulaev in Bashkortostan?
5. Why is the museum founded in the village of Maloyaz?

3. Музыкальная пауза (вовлечение в иноязычное общение)

Attention please! Our bus is going to leave. Get in please. Make yourself comfortable and listen to some music (a passage from the opera “Salawat Yulaev”). After that answer my questions.

– Do you know this music?
– What’s its name?
– Who’s its author?
– Do you know any other musical works devoted to S. Yulaev?
– Name some of them.

Boys and girls! We are approaching the Salavat district. Look outside, it is so much beautiful here. That’s right the nature in our Republic is quite various. There are a lot of songs and poems about the natural beauty of Bashkortostan. Let’s listen to the poem “Old Ural”.

My Ural, your mountains are high,
And your expanse is vast.
Your rocks are so beautiful,
They are like mother’s arms
Thrown around their beloved children.

My Ural, your chest is broad,
You are the home of the seven tribes,
The backbone of the land.
Your sons, they rushed to battles,
To defend you,
The heroes’ remains are now left upon
Your breast.


We got so much tired after such a long trip. Let’s do exercises to have a rest!

4. Развитие навыков монологической речи

We’ve come to the birthplace of the batyr. The guide is going to tell you about the S. Yulaev museum in the village of Maloyaz.
This museum is a branch of the National museum in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It was founded in 1987. The exposition tells about the fate and feats of arms of the hero. Here you can see the Bashkir yurta inside and outside, pieces of clothes, some tools, weapons and kitchen utensils as well. The saddle and the sabre, belonging to S. Yulaev are the most interesting exhibits. Here are also some documents telling about the life of Salawat, about his participation in the Peasant War.


5. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением полной информации (развитие языковой догадки)

Read the text and complete it with the given sentences.

  • Since then partisan war began.
  • In January 1774 Salawat and his detachment captured the fortress of Krasnoufimsk.
  • His son Salawat became its leader, although he was very young.
  • The last large battle took place in November 1774 near the fortress of Katav- Ivanovsk.
  • After recovering in February 1774 Salawat went on fighting.
  • Soon Salawat got the rank of a colonel.

On the 17th of September the Peasant War began. In October 1773 Yulai Aznalin got an order to fight against Pugachеv and his army. Yulai Aznalin had to organize a detachment


Salawat and his detachment were to come to Sterlitamak. On the way there S. Yulaev joined the army of Pugachеv on his own free will. Since then Salawat became an adherent of Pugachеv.


He was the youngest colonel in Pugachеv’s army. In November 1773 Salawat was sent back home to organize insurgent forces.


Soon after that by the attempt of the capture the fortress of Kungur Salawat was heavily wounded.


In March 1774 insurgent forces became more active in the North of Bashkortostan. From April to June S. Yulaev’s detachment was pursued by the army of Mikhelson. Since August 1774 Salawat became a leader of insurgent army in the North and North-East of Bashkortostan.


The Tsar sent a large number of military troops to Bashkortostan to put down the uprising.


On the 25th of November 1774 Salawat was captured by the detachment of the lieutenant Leskovski.

Read the text again and write S (for Salawat), P (for Pugachеv), M (for Mikhelson), Y (for Yulai), L (for Leskovski).

Who …

  • captured S. Yulaev?
  • was the leader of the Peasant War?
  • pursued Salawat’s detachment from April to June 1774?
  • got an order to fight against Pugachеv and his army?
  • was the youngest colonel?

6. Аудирование (развитие механизма вероятностного прогнозирования и языковой догадки)

Now it’s time to go down the end of the Peasant War. I’d like you to listen to the text and tick the following sentences Yes or NO.

1. In the prison in Ufa S. Yulaev wrote his famous poem.
2. He spent in Moscow 25 years.
3. He was sentenced to eternal penal servitude.
4. The penal servitude lasted 339 days.
5. S.Yulaev was given 175 knout strokes.
6. He was sent to the fortress of Rogervik.
Yes No

On the 25th of November 1774 Salawat was captured by the detachment of the lieutenant Leskovski. In the prison in Ufa he wrote his famous letter giving some pieces of advice how to save his family. After that he was brought to Moscow. The investigation lasted for more than 339 days. The court sentenced S. Yulaiev to 175 knout strokes, branding and eternal penal servitude. S. Yulaev was sent to the fortress of Rogervik (Paldiski at the present day) in Estonia. He spent there 25 years and died on the 26th of September 1800.

III Завершение урока

1. Контроль знаний, полученных на уроке

Now we are coming to the end of our discussing the Peasant War, the fate of S. Yulaev and feats of arms. To sum up our lesson there is a little test. Read the sentences and choose the right variant.


1. S. Yulaev was born on the… .

a) 18th of April 1727
b) 16th of June 1754
c) 13th of November 1750

2. His birthplace is … in Shaitan-Kudeiskaya volost.

a) the village of Tekeyevo
b) in the village of Kigi
c) in the village of Maloyaz

3. Salawat was … when he became a colonel.

a) 30
b) 20
c) 19

4. Salawat was … in January 1774.

a) wounded
b) sentenced
c) given 175 knout strokes

5. S. Yulaev was … by the detachment of Lesovski.

a) wounded
b) captured
c) branded

6. He was sentenced to … .

a) the death
b) hanging
c) the eternal penal servitude

7. S. Yulaev spent in Paldiski … years.

a) 25
b) 30
c) 15

2. Обобщение по теме «Салават Юлаев – наш национальный герой»

There are a lot of songs devoted to the batyr. Let’s sing one of them.

Glory to Salawat
Salawat has his sky-blue jelan on
Bow and arrows are tied to his belt,
Bow and arrows are tied to his belt.

Hai, hai, hai, he destroyed the enimies,
Hai, hai, hai, the batyr of the Bashkir land.

He didn’t spare himself in the battle,
Won the glory in his native land,
Won the glory in the Bashkir land.

Hai, hai, hai, in the plains by the Ural range
The song of glory resounded,
The song of glory resounded.
Salawat Yulaev is famous for his poems as well. Listen to one of them:
In the dark night
A nightingale’s song is heard
What is the song about?
I can’t answer.

What is he singing about?
Either a hot ray of the sun
Or the light moon.
Is he looking for among the clouds?

Either is the song a star devoted to
Or the wide and rolling steppe
Makes it a glory.
I don’t know.

3. Заключение урока

The Peasant War is of great historical importance, although the uprising was brutally put down and all its leaders were strongly punished. But the most important thing about this war was to show the brotherhood of two nations: the Russian and the Bashkir. The name of Salawat Yulaev is very much honoured. There are a lot of monuments, books, paintings, songs and other musical works devoted to the hero. A number of streets, schools, collective farms, the Bashkir national hockey team, a town in the South of Bashkortostan, a district in the North of it are called after him. Moreover in 1967 there was set the State S. Yulaev premium.

4. Подведение итогов

Our lesson is coming to its end. We’ve worked hard, we’ve done a lot. Thank you. Your hometask is to write a composition to the topic “The example I’d like to follow”. Your marks are … Good bye.