Урок — ролевая игра в 9-м классе по теме "Музыка": "Musical Hall"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебные цели: совершенствование умений и навыков использования изученной лексики и грамматики в диалогической и монологической речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования; систематизация и обобщение изученного ранее материала.

Развивающая цель: развитие умений и навыков говорения, аудирования с общим охватом содержания и с целью извлечения нужной или интересующей информации.

Коммуникативные задачи: совершенствовать умения рассказать о…, выразить своё мнение о…, выразить своё отношение к…; развивать умение вести диалог-расспрос, диалог-побуждение, диалог-обмен мнениями.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитание любви к искусству вообще и к музыке, как одной из разновидностей искусства; воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу; умения внимательно слушать друг друга; терпимо (толерантно) относиться к мнению других.

Оформление: портреты композиторов: Мусоргского, Луи Армстронга, Чайковского, Бетховена и др., фотографии любимых ансамблей и исполнителей.

Технические средства: музыкальный центр (магнитофон, караоке), синтезатор (ионика), гитара.

T: Good-morning, my friends; good-morning, dear guests; good-morning, everybody. I’m glad to greet you in our Music Hall. I see everybody is here and we’re beginning. As you see, the topic of our Musical Hall is Music; the music we love, the music we enjoy listening to, the music we admire, the music we adore!...
Look here , my friends. Do you hear this music?

Pupils: Yes, of course.

T––> P1 P2 P3

T: Can you recognize it?

P1: If I’m not mistaken, it’s “Yesterday”.

T: And what about you?

P2: I’m sure it is “Yesterday”, the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra is playing.

T: Do you agree with your friends?

P3: Sure, I do. No doubt, it is “Yesterday”. And the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra is performing.

T: Oh, my dear, you’re quite right. I value your knowledge you couldn’t, but recognize the tune and the orchestra, because you listened to it at the lessons.

T: Music, music, music… Such a wonderful word it is, isn’t it?

Students: Yes, it is. Yes, of course. Of course, it is.

T: And do you know, my dear, what the term “music” means?

P1: Music is everything for me; I can’t help listening to music during the day.

P2: For me music is a kind of entertainment which inspires me, helps me to overcome difficulties.

P3: Frankly speaking, I consider music to be art, which makes our life enjoyable and bright.

T: Well, my friends, I feel the same way as you do. No doubt, music is art and makes our life enjoyable and bright. To be sincere when I wake up in the morning, I switch on the radio “Mayak” and I listen to music. By the way it makes my mood better.

T: As you know, different musical styles exist in the world.

T ––> P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 answer the following questions:

1) What’s your favourite musical style? Do your parents share your interests?
2) What’s your preference?
3) Can you answer this question?
4) What music are you keen on?
5) What music do you admire?

T: I see, Nastya would like to say something, wouldn’t you?

Nastya: Certainly, I would. As for my preference, it’s classical music. Frankly speaking, I’m graduating from the musical school this year and I admire playing the piano. I’d like to suggest you to listen to this piece of music. (Играет отрывок из классического произведения).

Reaction on Nastya’s playing:

1) аплодисменты;
2) высказывания учащихся:

P1: Your playing is great, Nastya. Thanks a lot.
P2: For me it is amazing. Thank you very much.
P3: Fascinating, catchy, breathtaking.
P4: Bravo, bravo, bravo… Thank you so much.
P5: Nastya, you are great!
P6: Nastya has played a romantic, amazing and catchy music.

T: As for me, I admire Nastya’s performing greatly. Thank you very much. Well, my dear, does anybody else want to tell us about your favourite composers, soloists or bands?

P1: (ученик рассказывает биографию композитора, не называя имени). He is an outstanding Russian composer, was born in Votkinsk in 1840. He was fond of music since his early childhood. His mother sang him beautiful songs and taught him to play the piano. He graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire only in 1866 because of his poor living conditions. He was the best pupil of Anton Rubinshtein. When the Moscow Conservatoire was founded he became a professor there.
He created wonderful music: ten operas, three ballets, six symphonies, seven large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces.
Eugene Onegin”, a new type of opera, was a great success all over the world. His “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Sleeping Beauty” are beautiful musical masterpieces. Besides, he was a great conductor, and he conducted a lot of operas and symphonies himself.
In his music he used folk melodies for the musical descriptions of Russian nature and life.
He became the first Russian doctor of music abroad. He came back from Cambridge famous all over the world. His compositions are full of realism. Though he wrote his operas and ballets in the 19th century they are real to us now.
He died in 1893, but his music continues to live; it will live forever. His music is played by the musicians of all countries and continents. In 1958 at the First International festival named after him an American pianist Van Cliburn won the first prize, brilliantly performing the first concert for the piano and orchestra by him.

P2: If I’m not mistaken he is Tchaikovsky, because he composed “The Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping Beauty”.

Ученики высказывают свои предположения, используя разговорные выражения: I guess… I suppose… I’m sure…

T ––> P1 P2 P3: What’s new and interesting in the story for you?

P1 P2 P3 ––> For me it’s interesting… Frankly speaking, I didn’t know that… To tell the truth…

P4: To be sincere for me everything is interesting about Tchaikovsky.

T: Thank you very much, my friends.

T: As far as I know, Sasha, sometimes you enjoy listening to classical music, don’t you?

Sasha: Certainly, I do (a story about Beethoven):

He has been called the greatest composer who has ever lived – yet he was deaf for much of his life. He lived from 1770 to 1827. He was born in Bonn in Germany. At the age of 17 he went to Vienna to study under Mozart. The teacher and the students soon became friends.
Later he studied with Joseph Haydn, but we know he was not satisfied and took extra lessons in secret!
By the age of 32, he knew he was going deaf. Deeply depressed, he had to give up playing, but was able to go on composing because he could still hear the sound of the music in his head. He used to go for long walks, carrying a sketch book in which he wrote down his musical ideas.
We remember him for many great works – including masterpieces such as the Moonlight Sonata and his famous Ninth Symphony, in which he introduced choral music for the first time in a symphony.

T: Have you guessed who he is?

P1: No doubt he is Beethoven because he wrote such masterpieces as the Moonlight Sonata and the Ninth Symphony.

T: Great, you are quite right! What have you learnt about Beethoven?

P2: As for me I’ve learnt that…

P3: To tell the truth I’ve learnt that…

P4: Frankly speaking I didn’t know that…

T: Well, I see, my friends, your tastes are quite different. Most of you adore pop music, on the other hand some of you are keen on classical music. So I’d like to ask you to listen to 3 pieces of music. Not only to listen to, but guess. Guess, please, the names of composers and the names of compositions. (Auding. Listening to music).

Ученики слушают три отрывка музыки и пытаются угадать их названия, выражают свои предположения, используя разговорные выражения: I believe… I suppose… I guess…

T: What feelings do these tunes evoke in you? or How do you find these melodies?

P1: For me all these tunes are breathtaking.

P2: I find them fascinating.

P3: Of course, it’s mesmerizing and overwhelming.

T: As far as I remember I asked you to prepare the most interesting facts about your favourites.

Три или четыре ученика готовят и рассказывают биографии своих любимых композиторов, исполнителей и певцов. Делают сообщения о популярных музыкальных группах.

T: Thank you, boys and girls. I’m sure all the information is useful for you, isn’t it?

P1: Of course, it is.

P2: No doubt, it is.

P3: Certainly, it is.

P4: Sure, it is.

T: Everybody knows music is played on musical instruments. What instruments do you like the sound of most of all? Can you play any musical instrument?

P1: I adore the guitar, it’s tuneful and breathtaking. So, I’m learning to play the guitar.

P2: The guitar is my favourite instrument.

P3: Unfortunately, I can’t play any musical instrument, but I wish I could play the bass guitar.

T: I say, my dear, there’s a guest in our Music Hall. His favourite instrument is… What’s your favourite instrument, Sasha?

Sasha: My favourite instrument is the guitar.

T: Can we ask you a few questions?

Sasha: Of course, you can.

P1: What music are you fond of?

P2: Do you have any favourite composers?

P3: Why have you chosen the guitar?

P4: How long have you been playing the guitar?

P5: What are you going to perform?

Sasha is playing. Reaction on his playing: applauds.

P1: Thanks a lot.

P2: Cool.

P3: Great!

P4: Thank you very much.

T: And now, my dear, the most enjoyable thing in our Musical Hall. Would you like to sing your favourite English songs?

Students: Sure! Yes, of course!

T: Then, let’s sing the songs!

Поют под караоке на английском языке песни, изучавшиеся на уроках: “Yesterday”, “Only you”, “And I love her”, “Go down Moses”.

The end.

T: Well, my friends, unfortunately our time is up. I’d like to ask you:

  1. What was the most enjoyable for you here, in our Musical Hall?
  2. What useful and interesting information have you learnt?

T: I’d like to say thank you to everybody. Everybody is worth admiring. I’ll put you only excellent marks! I, personally, consider you to be the best at music. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!