Конспект обучающего урока по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. "English, 6" по теме "Home"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебно-методическая задача урока: “ Ноmе”

  • Активизация иноязычного материала

Целевая установка:

  • Ориентация на формирование развития навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности – аудирования, диалогической речи;
  • Ориентация на овладение учащимися аспектами языка – произношением, лексикой, грамматикой, интонационной окрашенностью речи;

Комплексные цели урока:

  • Формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
  • Обучение общению на иностранном языке;
  • Обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка.

Воспитательные задачи урока:

  • Воспитание цивилизованной личности;
  • Культуры мышления;
  • Общения и поведения.

Общеобразовательные задачи урока:

  • Познавательные (приобретение знаний об устройстве типичного британского дома, постижение менталитета других народов);
  • Лингвострановедческие;
  • Развитие лингвистического мышления;
  • Активизация иноязычного материала.

Развивающие задачи урока:

  • Развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетика, интонация, имитация, догадка, способность к выявлению языковых закономерностей и др.);
  • Развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (мышление, память, внимание, восприятие, воображение и др.);
  • Развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культуры.

 Тематика содержания учебных материалов:

  • Устная тема;
  • Упражнения;
  • Ситуации;
  • Языковой материал;
  • Методические приемы.

Оснащение урока:

  • ТСО;
  • Наглядность;
  • Компоненты учебно-методического комплекса.

 I. Начало урока, организационный момент.

T: Good morning, dear children. Nice to meet you. How are you? I’m fine and you?
P: I’m fine.
T: Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.
P: You are fine.
P: Nice to meet you. Be happy.

II. Речевая зарядка.

T: Is the weather fine today?
P: It is fine.
T: Is it very cold today?
P: Yes. It is cold today.
T: Is there much snow on the ground?
P: There is much snow on the ground.
T: What season is it now?
P: It is winter.
T: My favourite season is winter. The ground, the rivers and lakes are covered with snow. Fantastic! Say, please, what is your favourite season? What season do you like? What can you say about winter?
P: I like winter. It is my favourite season.

III. Введение в проблему урока.

T: Russian winter is frosty and snowy. English winter is warm. I see the Russian houses are different from British houses too. I know an English proverb about English homes. Find the Russian equivalent of this proverb. Will you translate it correctly?

P: There is no place like home.

  • В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше;
  • Нет лучше места, чем дом;
  • Мой дом – моя крепость.

T: Why is home the best place for the English? I hope you will answer this question at the end of our lesson.

Let’s revise the words on the theme “House” and have a phonetic drill. Please, listen to the beginning of the rhymes and try to complete them with proper word.

Along the bridge

We carried a … (fridge)

I’ll take a new broom

And clean my… (bedroom)

A little grey mouse

Lives in a … (house)

Go and switch on

The light in the … (kitchen)

IV. Словарный штурм.

T: What words about the house do you know? These pictures will help you. (a desk, a wall unit, a refrigerator, a wardrobe, central heating, to wash dishes, to do the ironing, to tidy up the room, to clean the house, to sweep the floor, to do the washing, to go shopping)

T: Why is your house comfortable?

P: I think my house is comfortable, because….

there is / are ….

in my living room.
in my bedroom.
in a study.
in a kitchen.

T: Why is your home cosy?

P: My home is cosy, because…

I sweep the floor.
I tidy up the room.
I clean the house.
I wash dishes.

V. Диалогическая речь по теме.

T: Open your books at page 118, listen to the dialogue, read. (Слушают. Читают)

How do you help your mother about the house? Make up your own short dialogue. Will you give a hand to your mum?

(Составляют диалоги по образцу).

VI. Релаксация.

I see you are tired. Let’s relax. OK? Singing is the best way relaxing. Let’s sing a song and exercises.

VII. Аудирование.

T: What do you know about a typical British house? Look at the screen, listen and fill in the proper words.

1) A typical British house has two floors.
2) On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen and a hall.
3) The living room is the largest room in the house.
4) On the first floor there is a bathroom and a bedroom.
5) The English like their houses very much.
6) Home is the best place where English family lives with cats and dogs.

Карточки с пропущенными словами раздаются детям, где предлагается вставить пропущенное слово

Fill in the words: (two, a kitchen, living room, bedroom, cats and dogs.)

1) A typical British house has ……. floors.
2) On the ground floor there is a living room… and a hall.
3) The ……. is the largest room in the house.
4) On the first floor there is a bathroom and a …….
5) The English like their houses very much.
6) Home is the best place where English family lives with ……..

T: Listen to it again and check yourselves. Read and translate, please.

VIII. Обучение монологической речи.

T: Look at the tables and answer my questions, please. (Работа с лексико-грамматической таблицей).

 Лексико – грамматическая таблица “English house” English 6, В. П. Кузовлев

1. Where do the English live?

They live in …

a house
a cottage

2. How many floors [flo:z] has a typical

English houses?

Typical English houses has …

two floors

3. What rooms are there on the ground floor?

On the ground floor there is a …

sitting room
living room
dining room

4. What rooms are there on the first floor?

On the first floor there is a …


5. What is the largest room?

The largest room is the …

sitting room
living room

 6. Why do the English like home?

Home is the best place where …

they have a rest
they spend a lot of time

English family lives with dog and cat

 T: Try to build it. Children, will you describe a typical British house?

Do you like it? (Дети строят и описывают дом).

T: Why is home the best place for the English?

P: Home is the best place where English family lives with cats and dogs.

IX. Подведение итогов.

T: You see the English like their houses. But Russian people like their flat and houses too. I like my flat. My study is comfortable. Listen to the song about my room and sing with me.

(Дети слушают песню и затем поют ее вместе с учителем).

Do you like your flat or house? Describe your flat, using the second table.

It will be your homework.

It’s high time to finish our lesson. You were active, brilliant and bright.

Thank you very much.