Предпрофильная подготовка обучающихся основной школы на уроках английского языка (через практику организации литературных страничек)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Согласно федеральной целевой программе развития российского образования на 2006-2010 гг. одним из направлений решения стратегической задачи совершенствования содержания и технологий образования является введение профильного обучения в старшей школе и предпрофильной подготовки в среднем звене.

Одним из профилей, реализуемых в нашей гимназии, является филологический (с углублённым изучением английского языка).

Наполнение этого профиля осуществляется, в частности, через реализацию элективных курсов, одним из которых является курс “Английская и американская литература”.

Но подготовка к восприятию этого курса начинается ещё в среднем звене (6, 7, 8 классах).

Я хотела бы поделиться опытом предпрофильной подготовки обучающихся основной школы (на примере 7 классов) через практику организации литературных страничек на базе книг для группового чтения из серии “Classic Readers” издательства“Express Publishing” используемых в комплекте с аудиозаписью и, желательно, видеофильмом или экранизацией произведения.

Такая практика позволяет использовать интегративный характер предмета “Иностранный язык” для общего гуманитарного развития обучающихся, расширяет их интеллектуальный горизонт через обучение языку в контексте мирового культурного наследия, способствует привитию вкуса к чтению классической литературы и развитию личностно-осмысленного восприятия произведений.

Основные плюсы включения такой формы занятий как литературные странички в процесс обучения заключаются в возможности оптимально сочетать достижение выполнения задач не только речевого и языкового развития, но и общеобразовательных задач средствами предмета “Английский язык”:

  • интенсивная практика разноцелевого чтения;
  • широкие возможности для развития навыков аудирования;
  • формирование фонетических и интонационных навыков;
  • хорошая база для организации проектной деятельности учащихся, стимулирования их собственного литературного творчества;
  • формирование критического мышления, умений давать независимые оценки явлениям действительности;
  • развитие эмоционально-художественной сферы обучающихся, осознания и восприятия общечеловеческих ценностей;
  • воспитание толерантности, умения воспринимать отличный от собственного взгляд на явления действительности.

Для того чтобы повысить мотивацию учащихся на этих занятиях необходимо актуализировать проблемы, затрагиваемые в произведении, преломив их восприятие через призму личного опыта подростков, вовлекая их в “проживание” (через элементы драматизации, приём “путешествие внутрь книги” и др.) и обсуждение ситуаций (задания дискуссионного характера). Эти приёмы способствуют развитию независимости мышления учащихся, способности к эмоциональному сопереживанию, умения давать собственные оценки и аргументировать своё мнение.

В качестве примера предлагается занятие в 7 классе с углублённым изучением английского языка по первым двум главам книги “Jane Eyre” - серия Classic Readers. Издательство Express Publishing.

Classic Literature Corner

Jane Eyre

Занятие 1. (2 академических часа)

Chapter 1-2

Learning goals:

1. vocabulary: describing personality and character

2. speaking: argumentative speaking/ discussion

3. writing: for/against essay

Ход занятия Техническое и дидактическое обеспечение
1. Вступление

Well kids, today we are having our classes at the Classic Literature Corner.

To feel the special atmosphere of it I want you to have a look at the screen.

What book have we started to read?

Who is the author of this book?

Charlotte was one of the three Bronte sisters: Charlotte, Emily and Anne, who all wrote famous novels. Their family was quite poor. Charlotte and Emily attended a boarding school and later worked as governesses. Charlotte’s novel Jane Eyre was published in 1847. [1] So the story takes place in the Past. But we’ll see that in classic books we can find not only a vivid picture of life in that period of history, but a lot of questions which can be still argued and discussed.

Видеозаставка к фильму “Джейн Эйр” ВВС

2. Main events (comprehension of the main idea)

First of all, let’s remember the main events and characters we have already met.

How many chapters have we read?

Remember the main points of the plot in the 1st and 2nd chapter and put them into the correct order.

What happened 1st?

What event was the most important in Jane’s life and why?

Варианты проецируются с помощью мультимедийного проектора, верный вариант проверяется через компьютерную версию.

Jane was locked in the Red Room.

Jane Eyre attacked John Reed.

Jane was locked in the Red Room.

Jane went to Lowood School.

Mr. Brocklehurst visited Gateshead.

Jane met her first friend.

3. Main Characters (describing people)

In the 1st part we met some characters and got the idea of their personalities.

Lets try to characterize them, using these adjectives:


(карточки с прилагательными, описывающими личность и характер и рисунки персонажей вынесены на доску)

1. Фонетическая отработка слов

2. Работа с дефинициями (-check that you know the meanings,

read the explanations and guess words)

*** - a person who has a high level of mental ability (intelligent)

*** - a person who has no pity in his heart and doesn’t show any


kindness (cool-hearted)

*** -extremely proud, thinking he is much more important than the others (arrogant)

*** -a person who often tells lie or behaving dishonestly (deceitful)

*** -a person who doesn’t like to talk proudly about himself (modest)

*** -a person who hides his true feelings (dissemble)

3. Активизация

(Сhoose three the most suitable features for each character).

Ss – John Reed was deceitful, cool-hearted and rude. и т.д.

T -I think we should be reasonable talking about people. Have a look at the character card and try to give some facts or explanations to our opinion of this character.

Ss – To my mind (I’m absolutely sure…) Aunt Reed was cool-hearted, because it was cruel to lock a little girl alone in the room.

4. Discussion

На этом этапе урока можно построить обсуждение проблемных моментов на базе фактов, приводимых учащимися в качестве аргументов, мотивируя их к высказыванию своего отношения.


T – Do you think that locking someone should be used as a form of punishment? Do your parents sometimes punish you? Why?













Раздаточный материал

Definitions cards






Работа с текстом по содержанию. (Поисковое чтение. Выбор аргументов).

5. Animated pictures (Reading, dramatizing)

I’m sure that characters are clearly seen in the situations.

T -I want you to dramatize some dialogues from the book.

- you’ll got cards with mixed phrase bubbles, put them into the correct order to guess an episode and act it out. Try to express the personality of a speaker.

- work in pairs (or in a group)

- present your scene to the group, all the rest should guess an episode.

Phrase cards

for students

5. Impressions of school (listening, speaking - describing the place and feelings)


Was Jane happy at Gateshead?

Ss- I think she was miserable. Jane lived with her relatives. They treated her badly. Her aunt was unfair to her. …

T - So she was glad to leave that awful house and go to school.

What was it like at school? Did her dreams come true?

“Travelling inside the book”

T - We’ll listen to the recording. Imagine yourselves inside the book. You may close your eyes and switch on your imagination.

Then I suddenly stop the tape. Describe

- what you see

- what the people are doing

- what you feel and so on

Ss – описывают свои воображаемые впечатления первого утра Джейн в Ловуде от лица героини.

T - And now have a look at the screen and compare your ideas to the film.







Chapter 2


Morning at school



Film (BBC – “Jane Eyre”)


Morning at school

6. Classroom (describing the place, atmosphere)

Well, what happened next?---------listen to another fragment

Have a look at the picture p16(работа по иллюстрации в книге)

Where did the girls have their classes? What can you say about conditions at Lowood? How did the girls feel themselves there?

(colors, light, furniture, equipment, atmosphere)

What are the girls wearing?

Ss – описывают по картинке кратко форменную одежду воспитанниц Ловуда.





In the classroom

7. Discussion

Нaving Dress Codes. For and Against.

T-At the beginning of our classes we’ve said that in the classic books we always can find problems to speak about.

The question of uniforms and having dress codes is still argued and discussed among teachers and students.

There are a lot of arguments against and in favour of uniform.

Students protest against dress codes because they want to have more freedom.

Teachers say that free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes.

Study the reasons for and against dress codes and discuss them in pairs.

Режимы работы:


2 groups ------- (Lets form 2 groups. N. is the leader of the 1st group. You should try to prove that having dress codes is not a bad idea. …)

Put your heads together, join your minds and give your conclusion.

All together -------summarize and present your ideas.

Discussion cards 1 (приложение)

Dress codes

8. For and Against single-sex school ( home writing)

What kind of school is Lowood?

(- a charity school/ all-girls school)

Would you like to attend a single-sex school?

At home think over all reasons for and against a single-sex school and present your ideas in for and against essay using the following plan:

Present topic

Single-sex schools is an interesting idea and worth being discussed. ……

arguments for

arguments against


Discussion cards 2 (приложение)

Would you like to attend a single-sex school?

Yes/No. Why?

Дискуссионные карточки для учащихся

Discussion card 1 [2]

Should schools have dress codes?

yes no
there is too much competition over clothes

in schools today

putting a strict suit doesn’t make someone more intelligent
kids should focus on their schoolwork rather than on appearances uniforms make children uncomfortable
they should find better ways to express their individuality uniforms hinder free thinking and teach children to conform
choosing clothes is not so creative free style encourage challenges and expressing personality
could save money kills individuality and creativity
make children from different social background equal don’t stimulate the sense of style and good taste
won’t waste time discussing somebody’s outfit make school atmosphere not so boring and official

Discussion card 2

Would you like to attend a single-sex school?

Yes/No. Why?

yes no
It would be great. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
That’s an excellent idea. That sounds boring.
I like the idea…. I’m completely against.
  • Children will focus on their schoolwork more if they study separately.
  • It’s useful to study together. Kids have to communicate to each other and learn to get on well.
  • I’d like to learn without boys/girls.
  • They are so….
  • capricious and arrogant / rude and noisy
  • It would be awfully boring.
  • We can have parties and holidays together. It’s much funnier.
  • The discipline would be better. So we’ll be more successful.
  • To my mind, it’s silly. We are all normal people and have a lot to talk about.
  • I think we could study some different subjects. For e.g. …

Использованная литература.

1. В.Ф. Сатинова. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. Минск. “Высшая школа”. 1998.

2. Patrick Daley and Michael S.Dahlie. Mary Glasgow Magazines, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2002.