Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме "The World Around Me"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма урока: традиционный урок с применением компьютерных технологий.

Цели урока:

  1. Формирование устойчивого интереса к предмету.
  2. Расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие познавательных интересов.
  3. Воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику.


  1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.
  2. Повторение и обобщение освоенного ранее лексического и грамматического материала.
  3. Практика в восприятии и понимании речи на слух с опорой на наглядность.
  4. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
  5. Развитие памяти и логического мышления.

Языковой материал: лексика по теме: « Lifestyles», «Home».

Речевой материал: стихотворение-девиз, тексты, пословицы.

Оснащение: компьютер, экран, проектор, компьютерная презентация, карточки с заданиями, карточки со словами, карточки с пословицами.

Ход урока

1. Начальный этап урока.

1. Организационный момент.

А) Знакомство учителя с учениками. Учитель рассказывает о себе.

Учитель: Hello, dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you. My name is Olga Mikhailovna, I am a teacher of English in a secondary school Number 155 in Ufa. Now I’d like to know your names.

B) Беседа с учащимися.

Учитель: Hello, what’s your name?

Ученик: My name is…

2. Сообщение темы урока. Всупительное слово учителя.

Учитель: I am very glad to see you and now I think it’s high time to start our lesson. I’d like to suggest the discussion on the topic “Me and the World around Me”.

(на экране появляется тема урока и по мере высказывания учителя появляется вся схема урока).

I think that a person’s life includes many things, such as family and friends, jobs and occupations, hobbies and holidays. We live in Russia, in Bashkortostan, and, of course, we’ll talk about our country and republic. (на экране вся схема). So, look at the board and read.

My Family and Home.
Hobbies and Interests.
My School.
People around Me.
My Homeland and other Countries.

Учитель: I wish you good luck, be active and attentive during the lesson. I will help you and I ask you to help me. So, let’s start.

2. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка.

a) Учитель: Let’s have a short phonetic drill. I have found two proverbs. Let’s read them.

So many countries, so many customs.
So many men, so many minds.

Let’s repeat them. Say after me. (класс повторяет за учителем)

Please, try to say the proverbs more fluently. (читают отдельные ученики)

OK! Well done!

Another task is to find words with the following sounds.

[e] : many, men

[ou]: so

[ ^ ]: countries, customs

b) Now let’s turn to words. Please, match the following words with the proper categories.

(категории схемы урока – на экране)

parents, bedroom, the Red Square, swimming, go for a walk, my best friend, a classroom, Big Ben, lay the table, watch a new film, a computer, read books, visit friends, music, sofa, dishwasher, cooking, a teacher of English, Britain, diving, Ufa.

(ученики распределяют слова по группам)

Учитель: Well done! Thank you! Now I think it’s time to turn to our first item.

3. Основная часть урока.

3. 1. (на экране появляется слайд с заголовком “My Family and Home”)

Учитель: “My home is my castle”, the British say, and I totally agree with them. I can’t imagine my life without my family, though it’s not big. I’ve got a mother, a brother and a son.

We are happy together. (слайд с лексикой“Family Life” – word-web)

So, as you can see our family life consists of many points. Let’s read.

(ученики читают)

Do you agree?

a) Now tell me about your family.

  • Is your family big or small?
  • Do you have family celebrations?
  • How do you spend time together?
  • Do you like your house?
  • What’s your Mum’s job?
  • Do you know what hobby your parents have?
  • What are your family members’ duties and responsibilities?

(ученики отвечают)

b) OK. Now I want you to listen and read the text about the boy’s family. The task is to write down the names and ages of the boy’s family members. (на экране слайд “Family Quiz”: текст и картинка, ученики слушают текст и записывают данные о семье мальчика на своих листочках-схемах)

Учитель: Let’s check the answers.

  • Luke, 14, brother
  • Aunt Pam, 37
  • Dad jack, 32
  • Mum Ella, 35
  • Dan, 10
  • Sue, sister

Учитель: What do you think of their hobbies? Do they like going out together?

(ученики отвечают)

3. 2. “Hobbies and Interests” (слайд на экране)


Учитель: Our next item is “Hobby”. I think we can’t live without a hobby as it makes our life more interesting (слайд с лексикой, Word-web “Hobbies”)

You see how many interesting things people can do in their spare time. (беседа с учениками)

Have you got a hobby?

What can we collect? (coins, stamps, calendars, badges)

Where can we go out? (cafes, discos, cinema, theatre)

Do you like sport?

Do you often watch TV?

What kind of music do you listen to?

b) Учитель: Let’s play a game now. Your task is to match the columns.

Collect online
Go out to a disco
Listen computer games
Read magazines and books
Watch sport
Play stamps, coins, calendars
Surf to music
Chat the Net

(ученики работают в группах)

с) Учитель: You may ask me about my hobby.

(ученики задают вопросы учителю)

-Is your hobby reading?

-Is your hobby sport?

- Do you like to listen to music? etc.

d) a video (ученики смотрят видео-сюжет о хобби, затем отвечают на вопросы учителя): What hobbies were mentioned? (roller – blading, collecting videos, music, sport, etc.)

How do these hobbies help children?,etc.

Учитель: Even if you don’t have a hobby, try doing something and your life will be better. “You never know what you can do till you try” –it’s a proverb.

We let our interests develop when we are free from job or school. So now we’ll speak about school.

( на экране слайд “My School”)

3.3 “My School” .

Учитель: A person can’t live without his job, to my mind. I’ve been a teacher of English for 23 years, you haven’t got a job yet, but you are students and going to school every day is your job.

(слайд о школе № 155)

а) This is my school. It is new and modern. Many experienced teachers work in our school. The school is 5 years old. And now I’d like to know something about your school, lyceum №6.

b) (на экране появляется схема, по мере её появления учащиеся её заполняют)

e.g. Lyceum №6 –new \ old – modern or not – a rich library – floors 3 \ 4 – many good classrooms – a dining room – experienced creative teachers – interesting lessons – new subjects

Учитель: Now, please, make a story about your lyceum. Do it in turn.

(ученики по цепочке рассказывают о школе)

c) Учитель: Now it’s time for game. Please, guess the words. (работа в парах)

  • Hi…tory
  • …ngli…h
  • Bi…logy
  • Ge…grap…y
  • a…t
  • mu…ic

d) Учитель: And now want you to make as many words as you can. Play in groups. (4 команды составляют слова)

w o p
s c a
e k t

После игры учитель выбирает лучшую команду.

Учитель: Well done! You are the quickest! You are smart children! Thank you!

So I can say that “A living man all things can”, you understand that it’s a proverb.

3.4. “People around me” (на экране слайд)

Учитель: Our lifestyle depends on many things and especially on people around us: family-members, classmates, teachers, colleagues, neighbours and friends. But everybody has the dearest person in his life. Now I want you to guess who my dearest person is. Please, do the following task.

(Ученикам даётся зашифрованное письмо, они работают в группах)

Текст письма:

Name, his, is, Andrew
Son, my, is, he
Kirill, is, student, a
he, sixteen, is
hobbies, his, computing, are, music, and
kind, my, son, a, person, active, and, is

Учитель: Did you guess who my dearest person is? Yes, it’s my son. You’re right! Thank you! Who is your dearest person? Why?

(ученики отвечают)

Учитель: The dearest person may be your friend. Do you know any proverbs about friends? (Учащиеся вспоминают пословицы о друге)

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is easier lost than found.
A friend is never known till a man has need.
A good friend is as the sun in winter.

Учитель: Thank you! And where does your friend live? (ученики отвечают, называя страну или город, где живет друг). I’ve got friends in Australia and Germany, but I am sure Russia is the best country. All my life I have been living in Bashkortostan and I like my republic and our capital.

(на экране появляется слайд “My Homeland and other Countries”)

3.5. “My Homeland and other Countries”

Учитель: Nobody can imagine one’s life without his own country. We are the citizens of Bashkortostan and I hope you love our republic greatly. A man must be happy in the place he was born in.

(слайд с видео – сюжетом о странах и городах Лондон, Москва, Уфа.

Звучит песня “What a Wonderful World”)

4. Заключительная часть.

Учитель: I believe you will be worthy citizens of Bashkortostan and you must prove it having a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t stop,
Never give up.
Hold your head high,
Reach the top.
Let the World see
What you’ve got!

(ученики получают на память листочки с этим стихотворением, а также небольшие подарки-призы)

Thank you for your work and help, dear children. I’ll give you excellent and good marks. I ask you to write a short composition about our republic at home.

Good bye!