Открытый урок английского языка в 3-м классе по теме "Веселого Рождества!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Второй год я работаю по очень необычному, но в то же время, очень интересному учебнику “Spotlight” (“Английский в фокусе”) автор Н. И. Быкова, Дж. Джули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс. (Издательство “Просвещение”).

Данный открытый урок был разработан и проводился в 3 классе по УМК “Spotlight” (второй год обучения). Возможно также использование конспекта этого урока при работе по учебникам других авторов при изучении темы “Рождество и Новый год”.

Урок разработан на основе коммуникативной методики. Использование американского мультфильма поддерживает интерес детей к изучению английского языка, активизирует познавательную деятельность. Работа в группах создает ситуацию успеха. Предварительно дети на уроках труда изготовили елочные игрушки, вместе с родителями украсили кабинет.

Lesson objectives

Students will be able:

  • to revise the vocabulary and structures presented in Modules 3 and 4,
  • to consolidate the material of the modules,
  • to identify an object with the help of an oral description of it;
  • to write post cards,
  • to work collaboratively,
  • to build up a feeling of achievement.

Students will practise.

Listening and watching for specific information,

reading for information,

speaking about Christmas,

filling in gaps,

singing a song

Materials: posters “Christmas Tree”, “At the Table”, “Nativity”; toys, flash cards with words from the modules, postcards, felt – tip – pens, a small fir - tree.


I. Introduction

Teacher: Good afternoon, children! I’m very glad to see you today, because we’ll speak about one of the most favourite holiday of British and American children. It’s Christmas! It reminds us of birth of Jesus Christ, of Bethlehem star and three shepherds. They came to Mary, Joseph and a baby Jesus and brought them their gifts, or presents. Since then we celebrate Christmas, have a lot of fun, give and get presents.

Also, we’ll speak about Christmas, decorations, Christmas traditional food. You’ll listen to the tape, watch video, sing a song and make a Christmas postcard.

II. Practising new vocabulary

T: Look at our fir-tree! It’s very nice, isn’t it? But it has no toys. Let’s decorate it right now! Please, come to the blackboard, take any toy you like, name it and hang on the Christmas tree. Then take a flashcard and stick it on the blackboard.

P1 - P2 - P3 …

Flash cards and decorations:

A snowman, a ball, a star, a present, an angel, a toy soldier, a ballerina, a mask, a puppet, a teddy- bear.

III. Listening for detail, guessing the meaning, practising new vocabulary

T: Oh, look at our Christmas tree! How beautiful it is now! It’s time to lay the table. I’ll read about some popular Christmas dishes.

Try to guess them. Don’t forget, please, to stick the cards with dishes on our poster.

T: It’s the main Christmas dish.

P1: It’s a roast turkey.

T: The British put a coin inside it for good luck. It has a piece of evergreen holly on the top. They have it with cream.

P2: Christmas pudding.

T: It’s a small round pie with a sweet mixture of berries, apples, nuts, raisins and sugar.

P3: Mince pies.

T: This bird was a symbol of life. To eat the bird meant to make your life longer. It’s usually served with vegetables.

P4: Goose with vegetables.

IV. Listening and watching for specific information

T: Our Christmas table is full of different dishes. We are ready to celebrate this wonderful holiday. Now let’s watch a cartoon “Donald’s Gift”. Donald Duck doesn’t like Christmas. He wants to stay home and drink hot chocolate. Tell me, please, how the British celebrate Christmas.

T: How do the animals celebrate Christmas?

P1: They sing carols, go shopping and buy a lot of presents.

T: What are houses and streets decorated with?

P2: They are decorated with toys, lights. Everybody is happy, but Donald is sad.

T: Why is Donald sad?

P3: He doesn’t like Christmas. He wants to listen to the radio and drink his chocolate.

T: Did you like the cartoon?

P4: Yes, of course. It’s funny. It’s interesting.

T: What song do all the animals sing in the cartoon? Do you like the song?

P5: Yes, I do. It’s “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

T: Let’s sing this song all together!

V. Singing a song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas!”

VI. Filling in the gaps, reading for detail

T: You like singing very much, don’t you? Well, in Russia we call this kind old man Father Frost. Do you know how children in different countries call him? You should read a text about Santa Claus and fill in the gaps with words above the text. [4].The first letters of the word will help you. Please, work in groups of 3 or 4 pupils.

Fill the gaps with the words from the box. Per Noel, Papa Noel, camel, elephant, Holland, Kolotun-babai, goat (козел).

The name “Santa Claus” comes from Holland). He goes by ship and gives children toys and sweets.

In France Santa Claus is called P(er Noel). He’s afraid of cold, so he has white clothes on.

In Kazakhstan Santa is called K(olotun- babai), in Brazil his name is P(apa Noel).

In Finland Santa doesn’t give presents himself (cam). His g(oat) lolopukki gives them only to good children.

In Syria children get presents from a c(amel), in Guinea a big e(lephant) comes to them with presents.


VII. Reading Comprehension

T: Everything is correct. And now let’s speak about Russian winter holidays.

At home you read the text “Everybody likes presents” from the module “Special Days” [2,145] Take these sheets of paper, please, read and say “Yes” or ‘No”.

1. Russian children like New Year. Yes.
2. Father Frost lives in London. No.
3. Snowmaiden is Father Frost’s mother. No.
4. Children like to have toys for New Year. No.
5. Some children give presents to Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Yes.

VIII. Writing a postcard.

T: I’m sure now you know a lot about Christmas and New Year. One of the traditions is writing postcards to your relatives, to your friends. Let’s write a postcard to…Father Frost. Ask him to bring you a present and describe it. Don’t forget to thank Father Frost and Snowmaiden. Then show us your cards and read them.

P1: Dear Father Frost,

I’d like a new train or a plane for New Year. It is black and red. It’s very big.

Thank you very much



P2: Dear Father Frost,

I’d like a new doll. It’s a nice ballerina. She has a pink dress and pink shoes on. She can dance. Her name’s Bella.

Thanks a lot.



P3: Dear Father Frost,

I’d like a new teddy bear. It’s yellow and brown. It can sleep, sing songs and dance. It’s very happy and funny.

Thank you.



IX. Conclusion.

T: All of you have worked hard today.

Today you’ve learnt how to write a postcard, you’ve read a new text and watched a funny cartoon. You get 5-s and 4-s.

Good-bye. See you in January.

Merry Christmas, everybody!


  1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык: Учебник для 6 кл.шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. М.: Просвещение, 1999 г. с- 174-175.
  2. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Английский в фокусе: учеб. для 3 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений/ Просвещение, 2006 г.
  3. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Английский язык: рабочая тетрадь для 3 кл. общеобразовательн. учреждений. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2006 г.
  4. Встречаем Новый год и Рождество всей семьей / Под ред. О. Мещерякова. – М.: Мир книги, 2005 г. с. 13-21.