Урок английского языка "Хакасская музыка"

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Урок английского языка “ Хакасская музыка ” в рамках изучения раздела “ Музыка ” в 9 классе по программе В. П. Кузовлева. Целью урока является знакомство с хакасскими композиторами и певцами, музыкальными инструментами. Воспитательная цель - воспитывать чувство гордости и любовь к культуре своего народа. К уроку необходима подготовительная работа. Ученики готовят рассказы об известных музыкантах Хакасии: Кларе Сунчугашевой, Владимире Чаптыкове, Георгии Челборакове и ансамбле “ Жарки ”. Используемые мелодии чатхана, горловое пение, помогают глубже понять характер музыки хакасов.

Это обобщающий урок. Учащиеся совершенствуют навыки всех видов речевой деятельности: чтения, аудирования и говорения. Большое внимание уделяется работе с текстом. Усвоение материала происходит на уровне восприятия, понимания и применения знаний в различных ситуациях. Словесные, наглядные методы позволяют глубже понять тему, не остаться равнодушным. По степени познавательной самостоятельности используются поисковые, творческие методы. На уроке используются мультимедиа, что позволяет привлечь внимание к теме урока.

Работая над страноведением на уроках, большое внимание уделяю Хакасии. Не зная традиций, культуры народа, невозможно понять этот народ, жить в мире и согласии.

Учащиеся на уроке - это равноправные члены процесса обучения. Они проявляют активность, ответственность, умение делать выбор, выражать свою точку зрения. Общая атмосфера способствует развитию их мышления, чувств и личного опыта. Развиваются, прежде всего, не умения и навыки, а внутренний мир человека, представленный сознанием, которое и определяет качество мышления, знаний, поведения, деятельности.

Итогом урока является то, что учащиеся делают правильные выводы, выражают уважительное отношение к культуре хакасов.

 Используемая литература:

В. Я. Бутанаев “ Иллюстрированная этнография хакасов” Абакан 2004

А. В. Астанаева “ Зажги свою звезду ” Абакан 1975

О. Ю. Любимцева “ Аккорды ” Абакан 1997

А. Ф. Трошкин “ Заслуженные работники – гордость и золотой фонд республики Хакасия ” Абакан 2002

Цели урока:

Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с хакасской музыкой, известными композиторами и певцами, хакасскими музыкальными инструментами.

Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к выбору выражений, развитие коммуникабельности. Развитие внимания, способности к анализу и сравнению.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать уважительное отношение к хакасской культуре, чувство гордости и любовь к своему краю.

Учебный аспект: совершенствование лексических навыков аудирования и чтения, развитие навыков монологической речи, развитие умения выражать свою точку зрения.

Оборудование: Магнитофонная запись, слайды.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning children!

Are you fine?

Last lesson we spoke about British music. Today we continue our talk about music. Our lesson is devoted to khakas music.We shall also speak about khakas composers and Khakas musical instruments. And we shall answer the question: Can we proud of Khakas musical traditions?

  1. Warming-up:

What is your favourite music?

Do you like classical music?

What music irritates you?

Do parents like your favourite music?

  1. Активизация лексики.

Listen to the music. What is it?

Look at the blackboard and choose the words which characterize this music.

Why do you like Khakas music?

(слайд 1)

Look at the sentences. Fill in necessary words. Do you agree with the statements? (слайд 2)

Khakas music….my feelings. romantic
Khakas music is …. complicated
Khakas music does not irritate me because it is not … enriches
Khakas music tells us about … people. unforgettable

4. Бесседа о хакасской музыке.

What do you know about Khakas music? What is it associated with?

Now let’s train some words. (слайд 3)

сhathan - чатхан

khaidji - хайджи

philosophic - философский

technique - техника

peculiar - необычная

guttural singing – горловое пение

5. Аудирование.

Вступительное слово учителя об истории хакасской музыки.

Let’s listen to some interesting facts from the history of khakas music and some interesting people.

Khakas musical traditions began their development after the October revolution. Kennel Alexander Alexandrovich was the first khakas composer. He composed music for the Drama Theatre. Also he collected folk songs. He made his first folk expedition in 1945. He composed music, wrote books about music, he published his work about khakas khaidji “Semen Kadishev”. He made a great contribution to the musical traditions in Khakasia.

And do you know what does “khaidji” means? Will you guess?

Khaidji are people who

a) travel a lot

b) compose folk songs

c) tells about life and people by singing

Khaidji compose songs which tells about Khakas people. The most famous khaidji in Khakasia are Kadishev, Borgoyakov, Raikov, Bastaev. After 1948 the festivals of khaidji became regular and very popular among people. The social role of a khaidji-narrator is great. It is not only esthetic; it is also philosophic and instructive. The technique of singing of a khaidji is peculiar, it is so called guttural singing (khai).

6. Индивидуальные выступления учеников.

Our students prepared some information about famous khakas singers. Let’s listen to them. (слайд 4)

Chelborakov Georgi Ivanovich. He was born in 1937.In his childhood he was interested in playing Chatham. He finished Academy of Music in Sverdlovsk. He worked in khakas drama Theatre. In the College of music he taught students to play Chatham. He wrote many symphonies, operas and ballets. Also he was fond of songs. His concerts were very popular and were visited by many people.

(слайд 5)

Chaptikov Vladimir Gerasimovich. He was born in 1940. He finished the state Academy of Music in Novosibirsk. Vladimir Gerasimovich was the founder of the first national vocal school. He was the soloist of the band “Zharky”. His songs are very popular with the audience. He started in opera “Chanar Hus”. From 1992 till 2001 he was the Minister of Culture in Khakasia. He made a great contribution in khakas culture.

Sunchugasheva Klara Efimovna. Klara Efimovna is one of the most popular singers in Khakasia. She sang songs in the famous band “Zharky”. She is a teacher in the College of Music. She took part in many concerts in different countries. Her songs are full of love to our land, nature and khakas people. Her songs are exiting and unforgettable.

(слайд 6)I would like to tell you about khakas band “Zharky”. It was found in 1957.Slovina and Kennel organized this band. They took part in many concerts not only in Khakasia and Russia but also in many foreign countries. They were the winners in Moscow festival. Khakasia is proud of this band.

Thank you students for your reports. You prepared interesting information. I think we must learn more about our culture and our outstanding people. They do much for our nation. And we are proud of them.

7. Чтение и работа с текстом.

Khakas music is exiting. Khakas music is sentimental. It catches us. It helps us to understand the character of Khakas people. Listen to khakas music once more and may be you can name khakas musical instruments.

Do you know any hkakas musical instruments?

What is the most popular instrument?

( слайд 7, 8) Звучит магнитофонная запись.

Yes, the most important stages of human life have always been accompanied by the sound of this wonderful musical instrument. This instrument is an important part of Khakas epic literature. And I enjoy listening to its marvelous sounds. We shall read text about Chatham.

Учащиеся читают текст о чатхане. (приложение 1)

Now let’s discuss the text.

Agree or disagree:

A Chatham is a symbol of spiritual culture of the nation.

It is the old-fashioned musical instrument.

A Chatham is an important part of Khakas epic literature.

The technique of singing of a khaidji is not peculiar.

Answer the questions:

What kind of instrument is Chatham?

What is the main drawback of a factory made Chatham?

When and where was the first exhibition of Khakas musical instrument?

8. Беседа о хакасских инструментах.

What other musical instruments do you know?

Khomus is another string musical instrument. It is very popular nowadays among Khakas people. (слайд 9)

Tyur is considered to be the most ancient musical instrument. It is the instrument used by shaman. (слайд 10)

Khobrakh is a wind instrument. This instrument was used by hunters to attract wild animals. (слайд 11)

All Khakas musical instruments give spiritual strength to the nation. The most important stages of human life have always been accompanied by the sounds of these musical instruments. We enjoy listening Khakas music.

9. Итоги урока.

So at our lesson we spoke much about Khakas music, composers, and musical instruments.

I think now you understand our culture and our people better. And it will help you in your future life. Our lesson is coming to an end and would you answer the question:

Are you proud of Khakas music? Are you proud of your small motherland?

I’m very glad to hear that you love and are proud of our culture.

I would like to recite a poem about Khakasia.

(слайд 12)

Peaceful are the steppes

Endless is the sky

Oh, my native land

I’m in love with you.