Обобщающий урок по теме "Seasons and Weather" в 6-м классе по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

1. Приветствие.

T. Hello, children! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please! Let’s start our lesson!

Today we’ll finish up our work on the topic “Seasons & weather”. We’ll sum up what different seasons are like and speak what you do or like doing in different seasons and weather.

Well, it’s high time to begin.

2. Речевая зарядка.

(Проводится в режиме T-P1, P2, P3)

What date is it?
What day is it?
What season is it?
What’s the weather is like?
Do you like winter? Why?

3. Основной этап.

a) T. Children! Do we often talk about the weather?

P. Yes, we do.

T. Can you answer why we do it so often?

(Ученики дают разные варианты ответов.)

P1 We speak about the weather often because we’d like to know what it is going to be.

P2 Our activities depend on the weather. (etc.)

b) T. Do you remember the poem about the seasons?

(2-3 pupils recite the poem)

Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

c) T. Which season is your favourite? Why?

(Ученики составляют короткую ситуацию, используя изученную лексику)

For example: My favourite season is winter because it is snowy and everything looks like in fairy-tale. The trees, streets and houses are white with snow. Though sometimes it’s cold and frosty but it is fine and I like it very much.

4. Закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков.

(Ученики работают с компьютерной презентацией)

T. You know many words on the topic “Seasons and Weather” and you can express the same idea in different ways. Look at the blackboard and join the numbers and the letters.

(Слайд 2.) (Ученики выполняют задание письменно).

1. It rains in autumn. a. There is snow.
2. It is snowy. b. It is marvelous.
3. It is snowy in winter. c. It is terrible.
4. There are clouds. d. It is rainy.
5. It is foggy. e. It snows.
6. It is fine. f. It is dreadful.
7. There is sunshine. g. There is fog.
8. It’s awful. h. It is cloudy.
i. There is rain.
g. It is clouding over.
k. It’s wonderful.
l. it’s sunny.

T. Well, now check it up. (Ученики проверяют работу по слайду 3.)

T. In winter you can enjoy many activities. It is winter now. Say what you will do tomorrow if the weather is warm. (Слайд 4)

play snowballs.
If it is warm tomorrow I will skate.
ё play hockey.
go to the park.
make a snowman.

T. Our activities depend much on weather conditions. Now your task is to join the parts of the sentences using if. (Слайд 5)

(Ученики выполняют задание в тетрадях письменно).

It will be sunny tomorrow.
I will go to Spain.
There will be storm on Sunday.
It’ll be frosty.
There will be rain.
The weather will be lovely.
We’ll play at home.
I’ll go to the beach.
My father won’t drive his car.
My parents won’t go to the countryside.
I will see Madrid.
My classmates will spend a day outside.

T. Now, children, check it up. (Ученики проверяют задание по слайду 6)

T. Act out the conversation inviting your friend to enjoy any activity. Describe the weather conditions. Your friend agrees or disagrees describing his decision.

(Ученики разыгрывают диалоги по данной ситуации.)

5. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

T. Now you’ll read the texts about the seasons. Guess what season it is and say what makes you think so.

(Слайды 7, 8, 9,10. Ученики читают предложенные тексты про себя, затем высказывают своё мнение.)

It is a lovely season. The days are longer than the nights. It’s hot or warm. There is sunshine. It is bright. Sometimes it rains but the weather is marvelous. People like this season. They go on holidays, swim, sunbathe, and grow fruit, vegetables and flowers. Children do not go to school. They go to the camps, play games, and go rollerblading.

The weather is usually warm in this season. It is lovely. The sky clears up and there is sunshine. The snow melts. The trees get green. Children are happy to have nice bright days.

They play in the yards and playgrounds.

It’s a cold season. The weather is frosty and snowy. It often freezes. The trees, streets and houses are white with snow. Sometimes it’s foggy. If the weather is very cold many people stay at home. They put on warm clothes when they go to the street. Some people like to ski and to skate and spend days outside. Children play hockey and snowballs, they make snowmen.In this season the weather is cool and rainy. It often clouds over and the sky is usually grey.

Sometimes it pours and the weather is dreadful. It is wet. Some people like this season because there are many fresh vegetables and fruit. The leaves on the trees change their colour

From green into red, yellow and brown. They look beautiful. The people enjoy walking in the parks and forests.

T. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Your marks are…(Учитель выставляет отметки ученикам, комментируя их.) Good bye.

(Домашнее задание не задаётся, так как урок был заключительным по теме.)

Примечание: Презентацию к уроку можно получить у автора.