Конспект мультимедийной презентации "Fabulous Khakasia"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель презентации:

  • Обобщить знания, полученные на уроках английского языка,
  • Способствовать воспитанию чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой родной край,
  • Прививать уважение к традициям и чувство сопричастности к жизни Республики и родного города.


  • Совершенствовать умения использовать в речи фоновые знания; информацию, полученную на других предметах гуманитарного цикла;
  • Развивать творческие способности учащихся.


  • наглядные пособия с видами Хакасии,
  • магнитофон,
  • кассета,
  • мультимедийный проектор,
  • мультимедийная презентация (слайды)


Do you want to throw a carpet of meadows and flowers to the feet of your beloved?

Вы хотите бросить к ногам любимой цветной ковер лугов и полей?

Or would you like to raise her up to the mountain tops beyond the clouds?

А может Вы хотите поднять ее до заоблачных вершин гор?

Perhaps, you might want the crystal clear water of a mountain stream to caress her beautiful legs?

Или Вы хотите, чтобы ее красивые ноги ласкала кристально чистая вода горного ручья?

No need to roam the world in search of such places. You can find all of it in one land of plenty - FABULOUS KHAKASIA.

Не надо искать по белу свету места, где можно это встретить по отдельности! Именно все эти дары сразу можно найти в одном благодатном краю – СКАЗОЧНОЙ ХАКАСИИ!


Here you will find unique nature, unique culture, wonderful people and mysterious monuments from the past.

Everyone is moved by the boundless steppes, healing lakes, clear rivers and stern taiga.

It’s impossible to forget this beauty once you see it.

What wonderful multi – colored carpet has the nature woven! The expenses of the KHAKAS steppes! Sometimes people say that the steppe is monotonous and boring. That’s not true! The steppe breathes, emits herbal aroma, and rings with the chirr of grasshoppers.

If you happen to find yourself on the tops of the Sayan Mountains, the beauty of them will take you breath away. Enjoy the magnificence of mountain view!


Salt water, fresh water, and fascinating nature – these are the wealth of our land. Health resorts and recreational areas are set up on their shores. One of the best known lakes is Lake Shira. A Health resort is situated on its shore. Children and grown – ups from different parts of the country are being treated here.

The nature of Khakasia is unique and various. The multi – colored carpet of different flowers cover the territory of our republic. In the wood you can see and meet the fox, bear, wolf, lynx, elk (лось), roe (косуля), snow leopard (снежный барс).

The red wolf, snow leopard have been noted down into the Red Book as rare animals. The eagle flying in the high sky is looking for a prey (добыча). Among the trees growing in KHAKASIA the most valuable are the cedar, birch, pine – tree.

Make a trip round the forest and steppes and enjoy the beauty of our nature!

Burial mounds! You will see them wherever you go across the steppe of Khakasia. They are the keepers of the secrets and mysteries of the ancient people. Visit these places, touch the stone and fill the special spirit of ancient history!


The main principal holiday in Khakas calendar is Chyl – Pazy – the celebration of the Khakas New Year. It’s celebrated at the end of spring. We call it Khakas Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day the people thank the Goddess of Fire giving food and warmth. The Khakas people give the fire some tea, milk and meat. On this day people ask Gods about love, luck, harvest, health and welfare.

Tun Pairam is a traditional holiday celebrated by the Khakass livestock – breeders. Tun Pairam is a kaleidoscope of rhymes, colours and sounds. Tun Pairam is the Khakass “festival of the first airan”.


Abakan is the administrative, modern, cultural and economic centre. It has grown from a small settlement into a beautiful modern town. Many historical monuments and places of interests attract the attention of guests. The tourists are admired the green shade streets and squares. The inhabitants love their town.


We invite you to come to see our land.

Visit our region and enjoy the beauty of its nature and hospitality of our people.

Welcome to Khakasia!

Заставки к видеосюжетам:

1 сюжет - Заставка.

“The Invitation to Khakasia”

2 сюжет – Степи и горы.

“The expenses of Khakasia”

3 сюжет – Озера

“The unique lakes – the pearls of Khakasia”

4 сюжет – Растительный и животный мир

“Flora and Fauna.”

5 сюжет – Курганы

““Burial mounds. The antiquities and mysteries.”

6 сюжет – Праздники

“Holiday’s kaleidoscope”

7 сюжет – столица Хакасии – Абакан

8 сюжет - Заключение