Открытый урок в 6-м классе "An apple a day keeps a doctor away"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Обучение общению и высказыванию по теме “Здоровье”



  • грамматика- закрепить знания и умения употреблять в речи модальные глаголыshould, must.
  • лексика – закрепить знание обязательных лексических единиц по теме “Здоровье”


  • прививать потребность в здоровом образе жизни.


  • расширение кругозора учащихся по теме “Здоровье”.

Речевой материал: Кузовлев В.П. Учебник английского языка 6 кл., Longmam Children’s Picture Dictionary, Wonderland (Pupil’s Book), Воронцова Е.А. Тесты и контрольные задания по английскому языку.


  • картинки с изображением частей тела,
  • карточки с заданиями,
  • изобразительно-наглядный тест,
  • записи песен “I’m a Scary Monster”, “Terrible Cold Chant”,
  • проектор,
  • ноутбук.



T. Stand up! Stand straight!

Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please!

Glad to see you. How are you?

I’m fine? Thanks.

I’m OK!

I’m well!

I’m glad to hear that you are all right, because today we are going to speak about health and healthy way of living. But first let’s review some sounds.

Listen and repeat after me:

  • [] teeth, tooth, toothache, mouth, health, healthy
  • [I:] cheeks, heel, knee
  • [d] forehead, head, hand, should, shoulder
  • [t] foot, feet, tablet, vitamin

Well done! And now let’s do some exercises to review some words.

(2 students work at the blackboard, the rest do exercises at their desks)

S. and M. go to the blackboard, this task is especially for you!

Match the pictures and words!

Some pupils translate words from Russian into English (один раз в неделю, два раза в год, два раза в день, пять раз в неделю и т.д.)

Some pupils write the plural form of the words (arm-arms, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, nose-noses, mouth-mouths, leg-legs etc.)

You have two minutes for this work.

3. Listening

Your work was perfect, but now I want to find out how well you can listen and understand these words.

Look at the pictures. Listen to the text, find the monster and say what his name is.

Who of the monsters says? Hello, I am a monster. I have got a long nose and a big mouth. I have got three eyes and four ears. (2 times)

Let’s check up whether you are right or not. (slide 2)

Now let’s have a rest and sing our favourite song “I’m a scary monster.”

4. Thank you. It was really very nice. We have just reviewed parts of the body and now use these words to make some new words. (slide 3)

stomach ache

You know these are illnesses. What other illnesses and accidents do you know? Name them.

P. the flu, a cold, a burn, a cut, appendicitis, chicken-pox etc.

Sorry to say, but we fall ill from time to time. Some people think about their health, others don’t. Let’s read about Sam. And do the tasks. We shall work in groups. Read the text and answer the question.

My name is Sam. I think people can do without doctors. I don’t visit a dentist twice a year as my mother advices me. I like to eat sweets, drink coca-cola. My parents call me a sweet tooth. I brush my teeth once a day. I hate cleaning them before I go to bed. And now I have a toothache. I use tablets and don’t want to go to the dentist! I hope I’ll get better soon.

Answer the questions:

  1. What’s the matter with Sam?
  2. How often does he clean his teeth a day?
  3. What does he like to eat?
  4. Does he visit dentist regularly?
  5. Does Sam think about his health?

And now I’d like to know if you think about your health?

How many times do you clean your teeth?
Do you visit the dentist?
Do you often eat sweets?

Before we continue our work, let’s sing ‘Terrible Cold Chant’

What’s the matter with the girl?

What advice was she given?

What other advice can we give when we have different problems?

The task is: make up dialogues. One has some problem, the other gives advise. You may use the model in your books (p.67)

Example: - Hi! How are you?

  • I’m fine, thank you. And you?
  • I feel awful.
  • What’s the matter?
  • I have a cold.
  • I’m sorry to hear it. You should stay in bad, keep warm.
  • That’s a good idea.
  • I hope you’ll get better soon.

Well done, thank you. Remember model verbs should and must and put them into these sentences to make some other advice.

(Slide 4)

  1. You _______ keep your feet warm.
  2. You _______ take a lot of tablets.
  3. You ________ take vitamins.
  4. You ________ call a doctor any time you have a problem.
  5. You __________ have medical checks.

What are these pieces for advice for?

P. To feel good; be healthy etc.

So, today we have spoken much about different problems with our health. But now let’s think and say, what rules for healthy living you know?

We should eat vegetables twice a week.

We shouldn’t drink coca-cola.

We should play sports.

We should have medical checks. Etc.

And look here and translate one more rule: An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

It’s an English proverb. How can you translate it into Russian?

So, you see much of our health depends on us. We should care about our health. I wish you be healthy! Thank you for your work. (slide 5)

Home task. Marks.
