Интегрированный урок английского языа и психологии в 9-м классе "We prepare for exams" (Мы готовимся к экзаменам)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: обучение учащихся некоторым психологическим приемам, стратегии и тактике поведения в период подготовки к экзаменам на основе английского языка.


1.Развитие языковой, речевой и учебно-познавательной компетенций.

2. Обучение способам снятия нервно-психического напряжения.

3. Расширение представления о способах саморегуляции и самоконтроля.

4. Развитие коммуникативных навыков.

Используемые методы:

1. Групповая работа.

2. Парная работа.

3. Игровые методы.

Ход урока.


Вступительное слово учителя:

At our lesson we are going to discuss a very important problem – your future exams.

They demand special psychological training and according to the plan we’ll touch upon some of its aspects.


  1. How to prepare for exams. (“Brain Storm” in groups)
  2. How to behave during exams (Dialogues between “psychologists” and “clients”)
  3. How to reduce nervous tensity at the exam time (Dynamic Game “Pantomime”)

During our discussion be active and attentive and take brief notes of the most important ideas. I hope our work will help you to prepare for exams psychologically.

II.Обсуждение в группах организации подготовки к экзаменам.

How to prepare for exams.

For the “Brain Storm” let’s divide into 4 groups:

Group №1 – those students who have chosen Biology and PE as an exam.

Group №2 – Chemistry and Physics.

Group №3 – Geography and History.

Group №4 – English and Literature.

Каждая группа получает карточку с указанием одного из условий успешной подготовки к экзаменам и опорные слова для разработки предложений по их выполнению.

  1. Day Regime at the exam time.
    1. to divide a day into 3 parts.
    2. to prepare for exams.
    3. to get up early.
    4. to go in for sports.
    5. to walk in the fresh air.
    6. to dance.
    7. to sleep in the afternoon.
    8. to have meals.
    9. to go to bed in time.
    10. to follow a natural biocycle.
  2. Nutrition at the exam time.
    1. nutrition
    2. high-calorie
    3. walnut
    4. milk produce
    5. fish products
    6. meat products
    7. vegetables, fruit
    8. chocolate
    9. vitamins and minerals
    10. to be rich in
    11. enough proteins, fats, oils and carbohydrates
  3. Organizing of a working place.
    1. to take away unnecessary things
    2. to put comfortably
    3. to clean the room
    4. to air the room
    5. to have enough light
    6. to have quiet background music
    7. to put on the table things of violet and yellow colours
  4. Maintenance of the Capacity for work.
    1. to alternate physical and mental work
    2. to keep eyes
    3. to do physical exercises
    4. to begin with the most difficult material
    5. to write plans and schemes of answers
    6. to do short breaks
    7. to train different kinds of tests
    8. to watch TV at the minimum

После “мозгового штурма” группы представляют свои предложения по опорным выражениям, которые размещены на доске или экране:

To organize… at the exam time in a better way we suggest… .

We’ll succeed at the exams if … .

Follow our recommendations in the organizing of … .

Затем учащиеся получают заранее напечатанные памятки, в которых даны краткие рекомендации по отработанным аспектам.

List of Instructions.

1. Divide your day into 3 parts:

8 hours – for preparing

8 hours – for rest

8 hours – for sleep

2. Follow your natural biorhythm.

3. Have meals regularly.

4. Eat high-calorie and balanced food.

5. Work in a clean aired light room

6. Put on your table things of yellow and violet things.

7. Alternate physical and mental work.

8. Keep you eyes.

9. Train different kinds of tests.

10. Write plans and schemes of your answers.

III. Проверка домашнего задания.

How to behave during exams.

На этом этапе проверяется данное накануне домашнее задание - составить диалоги между “Психологом” и “ Клиентом” по одной из тем:

  1. Clothes at an exam.
  2. Behavior before an exam.
  3. Behavior at an exam.

Диалоги составляются по схеме:

Примерные варианты диалогов:

  1. – Can I help you?
  2. – Yes, please. Can you give me recommendations about clothes for exams?

    – Sure. Your clothes should be of quiet colours. Try to avoid too bright items, too provocative details. A business-like style will be suitable. Take into account that in the testing office it can be either hot or cold.

    – What about my hair and make-up?

    - Neat hair-do, minimum of cosmetics and perfume.

    - Thank you very much. I’ll follow your advice.

    - Good luck to you!

  3. – What can I do for you?
  4. - Can you give me recommendations?

    - With pleasure.

    - How is it better to spend a day before an exam?

    - Before the day of an exam try to revise only the most difficult material, but not too much, rest in the open air, turn to some other activities and sleep enough.

    - Thanks a lot for your advice.

    - Lucky exams!

  5. – How can I help you?

- I need your advice about the behavior at an exam.

- Well, first, before an exam say to yourself “I am calm, I am quite calm”. Second, put your emotions in order, collect your thoughts. Then sit comfortably and breathe deeply. Listen to organizers and read instructions to tests attentively.

- And what about oral exams?

- Try to make a good impression on your examiner, answer confidently and don’t forget about the sense of proportion.

- Thank you very much.

- It’s a pleasure. Good luck to you!

После прослушивания диалогов учащимся выдается памятка с советами.

List of Instructions.

  1. Put on business-like clothes without bright and provocative details.
  2. Don’t use too much cosmetics and perfume.
  3. Make a strict and neat hair-do.
  4. Before the day of an exam turn to other activities, rest enough.
  5. Sleep enough.
  6. Have high-calorie breakfast.
  7. Don’t be late for an exam.
  8. Take your passport,a permit, some pens with black ink.
  9. Control your emotions.
  10. Read instructions to tests and listen to organizers attentively.

 IV. Проведение динамической игры “Пантомима”.

How to reduce nervous tensity.

Учащиеся получают карточки, на которых написаны способы снятия напряжения и усталости, и изображают их пантомимой. Остальные учащиеся догадываются, какие это способы.

  1. Doing physical exercises.
  2. Taking a contrast shower.
  3. Dancing to music.
  4. Walking in the forest and crying.
  5. Singing loudly.
  6. Watching at the burning candle.
  7. Doing massage.
  8. Washing dishes.
  9. Doing washing.
  10. Going to a bath-house.

После игры учащиеся получают памятку.

List of Instructions.

  1. Do physical exercises.
  2. Take a contrast shower.
  3. Dance to music.
  4. Walk in the park or forest.
  5. Watch at the burning candle.
  6. Do massage.
  7. Wash dishes.
  8. Do washing.
  9. Sing loudly.
  10. Go to a bath-house.

 V. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Написать письмо личного характера.

Everybody can fail an exam. Your home task is to write a personal letter containing recommendations how to behave in the case of failure at an exam.

VI. Подведение итогов.

1. Рефлексия проходит по очереди, во время которой учащиеся оценивают занятие и говорят о своих ощущениях. Свои высказывания они могут начинать словами:

I liked the lesson because…

For me the lesson was…

I disliked the lesson because…

I’m disappointed by the lesson…

I enjoyed the lesson…

2. Выставление оценок за урок.