Урок английского языка по теме "Wildlife" в 5-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: активизировать познавательную и творческую деятельность учащихся на уроке.


  • развивающие: расширить кругозор учащихся, учить работать со справочным материалом и переводить его на английский язык, развивать навыки в создании проектов и электронных презентаций;
  • образовательные: развивать умения и навыки устной речи и чтения, учить описывать животных;
  • воспитательные: прививать любовь к природе и бережное к ней отношение, развивать интерес к предмету, воспитывать творческое отношение к заданиям.


Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “Opportunities”, кассета, магнитофон, проекты учащихся, электронная презентация, DVD с мультфильмом “Мадагаскар”, таблицы для заполнения, картинки животных, конверты с наборами букв.

Урок проводится с использованием компьютера и проектора.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности.

1.Оргмомент, сообщение о плане работы.

T. Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Today we have a lesson about the animal world. We’ll speak about different animals, their habitats, physical appearance and food. You have learnt a lot of interesting information about wildlife and I hope that you’ll share it with us.

We’ll have an excursion to the Wildlife Park.

Речевая зарядка.

T. So our excursion starts. We are at the Wildlife Park. Do you know how to describe animals? Let’s revise the adjectives characterized animals, but some letters are missed. Guess what words are here: rare, intelligent, friendly, lovely, dangerous, huge. Name the rare animals. What huge animals do you know? What animals are dangerous? What are friendly animals? Do you have a pet? Do you like cats and dogs? Etc.

II. Основная часть урока.

2.Работа над видеосюжетом. Установка учителя. Ответы на вопросы.

T. Do you like cartoons? Now we’ll watch the extract from the cartoon “Madagascar”. The cartoon is in the Russian language. Be very attentive, remember the animals, their names, their words. Then I’ll ask you some questions.

Now answer my questions:

  • What animals are there in the cartoon?
  • What are their names?
  • What holiday does Zebra have?
  • What present does Lion give to Zebra?
  • How old is Marty?
  • Where do the animals live?
  • Is it a funny cartoon?

3.Работа с текстом о бизонах, просмотровое чтение с извлечением нужной информации. Заполнение таблицы.

Т. Now we are at the bison’s cage. Would you like to know about these interesting animals? Open your LP (p.60), look at the text “Bison”, read it and find the information to complete the table.

Name bison      
Physical appearance        
Number of babies        

4.Контроль вопросно-ответной формы деятельности. Заполнение таблицы.

T. Where do animals live? (forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, bogs).

Now we are at the Wildlife Park. Here you can see a lot of animals. Let’s learn more about them.

Ann, you will be a zoo-keeper and the children want to ask you some questions about your animal. Children, you must complete the table.

Ps: What’s its name? Where is it from? Where do they live? Are they rare or common? What do they eat? How many babies do they have? Tell about its appearance.

5.Работа с электронной презентацией. Контроль чтения и понимания прочитанного.

Учащиеся читают информацию о животном и называют его.

T. Now we’ll watch the presentation about different animals. Read the material and guess what animal it is.

E.g. This animal is very big. It isn’t very rare. It hasn’t got long legs. It has got very big eyes. It lives in Australia. It is a----- (koala).

Thank you.

Good of you.

6.Обмен информацией о крокодилах из справочников о животных (дом. задание). Песня о крокодиле

Т.We are at the cage with a crocodile. Tell about these dangerous animals.

Pupils: Crocodiles are big reptiles from Africa. They live in rivers, lakes and bogs. Crocodiles are green. They have got big bodies, strong legs and long tails. They are dangerous, they eat other animals. Female crocodiles lay 10 to 100 eggs.

We have learnt a lot about crocodiles, but do you know songs about them? Now let’s sing a song “Mr. Crocodile”.


Never smile at a crocodile.
No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile.
Don’t be taken in by his welcome grin.
He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin.
Never smile at a crocodile.
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile,
Never run!
Walk away.
Say goodnight. Not good day!
Clear the isle.
Never smile at Mr. Crocodile.

7.Контроль подготовленной монологической речи (домашнее задание) и аудирования. Заполнение таблицы.

Т. Of course, there are no cages in the wild parks. Where can we see animals in the cages? You are right – only in the Zoo. Now we are at the zoo and Sveta will be a zoo-keeper. She will tell you about her favorite animal. Your task is to complete the table.

Pupil: My favourite animals are elephants. They are from Africa and India. They live in jungles. They eat leaves and grass. They are huge. They have got big bodies and legs. There ears are very big. They have got a very long nose – a trunk. Elephants help people to bring things. Female elephants have got one to two babies. They are common.

8.Контроль знания лексики. Составление слов из набора букв.

Т.Now you’ll have a fun. Here are the envelopes with some letters. Make up the words – animals. You should work in pairs. E.g. n g p ne u i – penguin, e r t i g – tiger, k n a o r o g a – kangaroo, l e g a e – eagle, etc. You are very clever pupils.

III. Заключительный этап урока.

9.Животные Марий Эл и защита дикой природы.

T. So we have been to the Zoo, to the wildlife park. I have two more questions. T. What animals live in Mari El? P: elks, foxes, wolves, bears, hares, beavers, eagles, etc. T. What nature reserve is there in our republic? P: There is the National Park Mari Chodra in our republic. T. You are right. Animals are protected there and I want you to save our nature.

Итоги урока.

Т.Our excursion to the Wildlife Park is over. Your work was very good, your projects were interesting. You get excellent and good marks. Your home-task is to make up crosswords about animals. Thank you for your work.
