Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме "Мой идеальный друг"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Технология: личностно-развивающий диалог.


  • формирование грамматических навыков говорения с использованием придаточных определительных предложений с союзными словами “which/that”;
  • развитие общих умений коммуникации: понимать содержание текста на основе его информационной переработки, выражать свое мнение по прочитанному, кратко высказываться по теме урока, используя описание, повествование, а также эмоциональные и оценочные суждения.
  • формирование уважения к праву каждого человека иметь свою позицию, свое мнение, воспитание культуры толерантности и уважения к человеческому достоинству.


  • карта смыслов,
  • раздаточный материал в виде карточек каждому ученику,
  • аудиомагнитофон,
  • маркеры.

Ход урока

1. Погружение в проблему.

- Have you got a friend?

- How old is he?

- What are his/her main characteristics?

- Do you spend a lot of time together?

- Do you argue sometimes?

- Who wants to tell us about his/her friend?

- How do you think what is the main idea of our lesson?(версии фиксирую)

- What is the most important word in all these variants? (friend)

- Today we shall try to draw a portrait of the ideal friend(тема вывешивается на доску).

2. Этап проявления смыслов в процессе аудирования.

- Listen to some British children (Ted, Ellen and Joy) and say who of them has many friends, who needs a friend who is happy with his/her only friend.

- All of you have such tables.

  Ted Ellen Joy
Your variant      
Correct answer      

1 - he/she happy with his/her only friend

2 - he/she needs a friend

3 - he/she has many friends.

- So put number 1,2 or 3 opposite each name. (аудиозапись)

- And now test yourself, please. (на доску вывешивается правильный вариант ответа).

- Who has correct variant? Rise your hand.

- Who has 1 mistake?

3. Соорганизация смыслов и разворачивание их в пространстве.

- Open you books at page 108.

- Let us read these opinions once more, please.

- Look at these cards, read the statements and then answer “Whom does this opinion belong to?” (карточки у каждого на парте)

- Why do you think so?

- Which is better , from your point of you, to have many friends, only one friend or to be friendless? (фиксирую результаты на карте смыслов, опрашиваю всех учащихся)

For having many friends For having one friend For being friendless
Name Reason Name Reason Name Reason

4. Дискуссия.

-Listen to the dialogue and say “What does Ann suggest Mary doing on the day of his departure?” (инсценировка)

- Have you got a pe friend?

- Can he be a loyal friend?

- Where can we find such a friend? (using Internet, going to England)

- Listen to a short poem and say “Who is Nikitas friend?” (his father)

- Can our parents be our best friends? Why?

So, it is your point of view on the problem “Who can be our best friends?

- May be you want to add something in this scheme.

5. Оформление своего смыслового пространства.

- All of you have a set of such cards.

- Divide them in 2 groups, please. I shall give you 1 minute.

- What are these groups? (positive and negative traits of character)

- Name these words, please. One by one.

- Let us draw a portrait of the ideal friend.

- This is our friend.

- What trait of character is necessary for the ideal friend from your point of view?

- Go to the blackboard one by one and put your card near our friend.

- Begin your sentence with “The ideal friend is a someone who…”

- Look at this famous English proverb “Make new friends and keep the old”

- How do you understand this proverb?

- I think it is very important not to forget the old friends’

- At home write down a short composition on topic “The Ideal friend”.

- Thank you very much for your work. It was pleasure to work with you.

- Аt the end of our lesson I suggest you to sing the song “The more we are together”.

- Do you agree? (поем песню про дружбу)