Урок английского языка по теме "Домашние обязанности", 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Цель: Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков устной речи.


  1. Тренировать учащихся в применении Л.Е. по теме "Домашние обязанности" в устной речи.
  2. Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи. Тренировать учащихся в применении настоящего простого и прошедшего простого времени.
  3. Воспитывать потребность помогать родителям по дому.


  • аудиозаписи,
  • картинки на тему "Домашние обязанности".

Ход урока

Орг. момент.(1 - 2 мин.)

Приветствие. Выявление отсутствующих.

Пояснение задач урока:

- At the last lessons we spoke about a family and favourite activities of parents and children. Today we shall continue our talk about a family, and the topic of our lesson is "Home duties". Open your copybooks and write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

Дети записывают в тетради число и тему урока.

Фонетическая тренировка. (3 мин.)

- First, let's remember some English sounds and pronounce some words and phrases.

- a dish, to wash, to wash a dish, washing dishes, a shop, go shopping;

[w] - to sweep, to sweep the floor, a wife, a housewife,water, to water, to water the flowers, wind, to wind, to wind the clock;

[r] - to read, to read a book, to repair, to repair a bike, to repair a car, a room, to tidy up the room;

[h] - a house, to clean the house, help, to help, a hand, a helping hand;

Слова и словосочетания произносят хором вполголоса, четко артикулируя звуки.

- Pronounce the rhymes:

I love my mother,

I love my father,

I love my sister,

I love my brother.

Father, mother, sister, brother - hand in hand with one another.

Рифмовки, известные детям с прошлого года, произносят хором и по одному (3-4 человека).

Проверка домашнего задания. (4 мин.)

- Let's check your hometask. read aloud a poem and we shall sеe, who will read it the best.

Дети открывают учебники на с. 111, по одному читают стихотворение у. 6 (2 - 3 человека).


One busy housewife sweeping up the floor,
Two busy housewives polishing the door.
Three busy housewives washing all the socks.
Four busy housewives winding up the clocks.
Five busy housewives cleaning with the broom.
Six busy housewives tidying the room
Seven busy housewives washing the sink.
Eight busy housewives giving the cat a drink.
Nine busy housewives cooking dinner, too.
Ten busy housewives with nothing left to do.

- Children, say me, please, who is the best reader? Why do you think so?

Работа над орфографией. (1 мин.)

- Now close your books, look at the blackboard and fill in the gaps in the words from the poem:

wa..ing, cl..ning, c..kin.g, h..sew.fe, swe..ing.

- Mike, go to the blackboard. Do the task, please.

- Read these words and translate them. You are right, thank you. Children, exchange your copybooks and check your partner's notes. Who have no mistakes? Very good.

Тренировка грамматических навыков речи. (4 мин.)

- Open your books at p. 113, ex. 12. There are some pictures about a boy named Ted. Look at the pictures and say, what Ted usually does at home.

Учащиеся составляют предложения с опорой на подписи к картинкам в учебнике, проговаривают по предложению по цепочке.

Usually Ted does his homewoek.

...goes shopping.

...makes his bed.

...lays the table.

...repairs his bicycle.

...answers phone calls.

...cleans his room.

...gives the dog a drink.

...water the flowers.

- What else can he do? (-He can wash dishes, cook breakfast, etc.)

- What did he do yesterday?

Трансформируют предложения в форму простого прошедшего времени, продолжают работать по цепочке.

- Right. Shut your books and let's speak.

- Did Ted help his parents? How did he help his parents?

Повторяют предложения, в которых говорится о том, как Тед помогал по дому.

Развитие монологических умений. (5 мин.)

- And what about you? Did you help your parents yesterday? What did you do? Was it interesting to you or not? Which was the most interesting?

Дети рассказывают о том как они помогали вчера своим родителям, используя в речи лексический материал урока, и что было им интересно делать (4 - 5 человек).Для опоры на доске вывешены картинки по теме "Помощь по дому".

- Well, children, thank you for your stories. Whose story was the most interesting for you? Why?

Динамическая пауза. (1 мин.)

- Please stand up, let's play a little. You will hear the poem about the housewife and illustrate it in actions.

Слушают стихотворение "One busy housewife" в записи, выполняют действия, соответствующие тексту.

- Good. Sit down, please.

Тренировка в слушании и чтении. (6 мин.)

- Open your books again. See p. 115, ex. 14. Here are some dialogues. Look at the text, listen to the dilogues and say, what are they about.

Слушают с опорой на текст и картинки по одному диалогу:

"Betty: Mum! May I help you to lay the table?

Mum: Of course, dear. You may put the cups and the spoons on the table."

- What does the daughter want? How does she say about it?

- Does the mother agree? What does she say?

"Martin: Granny, may I help you to wash the dishes today?

Grandma: Thank you, Martin. It will be very nice, if you don't have too much homewqrk."

- What does Martin want? How does he say about it?

- Does his grandmother agree? What does she say?

"Jessy: Jason, can you help me to draw this picture, please.

Jason: Yes. Just a minute. We'll draw it together."

- What does Jessy want? How does she say about it?

- Does Jason agree? What does he say?

- So, when we want to help somebody, we say: "May I help you to...?" The answer usually is: "Yes, of course". Write it down in your copybooks.

- When we ask somebody to help us, we say: "Can you help me to...?" The answer usually is: "Yes, of course". Write it down.

Вычитывают фразы, передающие эти речевые функции. Фразы записываются на доске и в тетрадях.

- Listen to the dialogues again and read them in pairs.

Слушают запись снова и читают диалоги в парах (вполголоса).

Развитие диалогических умений. (8 -10 мин.)

- Look at the blackboard, here are some sentences. Match these sentences to make the dialogues. Work in pairs.

- Дети в парах соотносят предложения, записанные на доске, так, чтобы получились диалоги:

1) Can you help me to wash the dishes?

a) Yes, of course, dear. Thank you. Get ready to go.

2) Can you help me to lay the table?

b) Of course, you may. It's a good idea!

3) May I help you to go shopping?

c) Yes, Mum. I'm coming.

4) May I help you to cook breakfast?

d) OK. What should I do, Mum?

5) May I help you to water the flowers?

e) Yes, you may. Wash your hands first.







- Let's check. Come to the blackboard and write down the answers. Thank you. Now check yourself.

Один ребёнок записывает ответы на доске, остальные проверяют свои записи сами.

- Make up your own dialogues and play them out, you will be the actors.Work in pairs.

В парах составляют по аналогии диалоги, разыгрывают их.

- You are very talanted actors! Thank you!

Закрепление речевого материала. (2 мин.)

- Take your workbooks at p. 41, see ex. 5. Read the questions aloud, please, and translate. Answer them. Are you a good son or daughter?

Выполняют упражнение в рабочей тетради:

"Ответь на вопросы теста и определи, хороший(ая) ли ты сын(дочь)?

1) Can you say when your mother's (father's) birthday is?

2) Are you always polite and kind with your parents?

3) Do you lay the table?

4) Do you clean your room?

5) Do you go shopping?

6) Do you wash the dishes?

7) Do you feed your pet?

8) Do you make your bed?

9) Do you take care of your little brother (sister)?

10) Do you sometimes give presents to your mother?

8 - 10 "yes" - you are an ideal child;

6 - 8 "yes" - you are a good child;

4 - 5 "yes" you must try to be better;

less than 4 "yes" - I'm sorry for your parents."

Читают вслух (по одному) вопросы теста, переводят, отвечают на них, подсчитывают баллы.

- Who is an ideal child? Who is a good child? I'm happy for your parents.

Итог урока.

- Say me, please, must children help their parents? Do parents help their children? So, children and parents help one another.

Домашнее задание.

- At home you will tell in about your househelping and your home duties. It's ex. 6 on p.126 in your student's books.Also, you will think about ideal children and ideal parents. This is ex. 3 on p. 40 in your workbooks.

- Now it is time to write down your hometask:

wb: p. 40, ex.3, stb: p.126, ex. 6.

and it is time to get marks for the lesson. Your marks are...

- Good-bye, children!

Дети записывают домашнее задание в дневники. Учитель называет отметки. Урок окончен.