Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "Кухни народов мира" с использованием ресурсов сети Интернет

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  • развитие познавательной и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
  • формирование навыков работы с компьютером и ресурсами сети Интернет;
  • знакомство с материалами сайтов http://mega.km.ru/, http://www.hello-online.ru/index.php.

Задачи урока:

  • научить учащихся находить нужную информацию в сети Интернет;
  • формировать навыки и умения чтения, используя материалы сети;
  • совершенствовать умения монологического и диалогического высказывания.

Материалы, используемые при подготовке к уроку:

Интернет-ресурсы сайтов http://www.kuharka.ru/, http://mega.km.ru/eticet, www.gurman66.ru/kitchens/kitchen 6, http://virtlab.ioso.ru..

Оснащение урока: компьютерный класс с выходом в Интернет, печатные материалы с сайта, презентации проектов.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Today we are going to speak about national cuisines of different countries and etiquette of these countries. We shall speak about how to set the table and how to entertain guests. I think that the information from the Internet will help you.

Let’s start our lesson.

1. Many countries have their own customs and traditions. I’d like to begin our lesson with the British cuisine.

Two pupils speak about the traditional British dishes. (Презентация учащихся Князьковой Анны и Анашкиной Вики). Ex.10, p.114-115. (Supplementary 1)

2. What can you tell us about different cuisines?

  • The Scottish cuisine (Бутузова Таня, Бисембаева Диана),

The directory Cookery the Scottish kitchen About the Scottish kitchen

Section: the Scottish kitchen.

The Scottish kitchen has appeared as a result of complex (difficult), long and inconsistent development under influence of many foreign kitchens (at first print have left викинги, and then French), which though is not only national Scottish, кельтской, but at the same time carries obvious features of an originality.

Fertile grounds, climate and ancient Scottish agricultural traditions, the methods копчения and соления create an excellent (different) basis for cooking of the best products and most known food in the world. Immense fields and the hills create conditions for manufacture лучшей говядины, mutton and оленины; in cold lakes, transparent rivers and seas, washing Scotland, the salmon, trout and моллюски is found; in fertile ground выращивают grain cultures, excellent (different) vegetables, for example, potato, and juicy berries. On all these components the perfect Scottish kitchen famous копченостями, cookies, bread, jams and fruit candies, and also famous all over the world temples is based.

The culinary traditions of Scotland have begun, as well as in many other countries, with готовки on open fire, with сытного of a hot dish, from meat, vegetables and grains preparing stage by stage in the large pot with water. These early methods of preparation of food have rendered the large influence on the Scottish cookery, and many similar dishes exist till now, for example, chicken in a pot, beef in beer, variety гуляшей and похлебок.

There was no time by a popular national dish at the Scots liquid овсяная каша. Her (it) submitted for breakfast. There is a set of ways of preparation of porridge transmitted from generation to generation. As well as at the Englishmen a liked drink of the Scots - tea, drink it with jam, fruit candy, сдобами, кексами and with popular national sand cookies (which bake as one large circle, which then разрезается on triangular slices).

The Scots prepare a lot of rich, наваристых of soups, mainly, крупяных and meat with a potato, cabbage, fish soups, as for example, soup with a smoked fish. One of the most known Scottish soups - meat Scottish broth welded (cooked) with перловкой and vegetables. The Scottish national recipes hot with гарниром from a potato, turnip and fresh горошка, recipes гуляшей are various.

Most popular деликатес of Scotland - "Haggis" (on a photo). This dish prepare from sheep требухи with barley and with various специями, запекая in the sheep or mutton stomach. Haggis submit on подогретом a dish, together with potato mashed potatoes and from mashed potatoes from turnip, and also with already налитыми стопками temples.

For a dessert prepare set of sweet puddings, rolls with jam, кексов, desserts, most simple of whic - dessert from whipped cream, grains and berries.

We offer a variety of delightful Scottish dishes, which are very easy for preparing: gentle малосольный a salmon, Scottish eggs, наваристый перловый a soup, juicy beef fillet with gentle sauce from a wild garlic, fillet crashes with the mustard sauce, and also irreplaceable Scottish sweetness - sand cookies, desserts and sweets.

3. The Spanish cuisine (Глушков Глеб, Каширин Дима). http://mega.km.ru/, (Supplementary 2)

4. When we invite the guests we should know some codes of etiquette:

  • how to sit the guests at the table (Задкова Анна),
  • what are your table manners (Печкина Ксения).

Как научить детей пользоваться столовыми приборами?

During the meal, hands should be kept clearly visible at all times, never on the lap. The fork should be in the left hand and the knife in the right. The utensils should never be switched.

Lay the knife and fork side by side across the plate to indicate you’ve finished. Crossing the utensils or positioning them on opposite sides of the plate sends the message that you wish to have more.

Leaving food on the plate, especially at a dinner party in somebody’s home, may insult the host.

In is considered impolite to put the elbows on the table.

Knife and spoon are placed parallel, across the plate, when you’ve finished eating. The knife should never be brought to the mouth.

The fork should not be turned over in the right hand and used to cut food.

If a person has a spoon and a knife for the dessert, he should use both , placing food onto the spoon with the fork.

It is recommended at the end of each course to put the eater’s cutlery in a straight line up the centre of the plate.

One should start with the utensils on the outside and walk his way in.

Как пользоваться салфеткой

It is considered polite to unfold the napkin and lay it on his lap soon after sitting down.

You should take a napkin and clean your lips when it is necessary.

Put your napkin on the left when you’ve finished the food.

You put the napkin on the table only after the hostess.

Table manners.

Guests of honour are seated to the right of the host or hostess.

The guests are recommended not to take their seats until the hostess and the guest of honour are seated and you are invited by the host.

It is considered to be polite to seat and serve women and older people.

It is impolite to speak with the person’s mouth full or point with his knife.

It is considered impolite to pour himself or herself a drink.

Eat everything that’s on the plate.

It is considered polite to compliment the host at a dinner table.

It is considered impolite to ask for things that are not on the table, though it is acceptable to ask for a glass of water.

How should you set the table ( http://mega.km/ru/eticet )

The basic rule for cutlery, working from the outside in, we usually apply. For a meal with five courses in Britain, one would expect to see a small bread knife on the outside right, then a spoon; next to this is a fish knife, then a large table knife

for meat or poultry, and last of all a dessert spoon.

On the left would be a small fork for salads, next to this is a fish fork, then a large fork for meat or poultry and finally a dessert fork.    

Four glasses will normally be arranged at the top right-hand corner of each place setting. These are used in the opposite order to the cutlery. Working from inside out, you will find first a cherry glass (it served with the soup); next comes a small wine glass for white wine, then a large glass for red wine and finally a champagne flute (champagne accompanies the dessert). A large goblet for water may be placed behind these glasses. 

5. The work with the materials in the Internet “Spoken English” Make up small dialogues.

http://www.hello-online.ru/index.php. (Issue 4/2003) (Князькова Анна, Анашкина Вика).

ISSUE 4/2003  >  Spoken English

At the Table

By Maria Verbitskaya, Moscow State University

Меню обычно лежит на столе или подается без напоминаний, как только вы садитесь за столик. И, как правило, меню с ценами вывешивается снаружи, на улице).
На всякий случай запомните:
Can I have the menu, please? - Меню, пожалуйста.

Официант (waiter) или официантка (waitress) предложит Вам сделать заказ:
Are you ready to order? - Вы готовы сделать заказ?
Can I take your order? - Можно принять у Вас заказ?
May I take your order?
Have you chosen something, sir? - Вы выбрали что-нибудь, сэр?
Have you decided on something, madam? - Вы решили, что заказать, мадам?

Bean soup
Baked mushrooms
Slices of raw fish

Lobster and chicken salad
Roast lamb with aubergines
Beef cooked in honey with red peppers
Slices of duck with cabbage

Fresh pineapple
Strawberries with cream
Mango sorbet

Two courses &13.99
Three courses &16.99
Service not included

Для того, чтобы чувствовать себя ЗА СТОЛОМ уверенно в любой ситуации: в гостях или в университетском кафетерии, в кафе или ресторане - Вам пригодятся следующие фразы:
I'd like some butter, please. - Масло, пожалуйста.
May I have some butter, please? - Можно масла?
Could I have some butter, please? - Можно масла?
Pass the butter, please. - Передайте мне, пожалуйста, масло.
Угощают гостя так:
Help yourself to the salad, please. - Возьмите, пожалуйста, салат.
Try the pudding, please. - Попробуйте, пожалуйста, пудинг.
Please have more chicken. - Возьмите еще цыпленка.
Another piece of cake? - Еще кусочек торта?
Настойчивая хозяйка будет уговаривать гостя:
Can't I tempt you? - Неужели не соблазнитесь?
You've hardly eaten anything. - Вы ничего не съели.
Just take it to please me. - Возьмите, чтобы сделать мне приятное.
Формула согласия: Yes, please.
К этому можно добавить:
It looks inviting. - Выглядит очень аппетитно.
It's delicious. - Очень вкусно. (Если Вы уже попробовали это блюдо).
Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece. - Ну, может быть, я справлюсь с очень маленьким кусочком.
Формула отказа: No, thank you.
К этому можно добавить:
I'm on a diet. - Я на диете.
I'm slimming. - Я худею.
I've had too much already. - Я и так слишком много съел.

In a Restaurant

By Maria Verbitskaya, Moscow State University


Soup 1.90
Fruit juices 99p
Melon 1.20

Steak 7.90
Roast Beef 6.90
Chicken Casserole 6.20
Lamb Chops 6.50
Cheese Omelette4.50

Chips 99p
Boiled Potatoes 99p
Peas 99p
Carrots 99p
Mushrooms 99p
Mixed Salad 1.50

Ice-cream 1.95
Apple Pie 1.55
Fruit Salad 1.75
Cheese & Biscuits 1.75

Coffee 95p
Tea 75p
Milk 55p

French Red 9.50
Spanish White 10.90
German White 9.00

Service 10%
VAT 8%

Grilled chicken for me, please. - Мне, пожалуйста, цыпленка-гриль.
Возможны варианты:
I'd like ... - Я хотел бы ...
I'd like to try ... - Я хотел бы попробовать ...
I think I'll have ... - Я бы съел ...
I'll take... - Я возьму ...

Если Вы начинаете свой заказ с "основного блюда", Вас обязательно спросят:
What would you like to start with? / What would you like for a starter? - С чего вы хотели бы начать?
Посмотрите на меню и Вы увидите в разделе "Starters" неожиданное для нас сочетание соков, закусок и супов (и еще дыню!). Из них и выбирайте.

Официант может также поинтересоваться, что еще вы хотели бы заказать:
What would you like afterwards?/ And to follow?
Десерт заказывается отдельно, после того, как Вы съели основное блюдо (the main course).
Would you like anything for dessert? - Что бы вы хотели на десерт?
Do you want any dessert? - Десерт будете заказывать?
How about the sweet? - А на сладкое? (Это в рестране попроще).

Вы отказываетесь: No, thank you. Just a cup of coffee.
Или делаете заказ: I'd like some fruit-cake, please.
I'd like some ice-cream if you have any. - Я хотел бы мороженого,


At the end of our lesson I want to ask you: “What have you learnt at our lesson?”, “Was the lesson interesting?”, “Shall we continue to work with the Internet?”.

I’m satisfied with our lesson and I think that you will find the information in the Internet and use it.
