Урок английского языка (8-й класс) "Мы говорим на языке, понятном всем"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цель урока:

  • создать “словарь” английских слов, понятный человеку любой национальности


  • формировать целостное представление о структуре английского языка”
  • познакомить учащихся с заимствованиями в английском языке и развивать умение учащихся трансформировать полученную информацию для выполнения языковых упражнений;
  • развивать умения учащихся высказываться по теме “Роль английского языка в современном мире”.
  • поддерживать у учащихся интерес к изучаемому предмету.

Оборудование: карта мира, таблицы, фонограмма песни “Yesterday”, картинки.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие.

Teacher (T): Good morning, dear friends!

How are you today? I hope you are well. Are you in good mood? How are your parents?

Do you ask your parents how they feel? How often?

Pupil (P): Every day. (Every morning, every evening…)

2. Речевая разминка.

T: There is no doubt that you love your family. To my mind school is your family too, isn`t it?

P: Yes, of course. We spend much time here.

T: Do you go to school with pleasure?

P: As for me I do. I meet my friends, my teachers and get much information.

T: And what are your favorite subjects at school?

P: My favourite subjects are …

3. T: I see some of you name English as a favourite subject. I am glad to hear it.

So today we are going to talk about the English language. But the aim of our lesson is to make a vocabulary for those who don’t know English. This vocabulary will help teenagers of any nation to communicate an understand each other.

4. Активизирование ранее изученного лексического материала в речи учащихся.

T: If we began speaking about communication what means of communication do you know?

P: I can name pictures on the wall, letters, telegraph, telephone, books, mass media, e-mail, computer.

T: Think it over. Can you call a flower a means of communication?

P: Why not? I like my mother, grandmother, sister and when I give them flowers I show them my love. And I don’t say any word.

T: You are quite right. Which means of communication are very popular?

P: Nowadays we take mobile phones for granted. I can’t imagine my life without my phone. When A. G. Bell invented the telephone in 1876 he didn’t think it would be so popular.

P: I think computers are very popular nowadays. I have got a computer. It helps me to learn. Life is never boring if you have a computer.

T: And what about the e-mail?

P: I don’t use the e-mail because I haven’t got the Internet.

T: But to my mind the first means of communication was a language, wasn’t it? People spoke, talked and understood each other. Nowadays we use many foreign languages to communicate with each other.

Have you ever wondered how many people there are who speak English? Around 400 million people.

Look at the map. English is the most widespread language on earth.

Where do people speak English?

P: (ученик у карты показывает называемые страны)

English is spoken in Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as their native language, in India, some countries in Africa as their second language.

5. Контроль домашнего задания.

(Во время ответа учащиеся используют подготовленный дома необходимый демонстрационный материал)

T: Why is English so popular? What do you think?

P: I don’t know. I always take it for granted that people from different countries speak English.

T: Let’s discuss the question. I would like you to share your opinion with us from your point of view. Your home task was to find facts which improve that English is the most popular language in the world. Who wants to begin?

P: I’ve found such numbers.

80% of all information in the world’s computer is in English.

75% of world’s letters and faxes are in English.

60% of all international telephones calls are made in English.

More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.

P: Today we can say that English is the language of computers. 50 years ago people didn’t heard of computers and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Everyone has heard of Bill Gates who became the founder of Microsoft Company.

P: I think English became popular after 1960 when just ordinary lads from Liverpool John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr made up a group called the Beatles. The group is still famous not only in Great Britain but in the whole world. I’m fan of the Beatles. My favourite song is “Yesterday”. I think you like it too. Let me sing it.

P: English for me is associated with Shakespeare, Byron, Mark Twain, Walter Scott. Since childhood I’ve known “Winnie the Pooh”, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, “Robinson Crusoe”, “Harry Potter”.

P: I think English is popular because it is the language of America. Though there are a lot of countries which have business with us such as China, Japan, Germany, Spain but not so many foreigners speak German or Japanese. So we can say English is a business language.

The most popular films in the world are American. The USA is the world leader in science and technology.

P: Some people think that English is popular because it is very easy. I can prove it. Let’s compare English with Russian.

Plurals are easier. You just have to add an -(e)s in the end.

Tables столы
books книги
trees деревья

Genders are simpler. In English you use “she” for women, “he” for men and all other words are “it”. In Russian we have tree (it), table (he), book (she), room (she). It is very difficult.

English words don’t change so much.

I read this book. – Я читаю книгу.

We read this book. – Мы читаем эту книгу.

You read this book. – Ты читаешь эту книгу.

They read this book. – Они читают эту книгу.

He (She, It) reads this book. – Он (Она, Оно) читает эту книгу.

You read this book. – Вы читаете эту книгу.

6. Ознакомление учащихся с новым материалом.

T: Everything you’ve said is quite right. But let me add something. I think English is easy because it has many words from other languages. There are words from 120 languages.

A lot of words are from Latin:

street, kitchen, cup, cheese, paper;

from French:

country, prince, royal, fruit, letter, magic, male, female;

from Scandinavian languages:

cake, egg, get, give, sky, take, they, window.

T: Can you guess what language these words are from?

Balalaika, samovar, bliny, tsar, duma, taiga, perestroika, sputnik.

P: They are from Russian.

7. Закрепление нового материала.

T: Here is the text. Find the borrowings and underline them.

(Учащиеся выполняют работу на карточках. По завершению работы им предъявляется выполненный вариант для самоконтроля.)

The house stands in a quiet street near the river. There is a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms there. In long winter evenings the family likes to sit in the kitchen having tea and telling interesting stories. There is always a samovar, bliny, cakes, cheese, fruits on the table. The moon looks through the window as if it wants to listen to their stories.

8. Составление словаря.

T: In spite of English is easy to learn some people don’t know English. So I advice you to create a vocabulary with the words which are clear to everyone.

(Учащиеся получают 2-3 буквы английского алфавита и пишут слова на отдельных листах, обозначенных соответствующими буквами)


B - basketball, broker, business, bye-bye.

C – crossword, @, college, CD.

D – dog, diver, darts.

E – e-mail, end, East.

F – friend, fax, football, finish, firework.

G – gentleman, grant, game.

H – hello, hobby, hip hop, Halloween, hot dog.

I – IQ, Internet.

J – Jeans, juice.

K – kiss, kidnapping.

L – love, lunch, label.

M – mobile phone, manager, marker.

N – nonsense, notebook.

O – OK, office, outsider.

P – poster, printer, pop corn, policeman.

Q – quiz.

R – reflex, remake, relax, respect, rating.

S – scout, SMS, sandwich.

T – teenager, TV.

U – USA.

V - volleyball, vanish, Valentine.

W – Wow, www, weekend, website.

X – Xerox, Xmas.

Y – yoghurt, Yankee.

Z – zoo, zero.

9. T: I want to add only one word which sounds the same in Russian, English, Latin, French, Chinese, German.

This word is TOLERANT that means -терпимый.

So let us be tolerant to everyone nevertheless what language they speak.