Мультимедиа урок английского языка в 11-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Развитие речевых умений, на основе творческого использования усвоенного раннее материала в новых ситуациях общения.


  • Осуществить скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений.
  • Формирование навыков работы в команде.
  • Формировать способность к пониманию чужой точки зрения на социальные проблемы.
  • Применить полученные знания на практике.


  • стены оформлены проектами учащихся по данной теме;
  • урок проходит в компьютерном классе, с мультимедийным проектором, экраном;
  • презентация (приложение №1).

План урока

1. Организационный момент. (Учащиеся рассаживаются по группам по 3-4 человека)

Good morning! I am glad to see you here, take your seats and let’s begin our lesson which is devoted today to the topic “Is the system of Social Welfare Fair?” We’ve got a lot of information about systems of social welfare in different countries. We can see that every country has its own advantages and disadvantages both in social services and in medical systems. But today I want you to discuss the problems which are connected with this topic in Russia.

Let’s remember the words and word combinations which help us to speak on this topic.

 Fill in the blank squares with the words that suit to the topic a «Welfare state»

2. Формулирование проблемы

The aim of our lesson is to sum up our knowledge and to put it into practice. We are going to organize an opinion poll of different categories of Russian citizens concerning their life styles and problems they have. We are going to publish a newspaper which will be devoted to the topic “Is the system of Social Welfare in Russia Fair?” (Приложение №1, слайд №1)

3. Выбор темы индивидуальных исследований учащихся

But first I’d like to ask you a question how do you understand “a Welfare State”?

Pupil: It is a system of ensuring the welfare of it’s citizen by means of social services provided by the state.

What is the Government responsible for?

Pupil: The Government is responsible for National Health, National Insurance, Social Security.

Do the systems of National Insurance and Social Security provide financial help for different categories of citizens?

Pupil: Yes, of course!

What categories of citizens are entitled to social payments?

Pupil: They are the unemployed, the sick, the retired, the widowed. (Приложение №1, слайд №2)

What questions wоuld you like to ask in the frame of this topic?

Ученики самостоятельно формулируют темы групповых исследований в рамках заявленного проекта.

The 1 group: How do elderly people live?
The 2 group: Advantages and disadvantages of the medical system in different countries.
The 3 group: What benefits are the jobless in France, Germany and Russia entitled to?
The 4 group: What could you buy for your salary?

4. Выдвижение гипотез

Формулируются учащимися и возникают как возможные варианты решения проблем.
Варианты гипотез:

The 1 group: The life of elderly is not easy because they have many problems.
The 2 group: The medical system in different countries has it’s for and against.
The 3 group: They have different kinds of benefits, which help them to live.
The 4 group: You could buy something but not very much for your salary.

Categories of citizens which are entitled to social payments

When people work they must pay contributions to the National Insurance fund. Contributions are also made by the employer and the Government. National Insurance benefits are available to the unemployed the sick and the retired. The disabled are also provided with financial help. Financial help is also available to the widowed. Every child is entitled to a child benefit, whatever the parents’ income maybe.

Social Security covers a wide range of payments, mainly to people who do not qualify for National Insurance payments. The main social groups who claim social security benefits are: single parents, the long-term unemployed, and pensioners whose pension is too low. People in full-time work whose earnings are below a certain level can claim benefits, too.

There are a few payments, which are paid to the different categories of people in Russia

Women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 65.

Women who leave work to have a baby have a right to ask a maternity allowance from the government.

There are allowances paid to elderly people .Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full.
A wide range of other payments exist. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers.

People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they do not pay money for their education.
People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension.

Widows can get payments for their husbands who died.

5. Обсуждение плана работы в группах

Учащиеся работают самостоятельно, составляют план своей работы.

Учащиеся приступают к составлению цепочки вопросов и ответов, которые надо доказать, обрабатывают ранее собранные сведения, выбирают форму представления своего материала.

Роль учителя на данном этапе - консультирование, помощь направление деятельности учащихся в методически нужное русло.

6. Подготовка учащимися презентации по отчёту о проделанной работе

Форма презентации - газетные страницы, на которых представлены результаты работы и систематизированы полученные знания. Группы работают на компьютерах, создавая страницы презентации, и пересылают их на головной компьютер, где работает группа редакторов, которая отбирает материал и формирует конечный результат.

7. Защита полученных результатов и выводов

Каждой группе предоставляется 3 минуты для защиты своей странички. Далее ответы на вопросы присутствующих, если они возникнут.

All of you prepare projects and now I want to know your points of view.
Have you got any questions to your classmates?
Children, do you support the idea of a Welfare State?
Who is in favour of the Welfare state and who is against?
What categories of people have rights to payments?

(Приложение № 2, проект)

5. Рефлексия

The welfare state is..............

rather ineffective
effective bu

Why do you think so? Prove. (Приложение №1, слайд №3)

6. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока. Оценки