Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основные цели задачи мероприятия: формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку, развитие коммуникативных и творческих способностей учащихся.

Оформление праздника:

  • плакат “British food”, “ Welcome!”
  • таблички “At a cafe”, “At a hamburger bar”
  • красочное объявление о проведении праздника;
  • костюмы повара;
  • кассеты;
  • приготовленные блюда.

Ход праздника

Ведущий: Good afternoon, children, teachers and guests!

We are happy to see you today .We are going to speak about “British food”. Now, welcome to our party. (Нияз и Ильнар инсценируют диалог «В кафе».

Dialoge “At a cafe”

Niyz:Oh, Ilnar, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner. Take a seat at the table.

Niyz: Where shall we sit?

Ilnar: Let’s sit over there near the window.

Waiter: Can I help you?

Ilnar: Yes, could you show us the menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly. Here it is. Are you ready to order?

Niyz: Yes, we shall have fish and chips, please.

Waiter: Anything else?

Ilnar: Yes, please an apple pie and a vanilla ice cream.

Waiter: What will you have to drink?

Niyz: I shall have a grapefruit juice.

Ilnar: And I shall have a strawberry milk shake, please. How do you like fish and chips?

Niyz: It is great. It is really delicious.

Ilnar: How about the juice?

Niyz: It is very nice too, thank you.

Waiter: Here is your bill. That will be &5.50, please. Thank you.

Ilnar: Thank you.

Waiter: Goodbye.

Ilnar: Goodbye.

English people are tea-drinkers. They love tea. They have it many times a day. They usually have scones, butter, cream, milk, marmalade and strawberries with their tea. They have tea for breakfast, then they have tea at 11 a.m. for lunch; they have tea for tea, then after supper and again at 11 o clock at night.

Now how to make English tea!

Put milk or sugar into the cups and pour the tea into the cups. Enjoy your tea with milk

In London you will find food from all over the world. You will find Indian, Indian, Italian, French and Chinese restaurants there.

Many restaurants offer a takeaway service: you order the food and take it away. The most popular takeaway restaurants are

Italian (pizza) and American-style hamburger bars.

Dialoge “At a hamburger bar”

Roman: What shall we have? I usually have a hamburger and a large coke. But today I shall take a king-size and a strawberry milk shake. I am hungry.

Marat: I shall have the same.

Assistant: Hello.

Roman: Hello. Two kingsize hamburgers and two strawberry milk shakes, please.

Assistant: Ahythihg else.

Marat: Yes. Chips, please.Thank you very much.

Assistant That will be &4.60, please.

Roman: Thanks.

We want give you a pizza recipe from an Italian takeaway. For pizza we need:
100g flour, 25g butter, pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of milk. For toppings: 2 tomatoes, 50g cheese, salami, mushrooms, ham.

  1. Oil the pan.
  2. Put the flour and salt in a bowl.
  3. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with the flour.
  4. Add some milk and mix into a dough.
  5. Put the dough into the oiled pan.
  6. Put toppings on the dough.
  7. Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven.
  8. Enjoy your pizza.

While pizza is baking, let’s take a tiny competition. OK? Do you know any proverbs about Тatar or British meals? There will be two teams. The first team is а «hamburger», the second team is a « pizza»

1 round. Let’s play proverbs. (Ученики соревнуются в знании пословиц про блюда, про еду. Можно дать пословицы об овощах и фруктах, о еде.)

All bread is not baked in one oven. (У всякой пташки, свои замашки.)

The appetite comes with eating. (Аппетит приходит во время еды.)

Drink, eat and be merry, for tomorrow you die (ешь, пей и веселись, так как завтра ты умрешь).

You can’t eat your cake and have it. (Нельзя съесть свой пирог и оставить его нетронутым).

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. (Невозможно сделать яичницу, не разбив яиц.)

2 round.I hope that you know some riddles about vegetables and fruits.

3 round. I suggest that you know some traditional British dishes and Tatar dishes. The first team call British food, the second team Tatar food.

British dishes are haggis (шотландское блюдо, которое готовят из баранины или телятины).

Yorkshire pudding - Йоркширский пудинг - национальное английское блюдо, которое считается очень калорийным и готовится из теста и мясной начинки.

Cornish pasties. Пироги с мясом и картошкой.

Hot cross buns


Try to speak about Tatar traditional food. What are they? (Ученики по одному выходят и показывают национальные блюда, рассказывают какие продукты нужны для их приготовления).

For example: Chak-chak. For Chak-chak we need eggs, flour, oil, honey and sugar.

Kestebey for it we need: potatoes, flour, eggs, butter and oil.

Ochpochmak, for it we need potatoes, meat, flour, oil, onions and pepper.

Thank you for your answers my dear freinds.I hope that the pizza is ready. It will be present for all us. Help yourselves to the pizza. (Ученики вместе с учителем, с гостями пьют чай. Заранее можно приготовить пиццу и другие блюда).