Открытый урок английского языка по теме "I am glad to see you and your family"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • образовательная: формирование и развитие умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности: овладение учащимися аспектами языка (произношением, лексикой, грамматикой); обучение общению на иностранном языке, обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка
  • воспитательная: воспитание культуры мышления, общения и поведения
  • развивающая: лингвострановедческая цель: развитие лингвистического мышления

Задачи урока:

  1. Повторение пройденных лексико-грамматических структур: “I am…, My name is, He is/She is, Her/his name is, Are you Mary? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Who are you? What is your name? What is her/his name? Are you seven? How old are you? I am seven. Is he /she five? How old is he/she? He/ She is six. Are you from..? Where are you from? I am from …, Is he/she from..? Where is he/she from? She/he is from.., I’ve got a , Have you got a …? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t. How is your mother/father/sister/brother? He/she is fine, thanks ”
  2. Повторение счета до 10: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
  3. Повторение названий стран: Africa, America, Great Britain, Russia.

Средства обучения:

  1. Учебник: Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Английский язык, 1 – М.: Просвещение, 2003
  2. Кассета 1 к учебнику: Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Английский язык , 1 – М.: Просвещение, 2003
  3. Кассета 1 к учебнику “Get Set Go1” для 1 класса . – Oxford University Press,2003
  4. Магнитофон
  5. Карточки с изображениями разных погодных явлений
  6. Фотографии членов семьи
  7. Плюшевые игрушки и шарф

 План урока:

  1. Организационный момент: на английском языке выясняются основные сведения о дате и погоде, об отсутствующих, оглашается план работы на уроке
  2. Лексическая зарядка: подготовка речевого аппарата ребенка к уроку: выполнение упражнений под музыку с пением англ. песни “Hands Up!”)
  3. Повторение пройденного лексико-грамматического материала: Повторение изученных лексико-грамматических структур: “I am…, My name is, He is/She is, Her/his name is, Are you Mary? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Who are you? What is your name? What is her/his name? Are you seven? How old are you? I am seven. Is he /she five? How old is he/she? He/ She is six. Are you from..? Where are you from? I am from …, Is he/she from..? Where is he/she from? She/he is from.., I’ve got a , Have you got a …? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t. How is your mother/father/sister/brother? He/she is fine, thanks”, счета до 10: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ; названий стран: Africa, America, Great Britain, Russia в форме проверки домашнего задания: составление диалога “Glad to meet you” у доски, пение песни “How is your mother?”.
  4. Закрепление пройденного лексико-грамматического материала: Закрепление изученных лексико-грамматических структур: “I am…, My name is, He is/She is, Her/his name is, Are you Mary? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Who are you? What is your name? What is her/his name? Are you seven? How old are you? I am seven. Is he /she five? How old is he/she? He/ She is six. Are you from..? Where are you from? I am from …, Is he/she from..? Where is he/she from? She/he is from.., I’ve got a , Have you got a …? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t. How is your mother/father/sister/brother? He/she is fine, thanks ” , счета до 10: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ; названий стран: Africa, America, Great Britain, Russia в форме игры “The Blind Tom”, игры-общения c игрушками и рассказа про семью по фотографиям с ответами на вопросы.
  5. Итог урока: оглашается то, что было пройдено на уроке, учащимся дается домашнее задание, объявляются оценки за урок.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

The teacher says in English and translates: Good morning children!

Pupils: Good morning!

Teacher: Sit down please. How are you today?

Pupils: We are fine thanks.

Teacher: OK, very well. What day is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is Tuesday

Teacher: Thank you very much. And what date is it today?

Pupil 2: Today is October, 14th

Teacher: Thanks a lot, my darling. Now who can tell me what the weather like today is? Show me your cards please.

Pupils show their weather cards to the teacher.

Pupil 3: Today is misty

Pupil 4: Today is cloudy

Pupil 5: Today is windy

Pupil 6: Today is rainy

Teacher: Thank you. Now, Liza, please, tell us what the weather like today is.

Pupil 4: Today is misty, cloudy, rainy and windy.

Teacher: Very well. Put down your cards, please.

Pupils put down their weather cards.

Teacher: Who is absent today? Vanya, please.

Pupil 7: Kate is absent. Max is absent.

Teacher: OK, thank you, Vanya. My next question is what your home task for today is. Camilla, please.

Pupil 8: We were to listen to the tape and learn by heart the dialogue “Hello” and the song “How is your mother?”

Teacher: OK, very well. Thank you, Camilla. Sit down, please.

Today we are going to have an interesting time together. The topic of today’s lesson is “ I am glad to see you and your family ”. Today we are going to talk about you and your families. You will meet each other and get acquainted to each other. We’ll repeat carefully all the words and phrases that we have already learnt, we’ll listen to the tape recorder and sing different songs, we’ll make up some interesting dialogues and play games. Are you ready for the lesson? So, let us start. Stand up please and get ready to do the exercises and sing together.

II. Лексическая зарядка

Teacher switches on the tape recorder, the tape “Get Set Go”, and the song “Hands up!”. Pupils stand up and get ready to do the exercises together and sing:

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!

Turn left! Turn right!
Bend left! Bend right!

One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!
Stand still!

One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!
Stand still!

The teacher says in English and translates: OK, thank you very much. It was very good. You sang the song and did the exercises very well. Sit down, please.

Pupils take their places.

III. Повторение пройденного лексико-грамматического материала

The teacher says in English and translates: Now, children, I want to check how well you did your home task and learnt the dialogue. Who wants to come up to the blackboard? Camilla and Denis, please.

Two pupils come up to the blackboard.

Teacher: Well, my dears. You are welcome!

Pupil 1: Hello!

Pupil 2: Hello!

Pupil 1: Are you Mary?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Are you Ann?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Who are you ?

Pupil 2: I’m Polly. Are you Tom?

Pupil 1: No, I’m not

Pupil 2: Who are you ?

Pupil 1: I’m Sam. Are you six, Polly?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Are you five?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: How old are you ?

Pupil 2: I’m seven. Are you ten?

Pupil 1: No, I’m not

Pupil 2: How old are you ?

Pupil 1: I’m seven too. Are you from Africa?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Are you from Russia?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Where are you from?

Pupil 2: I’m from Great Britain. Are you from Africa?

Pupil 1: No, I’m not

Pupil 2: Are you from Russia?

Pupil 1: No, I’m not

Pupil 2: Where are you from?

Pupil 1: I’m from Great Britain. Have you got a mother?

Pupil 2: Yes, I have.

Pupil 1: What is her name?

Pupil 2: Her name is Mary.

Pupil 1: How old is she?

Pupil 2: She is thirty. And have you got a father?

Pupil 1: Yes, I have.

Pupil 2: What is his name?

Pupil 1: His name is Mark.

Pupil 2: Where is he from?

Pupil 1: He is from Russia. How is your mother?

Pupil 2: She is fine, thanks. And how is your father?

Pupil 1: He is fine, thanks.

Pupil 2: OK. Bye, Sam

Pupil 1: Bye, Polly.

Teacher: Great! Your dialogue was perfect, my dears. You did your home task very well. Sit down, please.

Children sit down.

Teacher: Well done. And now the song “How is your mother?”

Children get ready to sing:

How is your mother?
She is fine, thanks
How is your father?
He is fine, thanks.

How is your sister?
She is fine, thanks
How is your brother?
He is fine, thanks.

 Teacher: OK. This task is done brilliantly. But we go on and now we are to revise all the words that we have learnt carefully.

IV. Закрепление пройденного лексико-грамматического материала 

The teacher says in English and translates: Nice of you. You have done your home task perfectly. And how well do you know your classmates? Let us play the game “The Blind Tom”. Can you guess the names of other children? Now I ask everyone to go to the blackboard.

All pupils go to the blackboard.

Teacher: OK. And we are to find the leader. Who wants to be the leader?

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: I want!

Teacher: Vanya, you will be the leader. Now I must cover your eyes with this scarf. Wait a minute.

The teacher covers the eyes of the pupil with the scarf.

Teacher: I hope that you remember the rules of the game: you touch the back of “The Blind Tom” and he asks you the question “Are you..? ” and your name. If he guesses it right, the person should say, “Yes, I am”, but if he does not, you should say together: “No, I’m not! ” Do you remember?

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: Yes, of course.

Teacher: So, let us begin.

Pupil 1 goes to “The Blind Tom” and touches his back.

Leader: Are you …Simon?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Kate?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Max?

Pupil 1: Yes, I am.

Teacher: OK. Now Maх is the leader. Vanya, give him the scarf, please.

The teacher covers the eyes of the next pupil with the scarf.

Teacher: We go on.

Pupil 4 goes to “The Blind Tom” and touches his back.

Leader: Are you …Dan?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Paul?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Camilla?

Pupil 4: Yes, I am.

Teacher: OK. Now Camilla is the leader. Maх, give her the scarf, please.

The teacher covers the eyes of the next pupil with the scarf.

Teacher: We go on.

Pupil 5 goes to “The Blind Tom” and touches his back.

Leader: Are you …Maх?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Dan?

Pupil 1 – Pupil 8: No, I am not.

Leader: Are you …Paul?

Pupil 5: Yes, I am.

Teacher: OK, we finish it. I’m very pleased with the game. Sit down, please.

Pupils sit down.

Teacher: Now, children, we shall work in pairs and play collective game that is even more interesting. Now I ask you to take different toys.

Each pupil takes a toy to the desk.

Teacher: We’ll speak all together using the words and expressions on the topic “ I am glad to see you and your family”. One of you will stand near the blackboard and ask you different questions about yourself. Please dramatize the situations. Imagine the names, the age and the country you live in. Don’t forget: you are your toys and you should mime the speech of the toy you’ve chosen. The person who doesn’t answer the question properly goes out of the game. Who wants to go to the blackboard? Paul, please, you welcome.

One pupil goes to the blackboard

Pupil 1: Hello!

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: Hello!

Pupil 1: Are you Betty?

Pupil 2: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Who are you ?

Pupil 2: I’m Debby.

Pupil 1: Are you six?

Pupil 3: No, I am not.

Pupil 1: How old are you ?

Pupil 3: I’m eight

Pupil 1: Are you from Africa?

Pupil 4: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Are you from Russia?

Pupil 4: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Where are you from?

Pupil 4: I’m from Great Britain

Pupil 1: Have you got a mother?

Pupil 5: Yes, I have.

Pupil 1: What is her name?

Pupil 5: Her name is Sveta.

Pupil 1: Where is she from?

Pupil 5: She is from Africa.

Teacher: Well, who wants to go to the blackboard the next? Max, please.

The first pupil sits down.

The second pupil goes to the blackboard.

Pupil 1: Hello!

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: Hello!

Pupil 1: Are you Stanford?

Pupil 5: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Who are you ?

Pupil 5: I’m Scuby.

Pupil 1: Are you ten?

Pupil 6: No, I am not.

Pupil 1: How old are you ?

Pupil 6: I’m two

Pupil 1: Are you from Great Britain?

Pupil 7: No, I am not

Pupil 1: Where are you from?

Pupil 7: I’m from Africa

Pupil 1: Have you got a father?

Pupil 8: No, I haven’t.

Pupil 1: Have you got a mother?

Pupil 2: Yes, I have.

Pupil 1: How is your mother?

Pupil 3: She is fine, thanks.

Teacher: OK, I am very glad with your answers. Michael, sit down, please. Who wants to go to the blackboard for the last time? Liza, please.

The second pupil sits down.

The third pupil goes to the blackboard.

Pupil 1: Hello!

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: Hello!

Pupil 1: Are you Sveta?

Pupil 8: No, I’m not

Pupil 1: Who are you ?

Pupil 8: I’m Helen.

Pupil 1: Are you three?

Pupil 4: No, I am not.

Pupil 1: How old are you ?

Pupil 4: I’m seven.

Pupil 1: Are you from Russia?

Pupil 5: No, I am not

Pupil 1: Where are you from?

Pupil 5: I’m from China.

Pupil 1: Have you got a sister?

Pupil 6: Yes, I have.

Pupil 1: What is her name?

Pupil 6: Her name is Masha.

Pupil 1: How old is she?

Pupil 6: She is 10.

Pupil 1: How is your sister?

Pupil 6: She is fine, thanks.

Teacher: Well done. It was brilliant of you. Thank you very much, my dears. Sit down, Liza.

The third pupil sits down.

Teacher: And now tell me please, whom do you love more than everyone?

Pupils 1- Pupil 8: My family!!!

Teacher: Do you want to speak about your mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers?

Pupils 1- Pupil 8: Yes, of course, we do!

Teacher: Now look at the blackboard! There are a lot of beautiful photos of your families on it. One of you will come up to the blackboard and the others will ask different questions, ok?

Pupil 3: OK! I want to be the first!

Teacher: OK, Kate, come up to the blackboard.

Pupil 3 comes up to the blackboard, shows photos and speaks about her family.

Pupil 3: I have got a mother. Her name is Maya.

Pupil 4: How old is she?

Pupil 3: She is thirty five. I have got a father.

Pupil 5: How is your father?

Pupil 3: He is fine, thanks. His name is Max. He is from Russia.

Teacher: Well done, Kate. Thank you very much, my dear. Go back to your place. Pupil 3 goes back to her place.

Teacher: Who wants to be the next? Denis, please, come up to the blackboard.

Pupil 1 comes up to the blackboard, shows photos and speaks about his family.

Pupil 1: I have got a mother.

Pupil 2: What is her name?

Pupil 3: Her name is Olga. I have got a brother.

Pupil 7: What is his name?

Pupil 3: His name is Vladimir.

Pupil 8: How old is he?

Pupil 3: He is six.

Pupil 4: How is your brother?

Pupil 3: He is fine, thanks.

Teacher: Well done, Denis. Thank you very much, my dear. Go back to your place. Pupil 1 goes back to her place.

Teacher: Who wants to be the next? Camilla, please, come up to the blackboard.

Pupil 8 comes up to the blackboard, shows photos and speaks about her family.

Pupil 8: I have got a sister. Her name is Ravilya.

Pupil 2: How is your sister?

Pupil 8: She is fine, thanks. I have got a father.

Pupil 7: What is his name?

Pupil 8: His name is Mansur. He is forty.

Pupil 1: Where is he from?

Pupil 8: He is from Russia .

Pupil 4: How is your father?

Pupil 3: He is fine, thanks.

Teacher: It was great, Camilla. Thank you very much, my dear. Go back to your place. Pupil 8 goes back to her place.

VI. Итог урока

The teacher says in English and translates: Thank you very much. Now it is high time to sum up everything we have done during the lesson. What have we done today?

Pupil 1: We have dramatized the dialogues.

Pupil 2: We have sung two songs.

Pupil 3: We have played different games.

Pupil 7: We spoke about our families.

Teacher: Good. What was the most interesting for you? What was difficult?

Pupil 4: The games were interesting

Pupil 5: The dialogue was difficult for me.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your work, my dears. You did all of your tasks well and were a great success during the lesson. Please write down your home task: page 30, ex.1, 2.

Pupils write down their home task.

Teacher: And now I want to give you some marks for the lesson…

The teacher gives different marks to the pupils

Teacher: Good luck. Good-bye, my dears. See you later.

Pupil 1-Pupil 8: Good-bye.